
jìn guǒ
  • forbidden fruit
禁果 [jìn guǒ]
  • [forbidden fruit] 数种柑桔变种之一;尤指一种小柚子

禁果[jìn guǒ]
  1. 禁果是诱人的。

    Forbidden fruit is sweet .

  2. 或者是他们不能抵抗住诱惑而偷吃禁果呢?

    Or will they be unable to resist the forbidden fruit of other men or women ?

  3. 他将长大成人,并尝到禁果的滋味。

    He will grow up and taste of the forbidden fruit .

  4. 如何让救世主尝尝我的禁果呢

    How to get this savior to taste my forbidden fruit .

  5. 那条毒蛇诱骗夏娃摘取了禁果。

    The serpent tempted Eve to pick the forbidden fruit .

  6. 对我而言,禁果是诱人却又危险的。

    For me , the forbidden fruit is attractive , but dangerous .

  7. 我在高中就尝过禁果了……罗斯:我也是。

    I had sex in high school ... Ross : Me too .

  8. 她的面颊,对他依然是禁果。

    Her cheek be still forbid fruit to him .

  9. 蛇诱惑我,我就吃了禁果。

    The serpent tricked me , and I ate .

  10. 初尝禁果会显著地改变人的大脑结构至少对男人是如此。

    Having sex apparently alters the structure of the brain in men , at least .

  11. 要谈谈你们的禁果了。

    Talk about your forbidden fruit .

  12. 不幸的是,对投资者而言,该指数的成份股大都是外国人的禁果。

    Unfortunately for investors , the stocks in that index are largely forbidden fruit for non-Chinese .

  13. 初尝禁果会显著地改变人的大脑结构——至少对男人是如此。

    Having sex apparently alters the structure of the brain - in men , at least .

  14. 禁果;在我们家跳舞和玩牌是被禁止的;禁忌的主题。

    Forbidden fruit ; in our house dancing and playing cards were out ; a taboo subject .

  15. 在圣经中描写的伊甸园中的树,其禁果被亚当和夏娃偷吃。

    The biblical tree in the Garden of Eden whose forbidden fruit was tasted by Adam and Eve .

  16. 亚当和夏娃在中伊甸园吃了禁果后,产生了原罪。

    Adam and Even committed the original sin when they ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden .

  17. 人类的堕落由于亚当偷吃伊甸园的禁果而丧失清白和体面。

    The loss of innocence and grace resulting from Adam 's eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden .

  18. 他并不是为了苹果而吃苹果,他之所以要把苹果吃掉,只是因为它是禁果。

    He did not want the apple for the apple 's sake , he wanted it only because it was forbidden .

  19. 纽式“是禁果的一种隐喻,是”生死的临界点。

    Buttoning Formula " is a metaphor for " forbidden fruit ", and the critical point for " life and death .

  20. 我们的始祖吃了禁果,使他们从当初受造的状态中堕落了。

    The sin whereby our first parents fell from the estate wherein they were created , was their eating the forbidden fruit .

  21. 禁果的香味偏偏不时在他身边飘过,使他想起,生活中最美好的欢乐只有在行动的激流中才能找到。

    The fragrance of forbidden fruit seemed occasionally to float past him and remind him that the finest of pleasures was the rush of action .

  22. 魔鬼对天使等级的背叛;二、亚当和夏娃在伊甸园里选择吃禁果。

    The Devil 's defection from the ranks of the angels and Adam and Eve 's choosing to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden .

  23. 据说,亚当是在星期五被造出来的,他和夏娃吃禁果也在星期五,他俩死的日子也是星期五。

    It was said that Adam was created on a Friday and it was on Friday that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit , and on a Friday they died .

  24. 据《圣经》记载万能的上帝造了人类的始祖:亚当和夏娃,但夏娃被蛇引诱偷吃了伊甸园的禁果。

    According to " the Bible " God Almighty documented human ancestor : Adam and Eve , but were the snake tempted Eve eat the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden .

  25. 如果学生可以在学校接受性教育,他们会比较清楚地了解性也不会对它那么好奇,这就可以减少偷吃禁果的风险。

    If students can accept sex education in school , they would understand sex clearly and would not be so curious about it , which can reduce the risk of their attempting it in advance .

  26. 甚至可以说上帝完全了解亚当夏娃接下来要做的,-他们会去偷吃禁果,-我们还是可以这样说的,他们处于自由的想法之下,偷吃了禁果。

    Even though God knew exactly what Adam and Eve would do-that they would eat the fruit-we still have to be able to say that they ate the fruit freely out of their own free will .

  27. 一开始,夏娃以为,她在吃了禁果后,会得到智慧,但是,出乎她的意料之外的是,从绿色的禁果中所滴出来的,却是红色的血液。

    At first , Eve thinks that she will gain wisdom by biting into the fruit of knowledge , but unexpectedly she finds the deception as the red blood of suffering drips from the green fruit .

  28. 二十一世纪,对于我们普普通通的家庭成员来说,性不再是神秘的“禁果”,而是维系两个人感情基础的一种游戏。

    The twenty-first century , for us ordinary members of the family , and is no longer a mysterious " forbidden fruit " but the two maintain feelings of the people on the basis of a game .

  29. 抑或,对他们而言,他们只有在升至公司高层的时候,才有机会第一次品尝这类禁果,由此给他们的身心带来了极大的欢畅。

    Or possibly such forbidden fruits are available to them for the first time only when they have risen to great corporate heights , and the thrill of it all goes straight to their head and loins .

  30. 把“黑手”伸向开架避孕套的,是偷吃禁果的中学生,是捉襟见肘的钟点工,甚至是操皮肉生意的。

    The " black hands " of condoms into the open-shelf , is eating the forbidden fruit of the secondary school students , part-time is stretched to their limits , and even speaks of the flesh trade .