
  • 网络China Books;China Bookstore;CATHAY BOOKSHOP;cathay press
  1. 最后,本文得出如下结论:尽管面临着诸多的威胁,中国书店当前还是保留着一定的核心竞争力的,但是还需要引入一些现代管理方法来提高其核心竞争力。

    Finally , this article draws the following conclusion : Although is facing many threats , Cathay Bookstore current is retaining certain core competitive power , But also needs to introduce some modern management to enhance its core competitive power .

  2. 中国网上书店发展模式研究

    A Study of the Operational Mode of Online Bookstores in China

  3. 你是否有去过中国的书店,是否看过中文版的基辛格或者希拉里克林顿的回忆录?

    Have you ever been to a bookstore in China and seen Chinese translations of Kissinger 's or Hilary Clinton 's memoirs ?

  4. 在我们网站上亦能查找到有助于准备考试的课本,您可以从香港文化协会书店或中国大陆书店订购。

    Course books to help students prepare for Trinity exams canbe ordered from the British Council Bookshops in China , as listed on our website .

  5. 近日,中国网上书店亚马逊、当当和京东均发布了2015年畅销书排行榜。根据数据显示,《秘密花园》,这本仅有264个字但风靡一时的图画书,是过去一年里卖的最火的一本书。

    Chinese online bookstores Amazon , Dangdang and Jingdong have released their best-seller lists for 2015 , showing that The Secret Garden , an all the rage coloring book with only 264 characters , is the book most people spent money on in the past year .

  6. 去年6月,当徐智明在中国开设网上书店时,他的全部经营理念都围绕着一个字“快”。

    When Xu Zhiming opened his online bookstore in China last June , his business idea was all about speed .

  7. 本次活动由大众书局(PopularBookmall)举办。该企业在中国有八家书店。

    It 's run by Popular Bookmall , which operates eight bookstores in China .

  8. 南京还有先锋书店(LibrairieAvant-Garde),一家隐藏在地下停车场的洞穴状书店,集零售和表演于一体,曾被评选为中国最美的书店。

    Nanjing is also home to Librairie Avant-Garde , a cavernous retail and performance space hidden away in an underground car park that was once voted China 's most beautiful bookstore .