
jìn jūn
  • imperial guards
禁军 [jìn jūn]
  • [the imperial guard troops] 古代称保卫京城或宫廷的军队

  1. 军制、驿站与急递铺的设置:元朝军队分宿卫京师的禁军和驻防各地的镇戍军。

    The establishment of Military system , Relay station and Jidipu : The forces of the Yuan Dynasty consisted of the imperial guards in the Capital and the garrisons throughout the country .

  2. 宋初两朝禁军将领群体研究

    The Study on Generals of Imperial Guards in the Early Two Generations of Song Dynasty

  3. 禁军是两宋时期最重要的兵种之一。

    Imperial guard is one of the most important arms of the services in Song Dynasty .

  4. 对,禁军将她带出,回来时端着一个大盘子,人头摆在上面,双眼圆睁。

    Yes , soldiers took her out and came back with her head on a big plate , her eyes were wide open .

  5. 十八家好汉到前面去!《水浒传》中的林冲是八十万禁军教头。

    The Eighteen to the front ! Lin Chong , the hero of The Water Margin , is chief military instructor of eight hundred thousand imperial guard troops .

  6. 取消禁军最高统帅殿前都点检、副都点检职务,朝廷设枢密院掌管调动军队,但无统兵权。

    Taizu abolished the post of Commander of the Imperial Army and set up a Military Council to take charge of troop-deployment arrangement , but without any power to command troops .

  7. 神策军中尉是唐代中后期宦官最为显赫的职务,其职权通过典领中央禁军而不断延伸,逐步侵夺宰相的议政决策大权,进而把持朝政,最终形成宦官专权的局面。

    The power of the commander of Shen-ce Forces was so greatly strengthened that it gradually took over the power of the prime minister and controlled the court administration in the end .

  8. 唐代后期宦官掌握军权主要是通过宦官担任军职、专典禁军和宦官监军制度而实现的。

    In late Tang Dynasty , the eunuch 's monoply of military power was realized by the systems of the eunuch taking military positions , governing the imperial army and supervising the army .

  9. 由于在开封城内东部商业建筑物居多,而西部的禁军军营所占面积比例最大,故造成开封城内东部和西部城市景观上的巨大差异。

    This paper holds that the buildings in the eastern compartments were mainly related to businesses while those in the west were mostly barracks , hence the difference between the eastern and the western compartments .

  10. 据了解,这些武士由大学生滑冰志愿者扮演,他们表演的是一百多年前清代八旗禁军“冰嬉”的场面。据介绍,“冰嬉”是清代皇家每年冬季按例举行的冰上检阅活动。

    It is known that these warriors were performed by college student volunteers , and the show was a hundred years old Qing Dynasty army " ice play ", which was royal family 's routine in winter .

  11. 位于内城东部的二厢,作为商业中心首先繁荣起来,而西部尤其是面向西华门一厢的编户人口极少,主要是因为此处驻扎有许多禁军军营。

    The two eastern compartments of the city proper flourished as a commercial center while the western compartments , the compartment facing Gate Xihua in particular , were thinly populated , due to the residence of many imperial barracks .

  12. 北宋时期,厢军和禁军是紧密相连、互相依存、不可分割的整体,厢军的存在为募兵制条件下的禁军建设提供了有利条件。

    In North Sung , the Xiang Forces and the Jin Forces were indiscerptible to and mutually depending on each other . The existence of the Xiang Forces provided a beneficial condition for constructing the Jin Forces in the system of conscription .