
  • 网络green screen;greenscreen
  1. 这就意味着伊恩·麦凯伦只能在绿幕前拍摄他的场景,没有矮人们或者任何人与他对话做参考。

    This meant that Ian McKellan had to film his scenes in front of a green screen , without talking to the dwarves , or anyone at all for reference .

  2. 毫无疑问我们好歹需要一个剧场,但我们要尽可能从简:一幅绿幕,一点木工活&仅此而已。

    Something of a theatre we must have undoubtedly , but it will be on the simplest plan : a green curtain and a little carpenter 's work , and that 's all ;

  3. 这段对话看似是一场面对面式的闲聊,但是组织方表示,霍金事实上是坐在剑桥办公室的一块绿幕面前,他只是将自己的影像投射到香港科技展厅的透明屏幕之上,以数字全息图像的呈现方式与大家见面。

    This dialogue appeared to be a face-to-face chat , but according to the organizer , Hawking was actually sitting in front of a green screen in his office in Cambridge , only having his image beamed to a transparent screen in the hall in Hong Kong and presented to the audience as a digital human hologram .