
  • 网络yiyang city
  1. 基于GIS的城镇土地定级研究&以益阳市为例

    Study on town-land grading on the basis of gis & take Yiyang City for example

  2. 以湖南省益阳市为例,构建耕地资源可持续利用评价指标体系,通过层次分析法(AHP)对各层指标作出判断,得出总排序权重。

    Taking Yiyang city in Hunan province for example , the index system of evaluation on sustainable farmland utilization is constructed .

  3. 益阳市邮政储蓄客户关系管理策略研究恩平市邮政局EMS市场分析与对策研究

    Strategy Analysis on CRM of Yiyang Postal-saving Bank ; Analysis and Tactics for EMS Market of Enping Post office

  4. 益阳市文化生态旅游发展研究

    Studies on Development of the Culture and Eco-tourism in Yiyang City

  5. 对房产测量坐标系统选择的探讨&以益阳市为例

    Building Survey Coordinates System Choice : Take Yiyang City as the Example

  6. 益阳市烟草公司员工薪酬体系改进研究

    A Study on Staff 's Salary System Improvement of Yiyang Tobacco Company

  7. 益阳市秀峰公园环境行为调查分析

    The Analysis of Environmental Behavior Investigation on Xiu Feng Park in Yiyang

  8. 益阳市在耕地保护上做出了卓有成效的实绩。

    Yiyang city has made the fruitful actual result on the farmland protection .

  9. 益阳市商品房市场营销策划的现状与对策

    Present Situation and Strategies of Marketing Planning of Commodity House in Yiyang City

  10. 城市住宅区优化布局研究&以益阳市为例

    Research on Optimization Scheme of Residential Area in City

  11. 益阳市矿泉水的基本特征及形成机理探讨

    An Inquiring into Basic Features and Formation Machanism of Mineral Water in Yiyang City

  12. 湖南省益阳市太极拳健身消费的动机分析

    Analysis of the Consumption Motives of Taijiquan Participants in Yiyang City of Hunan Province

  13. 益阳市2005-2008年突发公共卫生事件流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Emergent Public Health Events in Yiyang City From 2005 to 2007

  14. 益阳市市直工业企业民营化模式及过程管理研究

    The Privatization Pattern Process Management of Industrial Firms Under the Direct Jurisdiction of Yiyang Municipality

  15. 益阳市工商银行电子银行服务营销策略研究

    The Research on the Strategy of E-Bank Service Marketing in the ICBC Yi Yang Branch

  16. 对益阳市农村劳动力转移就业及返乡创业情况的调查与思考

    Investigation on and Consideration about the Transfer , Employment and Returning Embark of Rural Labor

  17. 层次聚类分析法在土地利用分区中的应用&以益阳市南县为例

    Application of Hierarchical Cluster on Land Utilization Division & Take Nan County in Yiyang for Example

  18. 区域生态经济系统协调度评价研究&以湖南省益阳市资阳区为例

    Evaluation on Harmony Degree of Region Eco-economic System & A Case of Ziyang Section of Yiyang City of Hunan Province

  19. 此次爆发的地点益阳市,坐落在洞庭湖旁边,那里是很多迁徙鸟的家园。

    Yiyang , the site of the outbreak , lies next to Lake dongting , which hosts many migratory birds .

  20. 益阳市对长株潭城市群两型社会试验区建设的响应机制及策略研究

    Research on response mechanism and strategy to building the " two-oriented society " experimental areas in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration of Yiyang

  21. 本文实证分析了2000&2007年益阳市农业产业化经营对农民增收的效果。

    In this paper , empirical analysis of the 2000-2007 year the city of Yiyang industrialized operation of agriculture to increase farmers .

  22. 不同协调函数对生态-经济-社会复合系统协调度影响分析&以湖南省益阳市资阳区为例

    Influence of different harmony functions on the harmony degree of ecology-economy-society system & A case study from Ziyang District , Yiyang City , Hunan Province

  23. 沃尔玛常德店的140多个工人已被提供益阳市的岗位,从常德搭乘巴士到那里需要3小时。

    The more than 140 workers at Walmart 's Changde store have been offered positions in the city of Yiyang , a three-hour bus ride away .

  24. 本文联系益阳市产业发展实际,进行了利弊条件分析,提出了增强产业竞争力应做好的几个方面工作。

    This article links the actual industrial development in Yiyang city , analyses the pros and cons and puts forward to enhance to enhance industrial competitiveness from several aspects .

  25. 从“两免一补”看农村义务教育的均衡发展&以湖南省益阳市为例

    On the Balanced Development of Rural Compulsory Education from the Angle of " Two Exemptions and One Subsidy " Policy : A Case Study of Yiyang in Hunan Province

  26. 另外,随着益阳市城市建设活动逐步增加,梓山湖片区的土地开发建设在做了大量的前期分析研究后已经提到了日程上。

    In addition , with the gradually increase of urban construction activities of YiYang city , land development and construction of ZiShan lake area has been mentioned on the agenda .

  27. 它是益阳市政府挂牌重点保护单位,省科委认定的高新技术企业。

    It is listed and laid special stress on protecting the unit , the new high-tech enterprise which the provincial scientific and technological commission asserted by the government of Yiyang .

  28. 本研究以益阳市小学体育安全问题为研究对象,就益阳市的10所小学的200名学生与10名体育教师作为调查样本,每所学校发放学生问卷20份,教师问卷1份。

    200 students and 10 P.E. teachers were chosen from 10 primary schools in Yiyang City as survey examples , each school having 20 questionnaires for students and 1 for teachers .

  29. 通过调查和实践,分析了益阳市商品房市场营销策划的现状,提出了发展和完善其营销策划的对策。

    By investigation and practice , this article analyzes the present situation of the marketing planning of commodity house in Yiyang City , and it puts forward the marketing strategies of the planning .

  30. 运用客户价值这一新的细分变量,益阳市现有的邮储客户可分为高价值客户、一般价值客户和低价值客户三个层次。

    Using the new subdivision of client value , the existing clients of the Yiyang Postal-saving Bank can be divided into three categories i.e. high value client , medium value clients and low value clients .