
  • 网络mooring equipment;mooring arrangement
  1. 系泊设备是否适合当地所有潮汐、海流、天气、通航及船舶离靠港的影响?

    Are mooring arrangements adequate for all local effects of tide , current , weather , traffic and craft alongside ?

  2. 在对某海缆敷设船进行系泊设备支撑结构局部加强时,由于系泊设备受力复杂,对系泊设备下板架在不同工况下的应力难以计算。

    It is difficult to calculate stresses of supporting structures under mooring equipments of a certain cable ship because they bear complex forces when we try to design supporting structure .

  3. 客船规范帮助模块则集中了一些武汉理工大学硕士学位论文客船绘制规范,如锚泊及系泊设备、驾驶室、乘客舱室及行李的放置、脱险措施及乘客定额等规范。

    In the help module , the drawing specifications of passenger shipping are integrated , such as equipments of anchor and moor , arrangement of cab , cabin and baggage , measures to come through and ration of passengers , etc.