
  • 网络Production group
  1. 针对所产生的问题,提出了建立菌用原料林基地、调整食用菌生产结构、加快食用菌的替代原料与节木技术研究、组建食用菌生产集团等发展对策。

    According to those problems , it put forward some proposals , to establish original base of mushrooms , adjust its production structure , quicken the substitute materials for mushrooms , organize mushrooms production group , etc.

  2. 在当今媒介时代,艺术生产主体也有了新的变化,原来的个体艺术创作转变成集体协作,个体艺术家转变成了组织化的艺术生产集团。

    In the medium time , the artistic production main body also has the new change now , the individual artistic creation originally transformed the collective cooperation , the individual artist transforms the organization artistic production group .

  3. 武力集团和生产集团具有各自的比较优势。

    The power group and the producing group have different comparative advantages .

  4. 这些行业增长数据对亚洲的零食生产集团来说并非灾难。

    None of those sector growth rates are a disaster for the Asian snack groups .

  5. 这家公司逐渐成长为了现在这个巨型的吉他生产集团。

    Gradually , the company grew to become the massive guitar-building corporation that it is today .

  6. 创建于1838年,林茨纺织是欧洲领先的高品质粘胶丝线生产集团。

    Founded in1838 , Linz Textil is the leading high quality viscose yarn manufacturing group in Europe .

  7. 本文首先从市场营销策略相关理论入手,运用宏观环境分析法(从PEST模型)、产业结构分析法对中国农业生产资料集团公司的营销环境进行了分析。

    First , it states the relevant theories of marketing strategy , introducing the analysis methods of macro-environment analysis ( from the PEST model ) and industrial structure analysis .

  8. 重点在于农资市场分析与竞争分析,明确了中国农业生产资料集团公司所处的竞争地位。

    Focused on agricultural market analysis and competitive analysis , it clears the competitive position of the company .

  9. 对铅冶炼厂等八个生产厂集团应采用分权式财务管理模式,而对其他子公司则采用相融式财务管理模式。

    The group should use the pattern of decentralization financial management pattern in the Lead refinery and so on other seven plants , but use the melts-like financial management pattern in other subsidiary companies .

  10. 随着我国经济的发展,生产规模集团化、技术先进化、管理现代化的大型跨国企业越来越多,也使市场和人才的竞争愈加激烈。

    With the high speed of economic growth in China , more global companies enter into the county , brought with them the large operational scale , advanced techniques and management practices , as well as the fierce competition for the talents and market share .

  11. 该财团的最大成员为香港上市的电池生产商中策集团(ChinaStrategic)。中策将新的业务重心放在金融服务领域。

    The largest member of the consortium is China Strategic , a Hong Kong-listed battery maker whose new business focus is financial services .

  12. 中国个人电脑生产巨头联想集团(LenovoGroupLtd.)表示,该公司目前尚未盈利的智能手机业务将成为其增长引擎。

    Chinese personal-computer giant Lenovo Group Ltd. says its unprofitable smartphone business will become an engine for its growth .

  13. 基于拉动式生产对WP集团公司场内物流的优化。

    Logistics optimization to WP group corporation based on the Pull Production .

  14. 中国最大的镍生产商金川集团(Jinchuan)周二表示,将把今年的生产目标下调17%,而在过去2周,中国规模最大的几家铜冶炼厂已大幅减产。

    Jinchuan , China 's biggest nickel producer , said on Tuesday it was cutting its production target for this year by 17 per cent , while several of the country 's biggest copper smelters have made large cutbacks over the past two weeks .

  15. 前投资银行家张迅豪(NormanCheung)的迷你储物服务创业型企业走得更远。自1月份以来,他已从亚洲一些最知名的投资者募集810万美元,包括世界上最大方便面生产商顶新集团(TingHsingroup)的创始人。

    Norman Cheung , a former investment banker , has got much further with his micro-storage start-up , which has raised $ 8.1m since January from some of Asia 's best-known investors , including the founders of Ting Hsin group , the world 's biggest maker of instant noodles .

