
  1. 今后,职工实际平均工资未增长的企业,国企负责人绩效年薪不得增长。

    From now on , the staff average wages growth 's enterprise , the state-owned enterprise person in charge achievements yearly salary cannot grow actually .

  2. 当企业拖欠职工工资和“五险一金”时,暂缓兑现企业负责人绩效年薪;

    When the enterprise falls behind the staff wages and " a five dangerous gold ", postpones the cash enterprise person in charge achievements yearly salary ;

  3. 人力资源战略与企业战略之间的匹配、动态的人力资源规划、系统的培训、与绩效挂钩的年薪制、学习型组织的建设等是推动企业可持续发展的根本途径。

    The matching of the stratagems of manpower resource and corporation , dynamic layout of manpower resource , systemic training , annual pay system concerned with the performance of corporation and the establishment of learning organization and so on are fundamental methods to promote the continuable development of corporations .