
  • 网络social communication;social exchange
  1. 这些实验某种程度上也涉及到了社会交流。

    Such experiments involve social communication at another level , too .

  2. 阅读是重要的信息获取和社会交流手段。

    Reading is a very important means of information acquisition and social communication .

  3. RobinDunbar认为语言抚慰是不通过肢体接触,而是使用有声语言进行的心灵上的社会交流行为,是传递信息、维系人际关系的手段和方法,为人类社会所独有。

    Robin Dunbar considers that verbal grooming is the spirit social communicating behavior by acoustic language , not by body contact . It is the method of transferring information and maintaining relationships , owned just by human beings .

  4. Unesco称,地中海餐饮反映了社会交流和沟通,是对家庭、集体或者社区身份的一种确认和延续,这也许可以解读为在一顿吃了三个小时的午餐时喝酒。

    The Mediterranean diet , Unesco says , brings about moments ' of social exchange and communication , an affirmation and renewal of family , group , or community identity , ' which might be translated into drinking wine at three-hour lunches .

  5. 社会交流,特别是观点、态度等。

    Social exchange , esp. of opinions , attitudes , etc. .

  6. 翻译理论之所以能借助文体学研究,是因为这两个研究领域的目的性是并行不悖的,即:如何凭借有效的语言手段进行社会交流;

    Stylistics is helpful in translation study because they share some common research objectives .

  7. 广告与现代人的生活息息相关,它已经成为现代社会交流的一个重要组成部分。

    Nowadays , advertisement has become an indispensable component of communication in modern society .

  8. 语言是社会交流的有效工具。

    Language is an effective tool for communication .

  9. 英语已经成为了各种职业的基本技能,也是社会交流的实用工具。

    It hasbecome a basic skill needed for various jobs and a practical tool for social communication .

  10. 每天我们都进行社会交流,遇上我们不认识的人。

    Everyday , we have social interactions , and are exposed to people we don 't know .

  11. 与日常生活语言相比较,前者注重语言的诗学功能,后者注重语言的社会交流功能;

    When compared with daily language , literature language stresses its poetic sense and latter the communicative function .

  12. 地理学语言是人类认识地球环境和人类社会交流与传递地理信息的重要媒介。

    Geographic languages are very important medias for human beings to explore the earth environment and to exchange geographic information .

  13. 基于规则的社会交流:法治与德治&传统、规则与现代化

    Social Communication Based on Rule s : Rule of Law and Rule of Moral & Tradition , Rule and Modernization

  14. 旨在帮助英语学习者在社会交流中准确恰当地使用这一交际手段。

    It aims at helping English learners have a profound understanding of English euphemisms and properly use them in social intercourse .

  15. 同时,即使互联网保证了更好的社会交流,实际的社会联系仍是必不可少的。

    At the same time , even if the Internet ensures better social communication , actual social contact is still necessary .

  16. 我们正变得无法进行社会交流,与彼此交流、看著某人的双眼再也无法满足人们了。

    We 're becoming unsocial , it no longer satisfies to engage with one another , and look into someone 's eyes .

  17. 人脸是人们社会交流中所关注的焦点,在辨别身份和传递感情方面起着重要的作用。

    Human face is our primary focus of attention in social intercourse , playing a major role in conveying identity and emotion .

  18. 在这种情况下,中国国民尤其是大学生就应肩负起和国际社会交流、沟通的责任。

    In this case , the Chinese people , especially college students should shoulder the responsibility of communicating with the international community .

  19. 互联网是高新技术的产物,具有自由开放双向互动等优势,是新型的社会交流工具。

    Internet is a hi-tech product which has the advantage of free and open interactions , and is an advanced social communicative tool .

  20. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学欧文高夫曼教授一直不断地在研究社会交流中人们行为的方式。

    Professor Erving Goffman of the University of Pennsylvania is involved in a continuing study of the way people behave in social interaction .

  21. 创新、灵活和社会交流,作为新的信息与传播技术的核心要素,有助于我们实现这些目标。

    The innovation , flexibility and social interaction that lie at the heart of new information and communication technologies can support these goals .

  22. 自从韩国和中国于1992年建立外交关系以来,越来越多的经济和社会交流出现惊人的增长。

    Since the Korea and China diplomatic relations started in 1992 , more and more economical and social exchange increased in a stunning number .

  23. 但是,包括网络言论传播在内的大众传媒的言论传播,不仅是一种社会交流方式,更是一种社会调控方式。

    However , the commentary communication through mass media is not only a form of social exchange , but also a form of social control .

  24. 改革开放以来,由于我国与国际社会交流逐渐增多,学生掌握两种或两种以上的外语是非常必要的。

    In order to adapt to the needs of foreign exchanges , it is necessary to train students to master two or even more foreign languages .

  25. WHO对资料收集和即时报告制定了标准协议,并利用它的网站向国际社会交流调查结果。

    WHO has developed standardized protocols for data collection and reporting in real-time , and will communicate findings to the international community via its web site .

  26. 参观博物馆不仅让年轻人获得了宝贵的知识,也给他们提供了一个很好的社会交流机会。

    Visiting museums not only lets young people acquire good ( valuable , precious ) knowledge , but also gives them a good chance of social talk .

  27. 建构主义认为知识一定是在个体的认知结构中被主动建构的,因此它基本上是个体性的,但同时依赖于经验和社会交流。

    Constructivism assumes that knowledge is actively constructed in individual cognitive structure and therefore , it is basically individual but depending on the same experience and social communications .

  28. 学习如何与社会交流对于中学生来讲是必要的一门课程,在暑期学校里你有机会去锻炼交朋友这项技能。

    As learning how to communicate is necessary for high school students , you can also practice this skill in summer school by meeting a lot of friends .

  29. 独居的老人可以仅仅通过与其他人进行社会交流以及从事减少他们的孤独的活动,就可以显著延长他们的寿命。

    Just by socializing with other people and engaging them in activities that decrease their loneliness , elderly individuals who live alone can significantly extend their life expectancy .

  30. 我相信通过这次的文化交流,中新两国将会更进一步巩固双边关系,促进两国经济合作与社会交流。

    I expect the " Singapore Season " to help bring us even closer as peoples , thereby further strengthening the foundation for mutual co-operation between our two countries .