
  • 网络Green skin;Orks;Greenskins;Greenskin
  1. 《中国语言生活绿皮书》是关于语言生活的系列丛书,按内容分为A类和B类,A类发布语言文字的软性规范标准,B类是语言生活的状况与分析研究。

    The Green Paper on Language Situation in China ( GPLSC ) is a series book concerning language situation in China , encompassing two different types according to the content . Type A promulgates the soft norms of the language while Type B investigates and analyzes the language situation .

  2. 你还是要买下绿皮胡瓜的。

    You 're still gonna have to pay for the zucchini .

  3. 常吃的蔬菜各色各样,从洋蓟到绿皮密生西葫芦。

    Vegetable choices go all the way from artichokes to zucchini .

  4. 土地与生存空间的退化&世界环境绿皮书之四

    Degradation of the Land and Living Space Global Environment Green-book Serial Four

  5. 绿皮细胞2层,有叶绿体;

    The shagreen cell is two layer with chlorophyll .

  6. 马克:这部叫《绿皮书》。

    Mark : It was called The Green Book .

  7. 宝石绿是他最爱的颜色,不仅出现在各种旗帜上,还出现在绿皮书以及广告牌上。

    Precious green was his colour , in flags , Book and billboards .

  8. 一九九二年发表的康复政策及服务绿皮书

    1992 Green Paper on Rehabilitation Policies and Services

  9. 政府政策概述的绿皮书里

    Government policy is outlined in the green paper

  10. 最近的住房绿皮书承诺,英国将在2020年前新建300万套住房。

    The recent housing green paper committed Britain to building 3M homes by 2020 .

  11. 基于色度域划分的马铃薯绿皮检测方法

    Greened potatoes detection based on hue threshold division

  12. 本次绿皮书较少言及欧洲委员会希望达到的目的。

    The green paper gives little away about what the European Commission hopes to achieve .

  13. 再见,绿皮车!

    Bye bye [ green trains ] !

  14. 马克:对,不管怎样,我很高兴有了“绿皮书”这部电影。

    Mark : Right . Anyway , I 'm glad The Green Book was made .

  15. 上述郑州至温州的列车是最后一趟跨省运行的绿皮车。

    The Zhengzhou-Wenzhou green train was the last train running between provinces of its kind .

  16. 是这本绿皮的吗?

    Is it this green one ?

  17. 绿皮车因外部油漆是绿色而得名,一般由蒸汽机拉动,不过现在的绿皮车一般都是柴油机车。

    Traditionally they were powered by steam engine , though diesel trains are now the norm .

  18. 本周,中国网民对绿皮车的消失抒发了怀旧之情。

    Online this week , netizens wrote nostalgically about the disappearance of China 's green trains .

  19. 绿皮书出色地展示了60年前的种族紧张状况。

    The Green Book did an excellent job showing what racial tensions were like 60 years ago .

  20. 大气层灰色的危机&世界环境绿皮书之三

    Global Environment Green-book Serial Three

  21. 虽然绿皮车仍将在一些地方运行,但将被逐步淘汰。

    Though green trains still run locally in some areas , they are gradually being phased out .

  22. 血斧氏族曾经极为强大,在绿皮的社会体系中长期居于支配地位。

    This clan was once very powerful , and easily dominated Ork society for a long time .

  23. 绿皮的书在那一摞的底下,红皮的在上边。

    The green book is at the bottom of the pile and the red one is on top .

  24. 所有葡萄属种紫皮或绿皮的多汁果实;丛生。

    Any of various juicy purple - or green-skinned fruit of the genus Vitis ; grow in clusters .

  25. 今年晚些时候,在一份关于城市交通的绿皮书中,欧盟委员会将会再次讨论这一问题。

    The Commission will return to this issue in a green paper on urban transport due later this year .

  26. 叶柄由表皮、绿皮层、下皮层、基本组织、维管束、髓组成。

    Leaf stalk is made up of epidermis , shagreen cell , uder-cortex , basic tissue , vascular and medulla .

  27. 在他身后的她那张写字台上放着该书全套十五册,都是绿皮面装帧的。

    All fifteen volumes of the book , bound in green leather , stood behind him on her writing table .

  28. 我们在温室似的绿皮车厢里许多层玻璃后面坐下,向城里进发。

    Sitting down behind many layers of glass in a sort of green leather conservatory , we started to town .

  29. “绿皮书”中指出:在过去五年里,记录在案的犯罪事件共238起,涉案学生多达264人。

    During the past five years , 238 crimes involving 264 students have been filed , according to the Green Book .

  30. 随着3月底咨询性绿皮书的发表,欧盟委员会现在已经引发一场有关这一话题的争论。

    With its consultative green paper issued end-March , the European Commission has now kicked off a wider debate on the subject .