
kōng chē
  • empty
空车[kōng chē]
  1. 使用SIMPACK软件仿真弹性车轮车辆在直线及曲线轨道上运行,运行工况为空车、重车、超重工况。

    It simulated the running of resilient wheel vehicle on straight track and curve track by using the software " SIMPACK ", and operation conditions including empty , heavy and overweight condition .

  2. 车种代用情况下的铁路空车调配研究

    Study of Railway Empty Car Distribution with Substitution of Empty Car Types

  3. 他们带着无人驾驶的汽车去赴约,让空车绕着大楼转,以免付停车费。

    They take their driverless car to an appointment and set the empty vehicle to circle the building to avoid paying for parking .

  4. 基于Agent模式的空车调整决策系统的研究

    Research on Empty Freight Cars Distribution Decision System based on Agent technology

  5. 我最近数了数岸滨街(Strand)上的15辆公交车,其中6辆是空车(岸滨街从特拉法尔加广场向东,一直延伸到皇家司法院(RoyalCourtsofJustice))。

    I recently counted 15 buses on the Strand , which runs east from Trafalgar Square all the way to the Law Courts . Six of them were empty .

  6. 并给定算例运用LINGO软件求解。(4)路企直通空车调配问题研究。

    Then it given a numerical example and solved with LINGO software . ( 4 ) Research on the problem of empty wagon distribution .

  7. 结果表明,运用LINGO软件解决空车调整问题不仅节省开发时间,而且从运算时间和精度上都具有显著的优越性,是解决大规模路网上空车调整问题的有效途径。

    The result showed that using LINGO to solve this problem not only saves developing time also had obvious adventage in both computing time and precision aspects . Therefore the LINGO is a effective method to solve the problem of empty car adjustment on large scale railway network .

  8. 煤矿铁路最优空车分配方案的数学模型及算法

    Mathematical Model and Algorithm on Optimal Distribution of Vacant-Cargoes in Mine-Railway

  9. 空车调整最小费用的合理分摊

    Rational Share of the Lowest Expenses for Adjustment of Empty Cars

  10. 货物列车空车脱轨的原因分析及对策研究

    Reason Analysis and Countermeasure Study on the Derailment of Freight Train

  11. 铁路空车调整蚁群算法的研究

    Research on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms for Railway Empty Wagons Distribution

  12. 采用蚁群算法求解铁路空车调整问题

    Solving Railway Empty Cars Adjustment Problem by Ant Colony System Algorithm

  13. 然而,跑在岸滨街上的空车没有任何用处,徒然增加拥堵。

    Yet empty buses on the Strand contribute nothing except gridlock .

  14. 货物列车空车直线地段脱轨机理分析与预防

    Cause Analysis and Prevention of Empty Freight Car Derailment on Tangent

  15. 基于时间约束的铁路空车调配模型与算法

    Time Restraint-Based Model and Algorithm for Railway Empty Wagon Distribution

  16. 行驶于石灰线上的空车正通过桥梁。

    The train was passing the bridge of lime line .

  17. 铁路空车调配问题的遗传启发算法

    Hereditary Heuristic Algorithm for Empty Car Distribution in Railway Transportation

  18. 用重心优化方法求解铁路网上空车调配问题

    Distribution of empty wagons on railway network by using the center-of-gravity-optimization method

  19. 优化空车调配问题的数学模型

    Mathematical Model for the Problem of Optimal Empty Car Distribution

  20. 不好意思,我还以为是空车。

    Sorry , I thought it was free . It 's not .

  21. 扭杆式双横臂独立悬架车辆悬架状态与空车高度的控制

    State of Torsion Bar Spring Double-Wishbone Independent Suspension and Unloaded Vehicle Height Control

  22. 市场经济下空车流调整问题

    Adjustment of Empty - Wagon Flow under Market Economy

  23. 基于时空网络的空车动态优化模型研究

    Research on Optimization Model of Empty Car Dynamic Distribution Based on Time-space Network

  24. 混沌蚁群算法在空车调整问题中的应用

    Application of Chaos Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm in railway empty wagon adjustment problem

  25. 防止货车空车脱轨的分析与对策

    Analysis and Solution to the Derailment of Empty Wagons

  26. 基于知识约束的空车调整优化方法研究

    Study on the optimization method of empty wagon distribution based on knowledge constraints

  27. 大规模路网上空车调配的区段中心优化法

    The Section Center Optimization Method of Empty Car Adjustment on Large-scale Railway Network

  28. 技术计划空车调整的数学模型

    Mathematical Model on Vacancy Car Distribution of Freight Plan

  29. 福尔摩斯四下里张望着,想另找一辆出租马车,可是没有看到有空车。

    Holmes looked round for another taxi , but could not see one .

  30. 好的,这有一部空车,一天五十元。

    Ok , there is an available one , one day50 yuan please .