
  • 网络community bank;Community Banking
  1. 但罗斯也研究了一些比较独特的案例,尤其是霍普哈里斯约翰逊(HopeHarrisJohnson)经营的仅有一家分行的社区银行案例。

    But Prof Rose also looks at some more unusual cases , in particular that of the one-branch community bank run by Hope Harris Johnson .

  2. 建立社区银行&解决中小企业融资难问题的路径选择

    To Resolve Problem of SMES ' Raising Money by Establishing Community Bank

  3. 在南非《金融邮刊》(financialmail)担任编辑一段时间后,索西现在是渣打银行(standardbank)社区银行的一名主管,负责为非常规部门提供银行服务。

    After a period as editor of the financial mail , Ms Southey is now a director of community banking at standard bank , looking at providing banking services to the informal sector .

  4. 这种两难处境正在全美乃至美国之外的公司上演,范围从通用电气(GeneralElectric)这样的庞然大物,到小镇零售商和社区银行,面对全球衰退的不利环境,这些公司开始重新审视自己。

    The dilemma is being played out all over corporate America and beyond as companies ranging from behemoths like General Electric to small-town retailers and community banks re-examine themselves in the unflattering light of a global recession .

  5. DavidMattingly与其中一家破产银行的总裁进行了对话,揭秘为何会发生这种情况。作为西乔治亚州社区银行的总裁和CEO,RichardHayden认为他拥有上述提到的所有基础。

    As president and CEO of the Community Bank of West Georgia , Richard Hayden thought he had all the bases covered .

  6. 纽约社区银行(NewYorkCommunityBank)在其2月份给监管机构的一封信中表示:对于富国银行提出的(这类构想),应该倍加谨慎,以避免并非出于本意的潜在毁灭性影响。

    Care should be taken particularly to avoid the potentially devastating unintended impacts .   .   .   [ of ideas ] such as that put forward by Wells Fargo , New York Community Bank wrote in a February response to regulators .

  7. 因此,发展社区银行对促进我国经济的发展具有重要意义。

    Therefore , it 's of significance to develop community banks .

  8. 我们的社区银行也与此休戚相关。

    And our community banks also have a stake in reform .

  9. 批评人士认为,社区银行仍然效率低下,还存在业务过于集中的危险。

    Critics argue that these entities remain inefficient , and dangerously concentrated .

  10. 民族地区农村合作金融机构发展为社区银行的可行性研究

    Feasibility Study on the Agricultural Cooperation Finance Institution Developing into Community Bank

  11. 中国社区银行的市场需求和发展可能分析

    On the Demand and Development of Community Bank in China

  12. 其次,就社区银行的制度特性进行了分析。

    Secondly , it analyzes the institutional characteristic of the community bank .

  13. 关于我国社区银行定义的辩析

    Analysis of the Definition of the Community Bank in China

  14. 我国社区银行现状分析与发展对策研究

    Research on the Present Situation and Countermeasures for Community Banks in China

  15. 随后本文介绍了美国社区银行的历史与发展现状。

    Secondly introduce the history and the development of America community banks .

  16. 所以,社区银行的制度明显优于小型商业银行。

    Therefore , community Banks system obviously better than the small commercial Banks .

  17. 社区银行发展的经济学分析与路径选择

    An Economic Analysis and Choice of Path of the Development of Community Banks

  18. 中小企业融资对社区银行的依赖:山西个案

    SME 's Financing Dependence on Community Bank : an Example from Shanxi Province

  19. 社区银行:金融危机背景下推进新农村建设的催化剂

    Community Banks : An Activator of New Countryside Construction under Finance Crisis Backgrounds

  20. 发展我国社区银行的模式选择

    The Development of Community Bank in China

  21. 美国社区银行的特色之旅

    A Featured Trip To American Community Bank

  22. 即社区银行不会积极贷款给中小企业,因为给中小企业的贷款额越多,社区银行的收益越少。

    The more loans for small business , the less profit the banks can get .

  23. 社区银行及其在我国的发展

    Community Bank and Its Development in China

  24. 你可以是一位股票经纪人,也可以是一位社区银行从业人员,甚至还可以是一位保险推销员。

    You were either a stockbroker or a community banker or even in insurance sales .

  25. 但有一点显而易见,那就是这些社区银行不大可能很快消亡。

    One thing that is clear is that those community banks are unlikely to vanish soon .

  26. 研究和推动社区银行的发展,可以推动金融服务的差异化发展。

    Research and promoting the development of community Banks , can promote financial services of different development .

  27. 二是将现有城市商业银行和农村信用改造为社区银行。

    The second opinion is that the existing city banks and RCCs should be transformed into communities banks .

  28. 社区银行有能力且有动力对小微企业提供融资。

    Community Bank has the ability and has the power to provide financing to small and micro enterprises .

  29. 在这个背景下,为中小企业融资服务的社区银行破土而出。

    Under this background , the Community Bank which serves for small and medium-sized enterprise financing is emerging .

  30. 独特的比较优势构成某一金融中介机构生存的基础,论文继而对社区银行所具有的比较优势尤其是在关系型贷款上的比较优势进行了深入的分析。

    The paper then thoroughly analyzed the comparative advantages , especially advantages on relationship lending of community banks .