
lǜ sè hé pínɡ zǔ zhī
  • Greenpeace;Green Peace organization
  1. 他是绿色和平组织的忠实拥护者。

    He 's a loyal supporter of the Green Peace organization .

  2. 所有绿色和平组织人士表现出了超乎寻常的克制和大度。

    All the Greenpeace people behaved with impressive forbearance and dignity .

  3. 绿色和平组织设法聚集起足够数量的小船在海上拦截该船。

    Greenpeace managed to assemble enough boats to waylay the ship at sea

  4. 绿色和平组织拒绝取消这一活动。

    Greenpeace refused to call off the event .

  5. 绿色和平组织的旗舰正在穿越巴伦支海的北极寒冷地带。

    The Greenpeace flagship is voyaging through the Arctic cold of the Barents Sea .

  6. 绿色和平组织发现,贵屿的空气、土地和河流受到了严重的污染。

    Greenpeace , an environmental group , has found the air , the earth and the rivers in Guiyu badly polluted .

  7. 绿色和平组织与另一家提倡环境保护的组织,英国环境调查机构,逐年密切关注超市的塑料使用量。

    Greenpeace and another campaign group , The Environmental Investigation1 Agency , monitor plastic usage by the supermarkets on an annual basis .

  8. 绿色和平组织印度分部(GreenpeaceIndia)对上述新目标表示欢迎。

    Greenpeace India welcomed the new targets .

  9. 世界自然基金会(WorldWildlifeFund)和绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)等环保团体也认为,北极地区发生石油泄漏的风险太大,不应在那里进行钻井作业。

    Environmental groups such as World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace believe the risk of an oil spill in the Arctic is too great to justify drilling there .

  10. 绿色和平组织最近发布了最新版本《环保电子指导书》(GuidetoGreenerElectronics),书中将各大高科技企业按生产过程中产生的污染水平进行分级排名。

    Activist group Greenpeace has released a new edition of its Guide to Greener Electronics , which ranks major high-tech corporations in terms of their alleged environmental friendliness .

  11. 包括IFAW、世界野生动物基金会(WorldWildlifeFund)和绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)在内的野生动物保护组织无法立即提供相关数据,且走私掩盖了实际的贸易数额。

    Wildlife groups including the IFAW , the World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace didn 't have data immediately available , and smuggling masks actual trade trends .

  12. 可口可乐还与绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)合作在奥运场馆放置环保的自动贩卖机和冰箱。

    The company is also working with Greenpeace on supplying environmentally friendly vending machines and refrigerators at Olympic sites .

  13. 这种增加的影响将是灾难性的,绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)执行理事约翰索文(JohnSauven)表示。

    The impact of this increase is going to be catastrophic , said John Sauven , Greenpeace executive director .

  14. 去年秋天,俄罗斯扣留了一艘绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)的船只,以及乘该船前来抗议北方极地另一座俄罗斯钻台的活动人士。

    Russia last fall detained a Greenpeace vessel and its crew of activists protesting another Russian rig in the far north .

  15. 2000年,绿色和平组织(greenpeace)的28名行动者以某块转基因玉米地会污染周边庄稼为由毁坏了它,被判无罪。

    In 2000 , 28 Greenpeace activists were acquitted of destroying a field of genetically modified maize they said could contaminate neighbouring crops .

  16. 绿色和平组织把这则短片上传到了YouTube网站上,呼吁人们重视全球变暖问题,由于全球变暖,该地区的冰川正在融化。

    Greenpeace , which wanted to use the clip to raise awareness of global warming that is melting glaciers in the area , uploaded the clip to YouTube .

  17. 根据绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)的分析,中国政府上月发布的数据似乎表明,2015年,来自化石燃料与水泥的碳排放已经出现下降。

    Last month the government released figures suggesting emissions from fossil fuels and cement had fallen in 2015 , according to analysis from Greenpeace .

  18. 绿色和平组织(greenpeace)指出,私人喷气式飞机的人均二氧化碳排放量比商业客机高得多。

    As Greenpeace points out , the amount of of CO2 emitted per passenger travelling by private jet compared to a commercial airliner is significantly higher .

  19. 绿色和平组织有毒和电子废品专家卡西•哈雷尔(CaseyHarrell)说:这些产品的设计初衷应考虑到报废问题。

    ' They are designed for obsolescence , 'says Casey Harrell , an expert on toxins and e-waste with Greenpeace .

  20. 绿色和平组织(greenpeace)表示,奥巴马的行程安排“城市没错,日期错了”,表明他“就是没有认真对待这件事”。

    Greenpeace said it was " the right city , wrong date " and showed that Mr Obama was " just not taking this issue seriously " .

  21. 但是环保组织绿色和平组织的JossGarman表示,各国政府首先应该关注本国的能源政策。

    But Joss Garman from the environmental group Greenpeace says governments should focus first on their own energy policies .

  22. CNET公司产品的能源消耗率和绿色和平组织现在利率个人消费电子产品制造商的事情,从有毒物质的温室气体报告。

    CNET rates products on energy consumption now and Greenpeace rates individual consumer electronics manufacturers on everything from toxic material to greenhouse gas reporting .

  23. 环保组织“绿色和平组织”称Arturo的逝世是阿根廷动物园不适宜的环境条件造成的一例。

    The environmental group Greenpeace called Arturo 's case an example of theinappropriate conditions suffered by animals in Argentina 's zoos .

  24. 非政府组织和企业界有集中其部分专业技能的传统:例如,绿色和平组织(greenpeace)已与很多跨国公司进行了合作。

    There is a tradition of nongovernmental organisations and the corporate world pooling some of their expertise : Greenpeace has entered alliances with a number of multinationals , for instance .

  25. 根据环保组织绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)整理的数据,北京和上海等中国东部城市的雾霾正在减少,而中国内陆城市的雾霾却在加重。

    The smog is thinning in China 's eastern cities such as Beijing and Shanghai , but worsening in the country 's interior , according to data collated by environmental group Greenpeace .

  26. 正如环保团体绿色和平组织(greenpeace)在本周发表的一份报告所承认的那样,中国承诺举办一届“绿色奥运”,并已经为此采取了很多措施。

    China promised a " Green Olympics " and has done much to try to achieve that goal , as acknowledged in a report released this week by Greenpeace , the environmental group .

  27. 绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)驻中国研究人员指出,2014年前三个季度,中国的燃煤总量比上年同期减少了1-2%。

    According to China-based researchers for Greenpeace , the total amount of coal burned in the first three-quarters of 2014 was 1 % to 2 % lower than the same period a year earlier .

  28. 该大纲是由思凡•泰斯科(SvenTeske)领导编写的,他是绿色和平组织可再生能源项目主管,也是相关有争议内容的12个作者之一。

    Its development was led by Sven Teske , director of the group 's renewable-energy campaign . He was also one of the 12 authors of the chapter in question .

  29. 至于要想在绿色和平组织的排名中有出色表现,各公司还必须确认产品及生产过程中未使用聚氯乙烯(PVC)和《有害物质限制使用规定》中未列出的某些BFR。

    To do well in Greenpeace 's rankings , firms must make sure both products and production processes are free of polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) [ 3 ] and some BFRs that are not on the RoHS list .

  30. 此外,气候委员会的主席金德拉•帕乔里(RajendraPachauri)还为绿色和平组织的一个出版物作序,为其添彩不少,该出版物是也是以有争议的章节为依据的。

    What is more , a Greenpeace publication based on this scenario was graced by a foreword written by Rajendra Pachauri , the IPCC 's chairman .