
  • 网络GPA;grade point average;point;grade point
  1. 当我开始上大学时,希望奖学金得到了乔治亚州的资助,并颁发给平均学分绩点为3。0或以上的高中毕业生。

    When I started college , the HOPE scholarship was funded by the state of Georgia and offered to graduating high school seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher .

  2. 交一份很低的绩点出来对你毫无帮助。

    Including a low GPA won 't help your case 。

  3. 如果你有一门学科绩点为4.0,那你现在唯一要做的就是学习。

    If you have a 4.0 , what you need to be doing is studying .

  4. 叙述了利用Delphi和数据库技术的院系本科生学分绩点查询统计系统的开发和技术要点及查询系统的功能特点。

    Development of credit hour grade inquiry statistics of college , technical points , functional characteristics were studied with Delphi and data base technique .

  5. 他的GMAT(研究生管理专业入学考试)成绩是740分,GPA(平均绩点)为3.45。这位印度裔美国人不仅是一位零差点球员,还攀登过珠穆朗玛峰。

    With a 740 GMAT and a grade point average of 3.45 , this Indian-American is not only a scratch golfer , he also climbed Mount Everest .

  6. 他已经打好了基础:SAT高分;参与音乐体育活动;参加各类荣誉团体;逾100小时的社会服务;还荣获了颁发给平均绩点最高的高年级学生的特别奖项。

    He had laid the groundwork : high SAT scores ; participation in sports and music ; a special prize for junior-year students with the highest grade-point averages ; membership in various honor societies ; more than 100 hours of community service .

  7. 谷歌(GoogleInc.)因高度重视求职者的平均学分绩点、考试分数和母校而著称,但该公司在大约两年前改变了策略,因数据显示传统意义上“血统纯正”的求职者工作不一定更出色。

    Google Inc. famously fixated on job candidates ' grade-point averages , test scores and alma mater , but the company changed tactics about two years ago , when data showed that traditionally pedigreed candidates didn 't always make better hires .

  8. GMAT(研究生管理专业入学考试)的平均分数高达720分,而这批MBA新生在本科阶段的平均绩点(3.67)同样令人叹为观止。

    The median GMAT ( Graduate Management Admission Test ) score was a hefty 720 , while the average undergraduate grade point average for the newest crop of MBA students was an impressive 3.67 .

  9. 他已经拿到了2.3的绩点,在去年8月完成了全部的学业,然而FOM一纸诉状,要求其赔付由于毕业过快所造成的经济损失。

    He managed to achieve a grade of 2.3 but now FOM is suing Mr Pohl for loss of income after he completed his studies in August of last year .

  10. 许多大学生的平均绩点(GPA)较低,是因为他们将精力用在了其他方面,比如在校报工作,积极参与俱乐部、志愿者工作,或在校园内外组建新的社团等。

    Many college students have low GPAs because they 're focused on other things , like working at the school newspaper , being heavily involved in clubs , volunteer work , or building new organizations on and off campus .

  11. 弗吉尼亚州麦克莱恩(McLean)的事件管理软件公司CventInc.要求所有求职者在提供工作履历的同时提交SAT或ACT分数、研究生院入学测试成绩和平均学分绩点。

    Cvent Inc. , a McLean , Va. , event management software company , asks all job applicants to provide SAT or ACT scores , results from graduate-school entrance tests and grade-point averages along with their work history .

  12. 构建学分绩点制,实现教学质量客观评价与监控

    Constructing Credit Accumulated-points System , and Realizing Teaching Quality Evaluation Monitoring

  13. 我大学绩点4.0你多少

    I had a 4.0 in college . How about you ?

  14. 学生平均绩点计算模板的实现及应用

    The Implementation and Application of the Template about Calculating Student Average Score-Point

  15. 都是辩论队,管弦乐队,预科,高绩点。

    It 's all debate team , orchestra , A.P. , GPA .

  16. 学分绩点制学籍管理的探讨

    Probe into the School Roll Administration of Grade Credit System

  17. 多亏了你我才能得到这个绩点。

    Uh , I have my GPA because of you .

  18. 学分制下学分绩点度量模型研究

    The Measure Methods of Accumulated-points in the Credit System

  19. 我想自己看看绩点。

    I 'd like to check the GPAs myself .

  20. 传媒学专业,他说他平均绩点3.0。

    A communications major , he said he carries about a3.0 grade point average .

  21. 候选人A:常春藤盟校,绩点4.0,完美的履历,出色的推荐信。

    Person A : Ivy League , 4.0 , flawless resume , great recommendations .

  22. 首先是我在学校的表现,我有一个不错的平均绩点。

    First is my performance in school . I have a very suitable GPA .

  23. 在我看来,平均绩点低,没有什么好的借口。

    In my opinion , there is no good excuse whatsoever for a low GPA .

  24. 虽然这没有明显提高你的平均绩点,但你发现它与你求职的工作有密切的关系。

    Though it didn 't necessarily improve your GPA markedly , you found it engaging .

  25. 绩点制是实行学分制的重要配套措施之一。

    Accumulated points system is one of the most important measurements for university credit system .

  26. 他的学分绩点很高,擅长辩论,和他人共同创立了一个数学俱乐部。

    He had a high GPA , excelled at debating and co-founded a math club .

  27. 我只是认为,平均绩点与你的第一份全职工作申请有一定的关系。

    I really only think GPA is relevant for your first full time job application .

  28. 但我的绩点是4.645923。-

    But my GPA 'S 4.645923 . -

  29. 四年制大学学位、最低限度的平均绩点和相关经验,是得到面试机会的基本筹码。

    A 4-year degree , minimum-GPA and relevant experience are potential table-stakes to get the interview .

  30. 关于绩点制问题的研讨

    A Study on the Accumulated-points System