
  • 网络Oasis agriculture;oasis farming
  1. 新疆绿洲农业中新节水栽培方法的探讨

    Studies on the New Cultivation Methods to Saving Water in Oasis Farming in Xinjiang , China

  2. 发展沙漠农业,实施绿洲农业工程;

    Developing agriculture in deserts and implementing project of oasis agriculture ;

  3. 为了培肥地力,模式养分平衡要求N盈余在40%以上,以实现绿洲农业生态系统养分良性循环。

    In order to fertilize the soil fertility , the model of nutrient balance demands that the surplus of N should be over 40 % so as to achieve a good nutrient cycle in the oases agro-ecosystem .

  4. 新疆绿洲农业的膜上灌水技术

    Irrigation Technique Over Pored plastic Film for Oasis Agriculture in Xinjiang

  5. 基于能值理论的绿洲农业生态经济系统可持续性分析

    Analysis on Sustainability of Oasis Agro-economic System Based on Emergy Theory

  6. 新疆绿洲农业持续发展的对策

    Views on Strategy of Sustainable Development about Xinjiang Oasis Agriculture

  7. 基于耗散结构理论的绿洲农业系统发展研究

    The Development of Agriculture System in Oasis Based on Dissipative Structure Theory

  8. 绿洲农业节水系统的多目标规划模型&以哈密市为例

    Multi-objective programming model for water-saving system of oasis agriculture

  9. 武威绿洲农业生态环境恢复与重建对策

    The Tactics to Recover and Rebuild the Agricultural Ecological Environment of Wuwei Oasis

  10. 河西走廊绿洲农业区生态足迹和环境资产负债研究

    The Ecological Footprints and Environmental Assets and Liabilities in Hexi Oasis Agricultural Area

  11. 甘肃省河西绿洲农业区生态足迹动态研究

    Dynamics of ecological footprints of agricultural region in Hexi oasis of Gansu Province

  12. 新疆绿洲农业结构调整战略研究

    Strategic Research on Oasis Agricultual Structureal Adjustment in Xinjiang

  13. 新疆绿洲农业、农村产业结构调整方向与途径的重新审视

    Direction and Ways of Agriculture Adjustment of Xinjiang Oasis

  14. 膜下滴灌技术对新疆绿洲农业持续发展的效应

    Effects of drip irrigation underneath mulching film on sustainable oasis agriculture in Xinjiang

  15. 绿洲农业是依靠灌溉发展起来的生态系统。

    Oasis agriculture is a kind of ecological system , which based on irrigating .

  16. 推行农业企业化经营加速西北绿洲农业现代化进程

    Promoting Agricultural Enterprises Operation to Accelerate the Process of Oasis modernization in Northwest China

  17. 绿洲农业开发风险分析研究进展

    Advances in Risk-Analysis Studies of Oasis Agriculture Exploitation

  18. 黑河绿洲农业自然资源空间组合与资源潜力研究

    A Study on Combination of Agricultural Resources and Natural Resources Potentialities in Heihe Oasis

  19. 沙漠增温效应特征及其对绿洲农业的影响

    Characteristics of improving temperature effect of desert and its affection on the oases agriculture

  20. 西北干旱区内陆绿洲农业特征及可持续发展策略

    The Characteristics and Sustainable Development Tactic of Midland Oasis Agriculture in Northwest Arid Regions

  21. 绿洲农业结构调整的问题探讨

    Discussion on Problems in Oasis Agriculture Restructure

  22. 近四十年新疆绿洲农业生态经济系统运行态势

    Developmental Trend on Ecological Economic System of Oasis Agriculture in Xinjiang in Past 40 Years

  23. 新疆的绿洲农业

    Agriculture in Oases of Xinjiang Autonomous Region

  24. 干旱区典型绿洲农业生态经济系统的结构和功能分析&以塔里木河中下游的尉犁县为例

    Study on the Structure and Function of Agriculture Eco-economy System in Yuli County , Xinjiang

  25. 绿洲农业区可持续性综合研究

    General Sustainability Study of Oasis Agricultural Area

  26. 水土资源的开发始终是绿洲农业发展的核心问题。

    The exploitation of soil and water resources is the key factor of oases agriculture development .

  27. 敦煌绿洲农业发展动态研究

    Research on Dunhuang Oasis Agriculture Development

  28. 西部大开发中,绿洲农业综合开发成为热点。

    The oasis agriculture general exploitation is getting hotter with the advancement of western development policy .

  29. 塔里木河上游典型绿洲农业生态系统的能值动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Emergy on Agro-ecosystem of Typical Oasis in the Upper Reaches of Tarim River

  30. 绿洲农业生态系统的结构功能及效益分析&以甘肃武威绿洲为例

    Analyses on structures , functions and benefits of the oasis agro-ecosystems & a case study of Wuwei