
  • 网络production planning;production plan
  1. 精通生产规划和ERP系统是首选。

    Knowledge of production planning and ERP system is preferred .

  2. 基于通用物料单的ATO型供应链生产规划决策模型

    Decision Model of ATO Supply Chain Production Planning Based on Generic BOM

  3. ATO型供应链生产规划与库存协调集成决策经济模型

    An Economic Decision Model for ATO Supply Chain Product Scheduling and Inventory Coordination

  4. 数字规划验证的方法可以被看作一种在数字化工厂中的生产规划过程DMU。

    The method of Digital Planning Validation can be regarded as a kind of process DMU of production planning within the Digital Factory .

  5. APS(AdvancedPlanniingandScheduling,高级规划与排程)的出现是为了强化ERP中以传统MRP规划逻辑为主的生产规划与排程功能,以协助规划人员对物料与产能做同步且最有效益的生产规划。

    The emergence of APS is to strengthen the function of planning and scheduling based on traditional MRP planning logic , so that to assist people in production management division get synchronization and best material and capacity planning .

  6. 决策支持系统(DSS)是计算机集成制造(CIM)环境中计算机信息系统的核心,它直接支持计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)的生产规划与控制。本文讨论了CIM环境中的DSS的特点、结构。

    Decision support system ( DSS ), is the kernel of the computerised information system in the computer integrated manufacturing ( CIM ) environment and supports directly the planning , scheduling and control in the computer integrated manufacturing system ( CIMS ) .

  7. 实验分析结果表明该方法具有有效性和实用性,也说明了CBR在电力负荷预测系统的应用是提高电力系统生产规划、运行调度与管理水平,实现安全、高效和经济调度的重要技术手段。

    Experimental analysis indicates that the method is effective and practical , and that CBR used in load forecasting system is the key technical measure to raise the level of production planning , operation dispatch and management , and to implement the safe and economical dispatch .

  8. 农业生产规划中一种表上作业新方法的应用

    A new method of table work and its application on agricultural programming

  9. 卫星灌区环境保护与绿色食品生产规划

    Protecting the environment of Weixing irrigation area and green food production plan

  10. 一种资源优化配置方法及其在石油生产规划中的应用

    An Optimum Resource Allocation Method and Its Application in Petroleum Production Planning

  11. (《一个合作社的三年生产规划》一文按语)

    ( Note to " The Three-Year Production Plan of a Co-operative ")

  12. 缺货补偿条件下的生产规划模型及算法

    A Production Planning Model with Stockout Compensation and Its Algorithm

  13. 面向对象的制造资源分类与生产规划调度模型研究

    Research on Manufacture Resource Classification Based on Object-oriented and Production Planing Scheduling Model

  14. 型钢生产规划软件系统的结构化分析

    Constructional analysis of planning software for section steel production

  15. 基于案例推理的半导体生产规划优化方法

    Case-Based Reasoning on Capacity Planning in Semiconductor Manufacturing

  16. 林业采育场生产规划合理性的研究

    A Study on the Rational Nature of Produce Program of Forest Cutting and Cultivating

  17. 多目标线性生产规划的模糊联盟对策

    Multiobjective Linear Production Programming Game with Fuzzy Coalition

  18. 有关市场经济下间歇化工厂的生产规划问题

    Production Planning for Batch Chemical Plants under Market-economy

  19. 分析结果可以为调整株洲市工业布局和生产规划提供参考。

    The analytical results can provide reference for Zhuzhou 's industrial layout and production planning .

  20. 随机和模糊双重不确定环境下的集约生产规划模型及智能求解

    Aggregate Production Planning Model and Intelligent Algorithm under Double Uncertain Environments with Random and Fuzzy

  21. 虚拟企业协同生产规划是虚拟企业生产运作的核心内容之一。

    Virtual Enterprise ( VE ) collaborative production planning is essential for VE to operate effectively .

  22. 基于相关机会约束的生产规划

    Constrained-based Production Schedule with Relative Opportunity

  23. 可以说,不可靠制造系统性能评估是生产规划和管理中重要的研究问题之一。

    The performance evaluation of production plays an important role in the field of floor control .

  24. 生产规划和控制。

    Production planning and control .

  25. 该公司还聘请许多优秀的人谁可以解决公司的管理和生产规划。

    The company also employed many excellent people who can solve company 's management and production planning .

  26. 丰田公司一位讲话人婉言回绝发表评论,称公司没有谈到未来生产规划。

    Toyota spokesman declined to comment , saying the company does not talk about future product plans .

  27. 一种产品生产规划模型

    A Product Manufacturing Planning Model

  28. 林业采育场的生产规划是其生产经营活动的重要依据。

    The production program of forestry cutting and cultivating farm is important basis of produce farming activity .

  29. 从生产规划到主生产计划,再从主生产计划到物料需求计划的实现方法。

    From the production plan to MPS , and from production plan to MRP with realized the method .

  30. 因此必须以整合方式进行温室作物栽培生产规划作业。

    The integrated plan of the several factors is very important to execute the production plan of greenhouse .