
  • 网络System;Process;system process
  1. 利用Visualc++开发系统进程管理器

    Using Visual C + + to Design System Process Manager

  2. 例如,将DB2通信侦听器作为系统进程进行创建。

    For example , the DB2 communications listeners are created as system processes .

  3. 考虑到WebSphereVirtualEnterprise的动态特性,仅仅监视操作系统进程是不够的。

    Given the dynamic nature of WebSphere Virtual Enterprise , simply monitoring the operating system processes is no longer sufficient .

  4. UNIX系统进程保留恢复的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Process Saving and Restoring in UNIX ⅴ

  5. 基于UNIX的环境使用基于系统进程的体系结构。

    UNIX-based environments use an architecture based on system processes .

  6. 基于事务处理的socket网络编程技术可应用在分布式系统进程通信中,是Internet上进行应用开发最为通用的API。

    The socket network programming technique based on transaction can be used in interprocess communication of distributed system , and is the commonest API in application of Internet .

  7. 系统进程帐户的所有者,如bin和lpd等,应当锁定他们的帐户。

    System process account owners , such as bin , lpd , and so on should have their accounts locked .

  8. 这个系统进程用于计算机使用专用的TCP/IP网络服务,例如DHCP,简单TCP和打印服务。这个程序对你系统的正常运行是非常重要的。

    This essential system process is initiated when the computer uses special TCP / IP networking services such as DHCP , Simple TCP and print services .

  9. 基于RT-Linux的数控系统进程间通信方式的研究

    Research of InterProcess Communication Mechanism in RT-Linux-based CNC

  10. 促进所有业务服务与DSL控制下的任何数据源的集成是该系统进程的职责。

    It is the responsibility of this system process to facilitate integration to any data source under the DSL control for all business services .

  11. 本文利用JNI技术使Java与C/C++的DLL进行信息通信和调用,实现了在JAVA中对系统进程的访问。

    In this paper , we show how Java Native Interface is used in the communication between Java and DLL of VC + + , which can access System Process in Java .

  12. 例如,安装了正确的Ant扩展任务后,可以触发FTP传输,可以写入日志文件或执行另一个操作系统进程。

    For instance , with the right Ant extension tasks installed , an FTP transfer could be triggered , a log file could be written , or another operating system process could be executed .

  13. 对于从Linux系统进程运行中所获取的数据,在windows系统下进行预处理,去除冗余和非必要的信息。保留原数据的的真实性,对时间进行滞后处理。

    Do cover all process status . ( 3 ) For the data obtained from Linux system , take a pretreatment under Windows system . Remove redundant and unnecessary information , keep the authenticity of original data , and make time delay .

  14. 因此,从概念上讲,DSL解决方案包括两个逻辑层:数据服务编排层(此层支持所引用的系统进程)和数据集成层。

    So , conceptually , a DSL solution includes two logical tiers : a data services orchestration tier that supports the referred to system process and a data integration tier .

  15. 最后,I/O通过一个稍加修改的QEMU进程(执行每个客户操作系统进程的一个拷贝)进行虚拟化。

    Finally , I / O is virtualized through a lightly modified QEMU process ( a copy of which executes with each guest operating system process ) .

  16. Erlang以“进程”为前提,如同轻量级线程(而不像操作系统进程),但是不直接映射到本地线程。

    Erlang assumes a world of " processes ," which are like lightweight threads ( not like operating system processes ) but do not map directly to native threads .

  17. “VMID”识别器与本地操作系统进程识别器(“pid”)并不总是相同的,这就是我们需要JDKjps实用程序的原因。

    The " VMID " identifier is not always the same as the native operating system process identifier (" pid "), which is why we need the JDK 's jps utility .

  18. 因此,应将Snort作为包记录器在一个可最小化、可忽略的窗口中运行,更好的方法是,将其作为长期运行的进程(作为守护进程或系统进程)。

    So you should either run Snort as a packet logger in a window you can minimize and ignore , or better yet , as a long-running process ( perhaps as a daemon or system process ) .

  19. 使Mebroot成为一个更大威胁的是将自身注入到其它系统进程,并且它感染个人电脑只需要用未打补丁的网页浏览器访问一个网页。

    What makes Mebroot a greater threat is that it injects itself into other system processes and all it requires to get the PC infected is to visit a Web page with unpatched Web browsers .

  20. 第三,检测的范围广,不仅可以检测受感染的关键系统进程,还可以检测木马、后门等恶意软件的进程。

    Third , the model has a wide detection scope .

  21. 这是一个系统进程,不要进行删除。

    This is an essential system process and should not be removed .

  22. 它可能减缓系统进程和许多重要的研究工程速度减慢。

    It would slow progress and many important research projects .

  23. 分布式系统进程同步中的会合技术研究

    A Study on Technique of Rendezvous in Process Synchronization of Distributed System

  24. 嵌入式操作系统进程调度研究

    Research on Process Scheduling in Embedded Operating System

  25. 一种面向通信领域的高效嵌入式操作系统进程队列模型

    A highly efficient embedded real-time operating system processes queue model adapted for communication applications

  26. 该进程为关键系统进程,任务管理器无法结束进程。

    This is a critical system process . Task Manager cannot end this process .

  27. 基于消息服务器的嵌入式实时系统进程管理研究

    Study on Message-Server-Based Embedded Real-Time System Process Management

  28. 集群系统进程迁移机制研究

    The research of process migration mechanism in cluster

  29. 工作站网络系统进程迁移机制

    Process Migration for the Network of Workstations

  30. 分布式系统进程通信的研究

    Research of Interprocess Communications of Distributed Systems