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  • green revolution
  1. 从事这项工作的公共关系旗舰就是非洲绿色革命联盟(AGRA),一项庞大的绿色革命项目。

    The public relations flagship for this effort is the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa ( AGRA ), a massive Green Revolution project .

  2. Borlaug在确立粮食安全方面的成功这被称之为绿色革命出现在这颗星球的人口远远少于今天的时候。

    Borlaug 's success in establishing food security dubbed the Green Revolution came at a time when the planet was far less populated than today .

  3. GDP的绿色革命

    Green reformation on GDP

  4. 现在来看一下Facebook上的一个团体。该团体叫做百万人支持绿色革命一周年。

    This is a look at the Facebook group that has been set up is called one million in support of the Green Movement 's first anniversary .

  5. 非洲绿色革命联盟的副主席AkinAdesina于今年6月被联合国秘书长潘基文任命为千年发展目标倡导组织的负责人,该组织的目标是动员人们实现MDG。

    Was appointed in June by UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon to the MDG Advocacy Group , which aims to mobilise people towards meeting the MDGs .

  6. 要想获得政府提供的资助,JLR还须更快地进行一场汽车绿色革命。

    Not enough , says Julia King , vice chancellor of Aston , Birmingham 's other university : to deserve government backing the company should lead a much faster green revolution .

  7. 概述了国内外同行及作者在制革清洁工艺方面的研究成果,提出了制革工业绿色革命的方向。

    The tendency of green revolution in leather making is proposed .

  8. 论水稻新株形育种与绿色革命

    Discussion on Breeding for New Plant Type Rice and Green Revolution

  9. 美国处在第二次绿色革命的边缘。

    America is on the verge of a second green revolution .

  10. 诺曼。博洛曾领导过被熟知为绿色革命的(运动)。

    Norman Borlaug led what was known as the Green Revolution .

  11. 新绿色革命正在新的技术平台上迅速展开。

    The new green revolution is developing on the new technology platform .

  12. 联合国前秘书长科菲安南是非洲绿色革命联盟的主席。

    Former United Nations chief Kofi Annan is the chairman of AGRA .

  13. 出口纺织品如何面对“绿色革命”

    How will the export textiles match " green revolution "

  14. 新绿色革命:解决中国农业问题的再度选择

    The new green revolution : the choice to solve Chinese agricultural problems

  15. 在后半生,他试图为非洲带来绿色革命。

    Later in life he tried to bring the Green Revolution to Africa .

  16. 绿色革命与印度农村变革&典型调查剖析

    The green revolution and the rural change of India

  17. 您认为“奢侈品包装的绿色革命”特区的展示如何?

    How did you think about " Luxe Pack in Green " area ?

  18. 城市规划:走向居住绿色革命的途径

    City Planning , New Approach to Living Green Revolution

  19. 会计界的绿色革命&环境会计研究

    Green revolution of the accounting field & A study of the environmental accounting

  20. 中国的绿色革命与持续农业

    China 's Green Revolution and Sustained Development of Agriculture

  21. 绿色革命&从杂交到基因工程

    Green Revolution & From Hybridization to Gene Engineering

  22. 同时,绿色革命也使城乡之间的关系发生了变化。

    At the same time , the relationship between urban and countryside had changed .

  23. 对绿色革命与新绿色革命的若干思考

    Reflections on Green Revolution and New Green Revolution

  24. 还原论的整体论转向:范式的绿色革命

    The " Green " Revolution of " Normal Form ", from Reductionism to Wholism

  25. 绿色革命招致了一些批评。

    The Green Revolution has its critics .

  26. 他解释说,农业的发展推动了上世纪六十年代的绿色革命。

    He explained that the Green Revolution of the 1960s was spurred by agricultural advances .

  27. 从绿色革命到绿色营销

    From Green Revolution to Green Marketing

  28. 在“绿色革命”期间,新农业方法和技术让许多国家的粮食产量增加。

    New agricultural methods and technology increased food production in many countries during the Green Revolution .

  29. 新的绿色革命与环境质量安全

    Second Green Revolution and Environment Security

  30. 在上世纪60年代,绿色革命使得农业产量的进一步跃升成为可能。

    In the 1960s , the green revolution allowed for a further leap in agricultural production .