
  1. 本论文分七章对南宋辛派词人予以论述。

    This thesis divides to give treatise to the south Song Xin Pai Ci person .

  2. 辛派词人创作了大量的寿词,体现出一种共有的寿词情结。

    The poets of Xin School created a large number of rhymed birthday verses , which reveal common complex feelings .

  3. 辛派词人之形成,与辛弃疾巨大的人格魅力与歌词艺术魅力密切相关。

    The formation of the Xin Qiji Ci poem parties was closely related with the art magic power of his lyricses and huge personality magic power .

  4. 对辛词的研究,多半集中在对辛弃疾的生平、思想和爱国主义的研究,对其艺术成就、风格特征及其历史地位的探讨,以及对辛派词人的研究和评论。

    The research of Xin 's ci mainly focused on its artistic achievement , style and genre , and its status in the history of ci , aas well as the poets like Xin Qiji .