
Green Circulation : the Starting Point of Sustainable Development for Regional Economy : Case from Xiaogan of Hubei
Since developing green circulate is facing many problem , it is necessary to formulate a concept of green circulate , implement green management strategy , strengthen responsibilities of enterprises and socialize logistics as well as obtain strong support from the government .
We bring up different stratagem which the member enterprises of green supply chain circulation pattern of fresh agricultural product adopt in the different condition combination according as SWOT analysis matrix .
The research shows that the intermediate inputs , sunk cost , environments cost make a larger proportion in the cost of production and green logistics , green packaging cost accounts for the main part of circulation in the circulation cost .
This dissertation brings forward innovative circulation pattern of fresh agricultural product on the basis of green supply chain management theory , and designs operation flow chart of green supply chain circulation pattern of fresh agricultural product .
The basic strategy of Nanning green logistics system is leap-fogging strategy , and four supportive strategies are the strategy of green transportation system , the strategy of green packaging system , the strategy of green machining system and the strategy of green logistics of castoff .