  16. 实施无/低费方案持续开展清洁生产徐州矿务集团开展清洁生产的工作经验

    Implement Non / Low Fee Program and Carry Out Cleaner Production

  17. 我公司是专业生产无纺布的集团公司。

    Our company is specializing in the production of non-woven fabric group .

  18. 我国体育产品生产应走集团化之路

    Sports products producing in China should be organized

  19. 英格兰足球超级联赛曼联俱乐部正式与中国建设银行以及中国饮料生产商娃哈哈集团签订一份为期三年的赞助协议。

    English Premier League side Manchester United has agreed to two three-year sponsorships with China Construction Bank and soft drinks manufacturer Wahaha .

  20. 俄罗斯最大的禽肉生产商切克索沃集团每天要向莫斯科地区供应约45000吨鸡肉。

    Russia 's largest meat producer , the Cherkizovo Group , supplies about 45000 tons of chicken per day to the Moscow area .

  21. 留学解答资讯网:蒋锡培,中国最成功的电缆生产厂家远东集团的董事长,有着坎坷的成长之路。

    Jiang Xipei , Chairman of Fareast Group , the most successful cable manufacturer in China , has covered a bumpy road to success .

  22. 为优化生产规模,集团将透过积极改善市场推广及管理,于来年将高频石英的产量进一步增加。

    In order to optimize production scale , the group targets to boost its capacity in the coming year through active improvement in marketing and management .

  23. 为了实现打规模生产,该集团在世界各地有12多个最后组装地,其中至少有3个与其他的生产商合作。

    In order to be able to realise large volumes , the Group has more than twelve proprietary final assembly sites worldwide and three more in cooperation with other manufacturers .

  24. 据国家轻工业局对于1999午中国啤酒行业的产销形势的分析预测,1999年全国啤酒产量将超过2000万吨。随着啤酒工业的飞跃,啤酒生产企业正向集团化、规模化发展。

    According to an analysis conducted by the China State Administration of Light industry , it is estimated that in 1999 , China 's total beer production will reach 20 million tons .

  25. 一些经济学家将这种情况解读为“消费降级”的信号。然而,中国最大的饮料生产商娃哈哈集团董事长兼总经理宗庆后在北京举行的一场高层研讨会上表达了不同的观点。

    Some economist interpreted this as a signal of a ' consumption downgrade . ' However , Zong Qinghou , chairman and general manager of Wahaha Group , largest beverage producer in China , offered a different opinion at a high-level seminar in Beijing .

  26. 这条轧钢生产线是鞍钢集团(AngangSteel)在鞍山市拥有的庞大厂区的一部分。鞍钢是中国第二大钢铁企业。

    The steel-rolling line is part of a sprawling complex in Anshan owned by Angang Steel , China 's second-biggest steel company .

  27. 普京表示,50年前,60%的全球生产总值来自七国集团(groupofseven),而今天,60%的全球生产总值来自这七个国家以外。

    Mr Putin said 50 years ago , 60 per cent of world gross domestic product came from the group of seven industrial nations . Today , 60 per cent of world GDP came from outside the G7 .

  28. 据数位知情人士透露,在从福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo.)手里收购瑞典汽车厂商沃尔沃(Volvo)的竞购者中,中国汽车生产商吉利控股集团脱颍而出,领先其他竞购者。

    China 's Geely Leads Volvo Bidding Chinese automaker Geely Holding Group Co. has emerged as the leading contender to acquire Swedish automaker Volvo from Ford Motor Co. , said several people familiar with the matter .

  29. 基于此架构,以一个兼有生产和营销的集团公司为例,采用对象中间件CORBA,构建了基于CORBA软总线的电子商务系统。

    On the basis of this structure , using a group company , which can both product and sell , as the original version , it builds up a e-business system based on CORBA soft bus .

  30. 联想集团去年超过惠普(Hewlett-Packard)成为全球最大的PC生产商,该集团正在努力提高智能手机和平板电脑销量,希望移动设备成为未来几年的新增长引擎。

    Lenovo , which overtook Hewlett-Packard as the world 's largest PC maker last year , is trying to sell more smartphones and tablets , hoping that mobile devices will become its new engine for growth over the next several years .