
  1. 数字版权技术及其在IPTV中的应用

    Digital Rights Management Technology and its Appli-cation to IPTV

  2. DRM即数字版权管理技术的出现,给以公开文献为基础的传统信息检索模式带来了一定的挑战。

    The technology of digital rights management potentially threats the traditional information retrieval model based on completely unprotected documents .

  3. 针对各种数字版权保护技术、方法的优缺点及各种技术应用的现状,提出更加有效的版权保护技术方案&基于移动Agent技术的数字版权保护。

    Analyzing the merits and the defects of all the digital right management technology , and the actual state of application about all kinds of technology . Finally , it gives a more available technology & the digital right management technology based on mobile Agent .

  4. 随着音视频压缩编解码技术、内容分发网技术、数字版权管理技术、IP组播技术等关键技术的成熟以及宽带用户的逐步增多,IPTV已经成为当前宽带多媒体业务的热点应用之一。

    With the maturity of key technologies such as Audio / Video Compression , CDN , DRM , IP Multicast etc. and the rapid growth of the number of broadband consumers , IPTV is now becoming one of the most popular applications in the area of Broadband Multimedia .

  5. 数字版权管理技术的研究现状及在数字电视系统中的应用

    Research of DRM Technology and Its Application in Digital TV System

  6. 因此数字版权保护技术的研究就变得越来越重要。

    Therefore , digital copyright protection technology becomes more and more important .

  7. 数字版权保护技术主要包括加密技术和数字水印技术。

    Dig-ital rights management include encryption and digital watermark .

  8. 数字版权保护技术研究综述

    A Survey of the Research on Digital Rights Management

  9. 移动数字版权管理技术的出现,解决了这一难题。

    The appearance of mobile digital rights management technology , solves this problem .

  10. 现有数字版权管理技术和标准模型研究。

    ( 2 ) Existing digital rights management technology and the standard model .

  11. 数字版权管理技术研究与实践

    Study and Implementation of Digital Rights Management Technology

  12. 基于多种许可证的数字版权管理技术

    Technology of digital rights management based on multi-license

  13. 技术基础包括网络技术、出版技术和数字版权保护技术;

    The technology foundation includes network technology , publishing technology and digital copyright protection technology ;

  14. 家庭网络与数字版权管理技术

    Home Networks and Digital Rights Management

  15. 数字版权管理技术维护了版权拥有者以及相关各方的利益。

    DRM is used to maintain the rights of copyright owners and the interests of the parties concerned .

  16. 本文主要概述了目前关于这一问题的各种法律规定、保护数字版权的技术手段以及在实际中的应用等。

    The paper mainly discusses laws and orders , technologies to protect digital copyright and practical applications about the problem .

  17. 数字版权管理技术可以使电子图书在达到一定期限或使用限制后失效。

    Technology known as digital rights management can make e-books unreadable once they have reached a certain time or user limit .

  18. 但消费者对高质量高价格的无数字版权保护技术的音乐是否感兴趣还不明朗。

    However , it is unclear whether consumers would be attracted to a DRM-free track at a higher price even if it is billed as higher quality .

  19. 本文介绍了数字版权管理技术的现状和该技术在家庭网络中的应用以及存在的问题,并设计了一种基于域的家庭网络数字版权管理系统。

    This paper introduces the condition of the Digital right management ( DRM ), the applications of this technology in a home network system and the problem in these applications .

  20. 在技术层面,互联网技术、显示技术、移动通信技术、数字版权保护技术等是影响纯网络杂志的关键因素。

    On the aspect of technology , the key factors that influence the development of the electronic-only joumal are the display technology the communication technology , the Internet technology , and the protecting technology .

  21. 本文在对现在的数字版权保护技术和数字版权保护系统研究的基础上,提出一个比较完整的网上数字内容的版权保护机制&基于版权保护的数字内容安全交易系统。

    Through making researches on the present technology and system of digital rights management , the paper designs relatively integrated rights protection mechanism & a secure trade system of digital content based on rights management .

  22. 本论文基于密码和水印对数字版权保护技术进行了深入的研究,包括数字版权保护模式及其协议研究,软件混淆技术及其与软件水印结合的研究。

    The DRM technology based on cryptography and watermark is deeply researched in this thesis , including the DRM protecting modes and the DRM protocols , the software obfuscating technique and its integrating with software watermark .

  23. 为了解决这一个问题,人们提出了数字版权管理技术,该技术现已成为各国研究的热点。本文首先对多媒体版权保护的相关理论和技术进行了分析和研究。

    In order to solve this problem , digital copyright management technology , which has become the hot point of research in different countries , has been made out . Firstly , this paper analyses the theories and technologies concerning to multi-media copyright protection .

  24. 数字图书馆版权保护技术及其规避行为的法律对策

    Copyright Protection Technology of Digital Library and the Legal Limitations on its Circumvention

  25. 一种新型数字媒体版权保护技术&数字水印

    New Copyright Protection Techniques for Digital Products ─ Watermarking

  26. 文中研究了基于静态图像的离散余弦变换域的数字水印版权保护技术。

    The technique of DCT-Based digital watermarking for copyright protection of static image is studied in this paper .

  27. 为了保护版权,防止产品被篡改,假冒和盗用,提出一种新的数字产品版权保护技术即数字水印。

    In order to protect copyright of digital products and prevent piracy , a technology & digital watermarking is proposed .

  28. 作为解决数字版权保护关键技术手段之一的数字水印技术已经开始应用到数字版权保护中。

    The digital watermarking technology as a solving digital copyright protection essential technical method has already started to apply to the digital copyright protection .

  29. 文本水印是一种有效的数字文本版权保护技术,鲁棒性和安全性是其研究的核心问题之一。

    Text watermarking is an efficient copyright protection technique for digital documents . One of the key issues in it is robustness and security .

  30. 数字版权管理领域相关技术专利问题的分析及对策

    Analysis of Patents in Digital Right Management Domain and the Corresponding Countermeasures