
  1. 比如,芬兰就挑选了5000名网络时代的年轻人来培训本国教师使用电脑。

    For example , in Finland 5000 N-Geners have been chosen to train the country 's teachers in computers .

  2. 网络时代IBM公司实施企业再造的市场营销战略初探

    Preliminary analysis of IBM marketing strategy in enterprise reconstruction in the network era

  3. 博客(Blog)在网络时代的飞速发展,冲击着传统教育。

    Blog 's rapid development impacts the traditional education .

  4. 在Internet网络时代,人们总是把Internet看成一个整体,因此传统的研究人与眼前计算机的交互问题将发展成为基于Internet网络为中间媒体的人-人交互问题。

    Facing the time of the Internet , we always regard the Internet as a whole , therefore , the traditional research in Human-Computer Interaction has been turned to Human-to-Human Interaction based on the Internet as a media .

  5. VPN是网络时代企业不同地区分支机构间通信的主要手段,Tunnel技术更是VPN实现的主要手段。

    VPN is a main mean to communicate between a company 's branches of different areas in network echo . , most of which is realized through Tunnel .

  6. 我国正式加入WTO与网络时代的到来,标志着在信息化和知识经济的世界潮流中,我国将全面融入国际社会。

    China joins in the WTO formally and the arrival of network times means that China will fully integrate into the international community under the situation of information and knowledge economy of the world .

  7. 班级QQ群&网络时代高校构建和谐德育的新天地

    The Class QQ Population : A New World of Harmonious Moral Education Constructed by Higher Education Class Teachers during Internet Era

  8. 随着我国加入WTO和网络时代的到来,企业的竞争环境变得异常复杂,如何使企业能够更好的适应社会的要求,如何利用这些理论进行战略分析对企业显得异常重要。

    At the corner of China 's entry the WTO and the coming of net age , the competition environment of the enterprises has been extremely complex , strategic study is greatly important for the enterprises to adjust to the request of the social better .

  9. 浅谈会计在网络时代的发展与变革

    Talking about the Development and Transformation of Accountancy in Network Era

  10. 网络时代高校校园文化战略建构

    Strategical Construction of University 's Campus Culture in the Network Times

  11. 网络时代的辅助设计技术&NAD

    NAD the Technology of Aided Design at the Age of Network

  12. 网络时代财务报告的编报管理

    Study on Financial Report Preparation and Presentation Management in Internet Era

  13. 网络时代企业人力资源管理的对策

    Countermeasures of Enterprise for Human Resource Management in the Cyber Age

  14. 资源共享是网络时代的重要特征。

    Resource sharing is an important feature of the network era .

  15. 网络时代大众传播研究者面临的挑战与机遇&从受众研究和内容分析说起

    Chances and Challenges to Mass Communication Researchers in the Internet Age

  16. 论网络时代高校科技期刊的读者定位

    Reader orientation of sci-tech periodicals in universities in the internet age

  17. 网络时代如何做好学校德育教育

    How to Do the School Moral Education Well in Network Times

  18. 拓展网络时代图书馆读者服务领域

    Continuation of Readers ' Service Field of the Library in Network Era

  19. 信息网络时代高校共青团面临的挑战与对策

    Challenges and countermeasures of the Youth League in network era

  20. 论网络时代中国新闻传播业的生态变迁

    On Ecological Changes of Chinese New Media in Internet Era

  21. 网络时代地区信息化的测度及信息化评估模型的建立

    Measuring Area 's Informatization and Building Its Evaluation Model at Network Age

  22. 网络时代图书馆的边缘化走势及其应对

    Marginalization Trend of Library in Network Age and Its Countermeasures

  23. 网络时代图情专业的计算机教育

    Computer Education in Library and Information School in the Age of Network

  24. 网络时代企业管理的新变化

    The New Change of Enterprise Management in the Network Times

  25. 网络时代的公共管理变革

    On the change of public management in the era of information network

  26. 谈谈信息网络时代的高校学生思想政治工作

    Ideological and political work of college students in informational times

  27. 网络时代对信息管理人才提出了新的需求。

    Network time has a new requirement for people of information management .

  28. 网络时代高校德育的使命与途径

    The Mission and Approaches of Moral Education in Universities at the I-time

  29. 提升网络时代高校图书馆的参考咨询服务职能

    Promote the Reference and Inquiry Service Function of Library in Network Age

  30. 当今计算机技术已经进入以互联网为中心的网络时代。

    Nowadays , computer technology has entered the era of Internet-centric networks .