
kōng wǎng
  • abortive haul
空网[kōng wǎng]
  1. NASA深空网(DSN)的现状及发展趋势

    The Current Status and The Future of NASA Deep Space Network

  2. 由于目标小天体和地面站之间存在较长的通汛延迟,加之小天体的动力学环境复杂多变,传统的基于深空网的导航、制导与控制(GNC)模式已不再适合探测器着陆小天体。

    Due to long communication delay between target asteroid and base stations and complex mutable dynamic environment of small body , the traditional GNC mode based on deep space network ( DSN ) is no more suitable for landing spacecraft on small body .

  3. 美国深空网的同波束干涉测量技术

    Same Beam Interferometry Instrumentation Technology of American Deep Space Network

  4. 美国深空网的无线电跟踪测量新技术

    New Radiometric Technologies of DSN of the United States

  5. 深空网伪码测距技术研究

    Research on Pseudo-noise Ranging Technologies for DSN Network

  6. 深空网及其应用

    Deep Space Network and Its Applications

  7. 详细介绍了美国深空网的发展过程、目前的状况以及未来的主要发展计划。

    This paper introduces the development history , the current status and the future plans of NASA DSN .

  8. 然后我们根据深空骨干网的特点和现有技术在OPNETModeler上搭建了一个仿真平台,并在此平台上主要研究骨干网的路由协议。

    A simulation platform specially designed for routing algorithms on the simulator OPNET Modeler is completed according to the deep space network characteristics and available technologies .

  9. 可装运各类货物的近300艘船舶构成了NYK极具创新精神的海、陆、空运输网。

    Some 300 ships for every type of cargo are part of NYK 's innovative sea , rail and air transport networks .

  10. 对空警戒网有效探测范围的计算方法

    Calculation methods about the effective scope of the anti - aerospace alert net

  11. 我国深空测控网建设步伐加快2016年将全面建成。

    China to have deep space monitoring network in2016 .

  12. 中国深空测控网建立方案的研究

    Research on the Establishing Project for Chinese Deep Space Surveying and Control Network

  13. 然后在此技术基础上提出了民航空-空通信网的概念,并对其构建方式进行了探讨。

    Then it proposes the concept of air-air communication network , and investigates the way to build this network .

  14. 本文首先系统地介绍了深空骨干网的网络结构以及协议栈,并分析了现有的协议在深空网络的适用性。

    In this paper , infrastructures and protocol stack of deep space network are firstly introduced with the applicability of traditional protocols analyzed subsequently .

  15. 针对分布式对空监视网中混合式传感器管理结构存在的问题,提出了基于多代理技术的混合式传感器管理结构。

    For the existing problems in the hybrid sensor management architecture of netted air surveillance sensors , a multi agent based hybrid sensor management architecture is proposed .

  16. 他周围放着背包、夹克、一个空捕鱼网、他的自行车和出发前在家里花园里挖出的两听虫子。

    Around him lay knapsack and jacket , an empty catch-net , his bicycle , and two tins of worms dug from the plot of garden at home before setting out .

  17. 给出了空警戒网对不同高度、不同反射面目标有效探测范围的计算方法,可应用于对空警戒网有效探测范围的评估。

    The calculation methods about the effective detection scope of the anti-aerospace alert net to the different air-targets are given . The methods can be applied to the assess of the detection scope of the anti-aerospace alert net .

  18. 深空骨干网由于具有长时延、非对称性链路、不连续的链路等独有的特点造成了深空网络研究的复杂性。

    The deep space backbone network has the distinctive characteristics such as very long propagation delay , link asymmetry and intermittent connectivity , hence routing through the backbone network present many challenges that are not presented in traditional networks .

  19. 对空雷达情报网生存能力综合评估方法

    Synthetical Evaluation Method for the Survivability of Radar Net

  20. 大型空压机因网压波动而停机的解决措施

    On overcoming the stop caused by oscillation of net voltage of large compressors

  21. 特厚煤层上覆采空区下锚网索耦合支护

    Combined Support with Anchor Net and Cable Under Goaf Upper Thick Coal Seam

  22. 地面对空监视雷达网体系结构研究

    Research on the system structure of surveillance radar net

  23. 沿空巷道锚网梁索支护技术的应用效果分析

    Analysis of Application Effectiveness of Support with Anchor Cable Network at Gob-side Entry

  24. 现代通信系统是陆-海-空三维通信网,三维通信网的组成主要制约于水下通信。

    Modern communication system is a land-sea-space three-dimensional communication network whose realization is mainly restrained by underwater communication .

  25. 难道因此他们就应时常倒空自己的网,无情地屠杀万民?

    For this cause therefore he spreadeth his net , and will not spare continually to slay the nations .

  26. 中国空压机设备网的产品分为正副厂两类,正厂配件均为品牌空压机厂家原产,凭借上海集团公司的采购优势,业已与各大品牌空压机生产厂家建立的长期良好的关系;

    The goods of its deputy factory are manufactured by the Group Company in Shanghai with the principle of not infringe the Trademark Right of brand air compressor manufacturers .

  27. 文中给出了一种Petri网语言的Pumping引理,证明其对任意无空标注的Petri网语言都有效,并且正规语言的Pumping引理是此引理的一种特殊形式。

    This article gives a Pumping Lemma of Petri net language which is proved to be effective to all Petri net languages without empty-label and the Pumping Lemma of regular languages actually is a special format of the Lemma .

  28. 沿空煤巷锚网与工字钢腿联合支护技术

    Combined Supporting Technology of Bolting and I-bar in Roadway along Gob

  29. 大断面沿空掘巷锚网索与U型棚腿联合支护技术

    Technique of Large-section Gob-side Entry Driving Cable Anchor and U-Shaped Booth Lag Joint Supporting

  30. 综放异形煤柱沿空留巷锚网支护与加固技术研究

    Support and reinforcement technique for the protected irregular pillar and remained gateway along fully mechanized top caving mining face