
  • 网络social science
  1. 直到第11名才开始出现一些社会科学类专业,比如汉语言文学、外国语和新闻学专业。

    It 's not until No. 11 that some social science majors such as Chinese language and literature , foreign language studies and journalism1 appear .

  2. 智胜学院日前正在为高中生提供新的阅读课程,以提高他们的AP英语、历史和社会科学类的分数。

    Advance Academy is offering a new critical reading class for high schools students who want to improve their grades in their AP English , history , and social science classes .

  3. 人文社会科学类研究生入学考试的人文性研究

    The Study of Humanities and Social Sciences Postgraduate Entrance Examination 's Humanity

  4. 人文社会科学类期刊评价新指标和方法的探讨

    Probe into the New Indicators and Methods for the Evaluation on Humanities and Social Science Journals

  5. 对《中图法》第三版社会科学类表中若干类目的修订意见

    On Some Revisal Ideas to the Category List of the Social Science of Zhong Tu Fa Third Edition

  6. 2006年高考语文自然科学与社会科学类文章阅读试题分析

    Analysis of the Reading Materials on Natural and Social Sciences in Chinese Test of 2006 College Entrance Examination

  7. 本原与指归&论哲学社会科学类学术期刊知识、学术属性之强化

    Origin and Intention & On strengthening knowledge and academic attribute attribute of the category of the periodicals of philosophy and social sciences

  8. 社会科学类综合性期刊的编辑,是先进文化的重要传播者之一。

    A editor , who is in the field of social scientific comprehensive periodical , is one of important propagators of advanced culture .

  9. 一篇被同行评议过的文章只呈献一个结果,而一本流行社会科学类书籍会介绍一系列结果,让这些结果叙述一个故事。

    A peer-reviewed article presents a single result , while a popular social-science book will highlight a series of results that tell a tale .

  10. 为达到研究目的,笔者选择了20篇学术期刊文章作为语料,其中10篇社会科学类文章,10篇自然科学类文章。

    20 academic journal articles are selected as the database for the investigation , with 10 articles of social science and 10 of natural science .

  11. 在分方向任意选修课中增设人文与科技素质方向,增加体育人文社会科学类知识、交义学科、边缘学科知识在课程中的比例。

    Add artist and technology knowledge to the compulsory courses , and add the ratio of the social knowledge , cross-subjects knowledge and edging subject knowledge .

  12. 《中图法》(第四版)港澳台社会科学类文献分类的商榷

    Discussion on How to Use Chinese Library Classification ( the 4th Edition ) to Classify the Social Science Literature From Hong Kong , Macau and Taiwan

  13. 社会科学类社团是适应中国社会进步和学术繁荣的客观要求而产生、发展的,是在中国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的进程中不断壮大的。

    The advent of social science societies is a result of the Chinese social progress and the prosperity of academic research and they have been developing strongly with the Chinese reform and opening up to the outside world and with the Chinese socialist modernization .

  14. 哲学社会科学类学术期刊虽然在理论上存在文化产品和文化商品属性,但在市场经济的背景下必须着重深化对其知识属性和学术属性的认识。

    Although the academic periodicals of the category of Philosophy and Social sciences have the attribute of both the cultural products and the cultural goods in theory , but we must emphasize understanding their attribute of knowledge and academic under the background of the market economy .

  15. 我国社会科学五大类图书价格的灰色模型及预测分析

    The Grey Model and Analytical Calculation of the Prices of Five Kinds of Social Science Books of Our Country