
  1. 主要对策有合理定价政策、控制用药品种、规范处方行为、完善医疗机构经营机制、限定流通机构利润、加强医药监管系统、全面应用药物经济学等。

    Major containments should involve : scientific pricing principle , essential drug list , prescription criteria , hospital management upgrade , restriction on distribution profit , concentrated drug monitor system , execution of Pharmacoeconomics .

  2. 本文的研究旨在为全流通时期机构投资者参与公司治理提供理论依据及指导。

    This study aimed at the institutional investors to participate in the full circulation of corporate governance provides a theoretical basis and guidance .

  3. 厂商、批发商、零售商及消费者作为流通渠道机构个体,其行为存在一定的差异性,只有从差异化角度,对流通渠道机构个体进行针对性地探索,才能正确地把握渠道个体的行为趋势。

    The firm , the wholesaler , the retailer and consumers . A correct understanding of the differentiation of the channel agents will help better predict the trend of the individual behaviors of the circulation channels .

  4. 税关,作为征收长途商品流通税的机构,也与全国经济发展格局的变化相一致。

    Customs house , as a institution of levy on Circulation tax on long-distance circulation of commodities , also consistent with the economic development pattern of the nation .

  5. 现代金融体系有五个构成要素:分别是由货币制度所规范的货币流通、金融机构、金融市场、金融工具、制度和调控机制。

    A modern financial system has five elements : namely money circulation standard by the currency system , financial institutions , financial markets , financial instruments , systems and regulatory mechanisms .

  6. 在发展竹林资源、搞好市场流通、完善管理机构、抓好技改工作、培植龙头企业和实施经济扶持等发展措施方面进行了详细的论述。

    Some development measures are expounded , such as development bamboo resources , regulating market circulation , improving management system , foster dragon enterprises and realizing economic supporting .

  7. 本文从现有药品流通体系和医疗机构药品供应特点入手,分析了医院药品物流体系应具备的功能。

    At the beginning of the dissertation , the character of the existing circulating system and medicine serve was offered , and the functions of this system were analyzed .

  8. 股票、公司债券等虚拟资本在一级市场的发行与在二级市场的流通都需要金融机构的参与。

    Fictitious stocks , corporate bonds and other fictitious capitals issue in the primary market and circulate in the secondary market , which all need the participation of financial institutions .

  9. 中国的流通体系经历了机构流通体系、产品流通体系、管理流通体系、水准流通体系的演变过程。

    The author points out that China 's circulation system has experienced an evolutionary process including organ circulation system , product circulation system , management circulation system and standard circulation system .

  10. 随着国内零售企业的迅速兴起与发展、中国零售消费市场不断扩大容量、各大国际零售巨头纷纷进驻我国消费市场,国内零售业的市场流通体系和商业机构建设也在不断增强和完善。

    Following the growth of the domestic retail business and development , the Chinese retail market keep going to expand capacity and major international retail giant and companies continues got into the Chinese market , the system of it becomes enhanced and improved .

  11. 机构投资者对上市公司流通市值也有显著影响,上市公司流通市值比例与机构投资者持股正相关。

    The proportions of current market prise of the listed company are correlated positively with the proportions of institutional shares .