
  • Nemesis;Fury
  1. 复仇女神计划现在全面启动。

    The nemesis program is now fully activated .

  2. “复仇女神”与“湮没”的搭档如此完美,从而在我们的统计排名中赢得了头把交椅。

    Nemesis and Oblivion make perfect partners and earn a place at number one in our countdown .

  3. 但是要当心:除非你领会中世纪的历史、被革新释放的虔诚的复仇女神,以及奥匈帝国(austro-hungarianempire)的政治圆舞曲,否则,这个城市或许会淹没你和你的无知。

    But be warned : unless you have a grasp of medieval history , the religious furies unleashed by the reformation and the political roundelays of the Austro-Hungarian Empire , the city might overwhelm you with your own ignorance .

  4. 我们就没见过别的东西,复仇女神回答。

    ' We have seen nothing else , ' returned The Vengeance .

  5. 复仇女神也非常赞成。

    The Vengeance , also , highly approved .

  6. 复仇女神说着拥抱了她一下。

    Said The Vengeance , and embraced her .

  7. 他见到我时,他释放出了他的复仇女神。而我则放出了地狱火。

    When he saw me , he unleashed his fury . I unleashed Hell .

  8. 另一个女人是复仇女神。我们班上另外3个女生。

    The second woman being The Vengeance . Three other girls in our class .

  9. 复仇女神叫了起来,拥抱了她。

    Cried The Vengeance ; and embraced her .

  10. 犯各种违背天理人情罪行的人则会被复仇女神赶到这里。

    Men who committed unnatural crimes of all kinds were driven there by the Furies .

  11. 另一个女人是复仇女神。

    The second woman being The Vengeance .

  12. 艾丽克丝创造了一个神秘的复仇女神形象

    Alex projects that a mysterious female nemesis

  13. 复仇女神站在最前面的一把椅子上。她在寻找她的朋友。

    On one of the fore-most chairs , stands The Vengeance , looking about for her friend .

  14. 是的,声音大一点,复仇女神。声音很大了,可她仍然没听见。

    Ay ! Louder , Vengeance , much louder , and still she will scarcely hear thee .

  15. 复仇女神,你为什么不把那头金牛再带到我面前,让我折断她的牛角!

    Nemesis , why don 't you put Taurus in front of me and let me break its horn ?

  16. 那在听众的热烈赞扬声中像这样促进了审讯过程的是复仇女神。

    It was The Vengeance who , amidst the warm commendations of the audience , thus assisted the proceedings .

  17. 不幸地,年轻的男人发现他的复仇女神现在居然是女巫协会的一个强大的吸血鬼。

    Unfortunately , the young man discovers that his nemesis is now a powerful vampire with a coven of allies .

  18. 我衷心接受上级的命令,复仇女神敏捷作答,而且亲了亲她的面颊。

    " I willingly obey the orders of my Chief ," said The Vengeance with alacrity , and kissing her cheek .

  19. 再大一点吧,复仇女神,再加上几句咒骂什么的。可她仍然没出现。

    Louder yet , vengeance , with a little oath or so added , and yet it will hardly bring her .

  20. 有一些较小的云霄飞车是悠哉游哉地回到车站的,而“复仇女神”却让你的心自始至终都悬在嗓子眼里。

    Where lesser coasters cruise leisurely back into the station , Nemesis has your heart in your mouth from start to stop .

  21. 复仇女神弯下了身子,有大鼓的响动传出,那是她从柜台后自己脚边把它搬了出来。

    The Vengeance stooped , and the jar of a drum was heard as she moved it at her feet behind the counter .

  22. 复仇女神和雅克三号彼此争先恐后地肯定她是最值得尊重,也是最精彩的证人。

    The Vengeance and Jacques Three vied with each other in their fervent protestations that she was the most admirable and marvellous of witnesses .

  23. 圣安托万睡着了,德伐日夫妇睡着了,就连复仇女神也跟她的杂货小贩睡着了,大鼓也休息了。

    Saint Antoine slept , the Defarges slept : even The Vengeance slept with her starved grocer , and the drum was at rest .

  24. 如果是这样,这件事将会符合悲剧的经典定义:傲睨神明(傲慢);犯罪女神(愚蠢);复仇女神(毁灭)。

    If so , the event would meet the classical definition of tragedy : hubris ( arrogance ); Ate ( folly ); nemesis ( destruction ) .

  25. 在五十二个人等待着自己的命运的同时,德伐日太太召集复仇女神和革命陪审团的陪审员雅克三号开了一个阴暗不祥的会。

    In that same juncture of time when the fifty-two awaited their fate Madame Defarge held darkly ominous Council with the vengeance and Jacques three of the revolutionary jury .

  26. 最后一部曲的内容则讲述了复仇女神,也称作厄里尼厄斯欲以弑母之罪惩罚俄瑞斯忒斯。

    The last play concerns the punishment of Orestes at the hands of the Furies , or Erinyes , the goddesses who purge him of the sin of matricide .

  27. 庭长摇铃,受到鼓动、头脑发热的复仇女神尖叫道,“我才不理你那铃声呢,”因而她再次受到赞赏。

    The president rang his bell ; but , the vengeance , warming with encouragement , shrieked , 'i defy that bell ! 'wherein she was likewise much commended .

  28. 随着2007年次贷危机升级为2008年的信贷紧缩,并最终演变成2009年的“大萧条”,复仇女神发起了第二波攻击。

    And it struck a second time with the escalation of the subprime crisis of 2007 into the credit crunch of 2008 and finally the " Great Recession " of 2009 .

  29. 顷刻间,一大群人从监狱墙角转出,锯木工也在其中,他跟复仇女神手牵着手。

    A moment afterwards , and a throng of people came pouring round the corner by the prison wall , in the midst of whom was the Wood-Sawyer hand in hand with the vengeance .

  30. 可是在“反右”风暴的浪涛里,丁玲竟从“人类灵魂的工程师”变为令人齿寒的“复仇女神”,从而湮没了24年。

    But in the " rebelling the right " storm , Ding Ling turned unexpectedly from " the human psychic engineer " into poor " Nemesis ", since then she had sunk for 24 years .