
  • 网络spatial elements;space element
  1. 外部空间元素通过一定的组织手法有规律地形成了南浔古镇的外部空间结构。

    Exterior spatial elements could regularly form there exterior spatial structure by some certain organization methods .

  2. 陈依纯以现实中的空间元素,再现了她对网路空间的真实感受。

    I-Chun Chen represents how she really feels with spatial elements that she retrieves in the real world .

  3. Atom允许插入外部名称空间元素,因此可以定义一种特殊用途的XML格式来表示剪贴,并将它嵌入到元素中

    Atom allows for insertion of foreign namespace elements , so why not define a special-purpose XML format to represent a clipping , and embed this in the element

  4. 框架是表示Hilbert空间元素的工具,可以看成是基底的推广,与基底不同的是,框架不要求元素线性无关,因此分解系数不是唯一确定的。

    Frame is a tool that elements of Hilbert space , it can be seen as the promotion of the basement , and basement is different because the frame does not require the element of linearly independent ; it is decomposition coefficients determined .

  5. 这些元素包含空间元素、实体元素以及技术元素。

    These elements include space elements , entity elements , as well as component elements .

  6. 但是,对于我国来说,城市广场是一种外来的、异质的空间元素。

    City plaza , however , is an introduced element for the city space system in our country .

  7. 当她执行上一个同步时,包含新工作空间元素的一个新基准被创建。

    When she did her previous synchronization a new baseline , which included the new workspace elements , was created .

  8. 因此可根据三原则将轴测投影中空间元素的相对位置区分开来。

    There for , on the basis of the three principles . We can differentiate the relative location of space figure elements of axonometric projections .

  9. 在《达洛卫夫人》中,伍尔夫通过运用不同的空间元素,表达了她对父权中心体制、资本主义社会以及帝国主义政策的批判和反思。

    In Mrs. Dalloway , by the manipulation of different spaces , Woolf criticizes the patriarchal ideology , capitalized society as well as the imperial policy .

  10. 第二部分(第三章、第四章)结合实例对道路夜空间元素进行了分类归纳,分析了道路夜景观要素常见的设计原则。

    The second part ( Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 ) classified the element of road night space by examples , and analyzed popular principle of road nightscapes design .

  11. 他们得学会区分各空间元素之间的细微差别,因为这是他们远离家园外出打猎时赖以生存的技能。

    The Eskimos must learn to make careful distinctions among different spatial elements , as their lives may literally depend on these distinctions when they are hunting far from home .

  12. 本文就将试图对传统民居庭院空间元素的创新概念提出自己的看法,并结合各种具体的设计样态进行论述,为广大的设计师提供一条探讨的思路。

    This paper will attempt to the traditional garden space element , the innovation concept proposed the own view , and unify each kind of concrete design modus to carry on the elaboration , provides a mentality discussion for the general designers .

  13. 一个XML实例文档可能引用多个名称空间的元素名,这些名称空间定义在不同模式中。

    An XML instance document may refer to names of elements from multiple namespaces that are defined in multiple schemas .

  14. XML模式建议书(XMLSchemaRecommendation)对用有名称空间的元素和属性定义文档结构有完整的规定。

    The XML Schema Recommendation has complete provisions for defining a document structure with namespaced elements and attributes .

  15. 要访问XPath中带名称空间的元素,必须为它们的名称空间定义一个前缀。

    To access namespaced elements in XPath , you must define a prefix for their namespace .

  16. 它包含XSLT名称空间的元素、来自您自己名称空间的元素以及(通常)XHTML名称空间的元素。

    It consists of elements of the XSLT namespace , elements from your own namespace , and ( often ) elements of the XHTML namespace .

  17. 模式定义和XSLT样式表可能会将其语言的元素和属性同其它名称空间的元素和属性混淆,所以需要前缀。

    Schema definitions and XSLT stylesheets may intermix the elements and attributes of their language with elements and attributes from other namespaces , so prefixes are needed .

  18. 而其他元素则同时支持扩展属性和其他名称空间的元素,但是不支持WS-SecurityPolicy名称空间的元素。

    Almost all of the rest are defined as allowing both extension attributes and elements from other namespaces , but not from the WS-SecurityPolicy namespace .

  19. 采用计算机辅助设计方法可以求解图解法中的度量、定位问题,通过建立空间几何元素的精确几何模型,利用AutoCAD软件的辅助设计功能得到空间几何问题的精确结果。

    The paper introduces the CAD method to solve the metric and position problem in the graphic solution . The accurate result will be obtained by constructing the geometrical element model with the aid of the design function of the AutoCAD drafting software .

  20. 城市开放空间景观元素特色研究

    The City Opens the Space View Element Characteristic to Study

  21. 一次变换求空间几何元素间的度量问题

    One Projectivity to Solve the Degree and the Distance among Geometric Elements

  22. 四维空间几何元素投影分析

    Projection analysis of geometry element in four - dimension space

  23. 第三章对其造型式样、图案纹样和空间装饰元素进行分析。

    Chapter pattern of its shape , pattern and spatial patterns of decorative elements .

  24. 当某些内容看起来确实很怪异时,请复查名称空间和元素名称。

    When something looks really weird , double-check the namespaces and the element names .

  25. 用积聚性原理及斜投影法解决空间几何元素相交问题

    Application of focusing principle and oblique projecting method in solving the problem of space geometrical elements ' crossing

  26. 该事务树有助于确定管理信息系统特定领域模型中元素与设计空间中元素的对应关系。

    A event-tree was presented to help the mirror relation of elements between specific domain model space and design space .

  27. 把处理器设置成将来自一个或两个特定名称空间的元素当作指令。

    The processor is set up to consider elements from a particular namespace ( or two ) to be the instructions .

  28. 没有名称空间的元素是数据,除了那些被识别为指令的元素外,所有拥有一个名称空间的元素都与其相同,即都是数据。

    Elements that have no namespace are data , as are all elements that have a namespace other than those recognized as instructions .

  29. 来自默认名称空间的元素不使用前缀;因此,很容易忘记这些元素实际上位于一个名称空间。

    Elements from the default namespace do not use prefixes ; therefore , it 's easy to miss that they 're actually in a namespace .

  30. 不是立即从队列中添加或者删除元素,线程执行操作阻塞,直到有空间或者元素可用。

    Instead of adding and removing elements from the queue immediately , the thread performing the operation blocks until space or an element is available .