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  1. 运用具体教学实例,生动说明了实验教学培养学生跨学科综合能力的重要作用。

    With lively teaching examples this article illustrates the important role of using experimental teaching to culture students ' integration abilities of span-subject .

  2. 第二步:通过两个亲身案例生动说明咨询服务在支持隧道行业发展当中的市场重要性及不可或缺性。

    Step two : a vivid description of the case through two personal consulting services to support the tunnel industry in the development of a market in which the importance and indispensability .

  3. 浏阳个案生动地说明了这一辩证关系。

    This dialectical relationship is lively shown in the Liuyang case .

  4. 这次会议生动地说明农民有丰富的知识。

    This meeting has demonstrated vividly that the peasants have a wealth of knowledge .

  5. 斯威士兰的生动事例说明了投入物展销会是如何使贫困农民提高其产量的。

    A telling example from Swaziland shows how input trade fairs enable poor farmers boost their crops .

  6. 最后我们结合传统的营销理论&4P`S理论提出了环保行业营销的8P`S理论。形象生动的说明了环保产业市场的营销特性,指出了环保企业特别是污染治理型环保企业的营销努力方向。

    At last , we put forward the 8P ` S to replace 4P ` S , it give environment protection companies direction of marketing effort .

  7. 日本海啸生动地说明了合作资本主义是如何快速调动资源、并为高效但脆弱的供应链提供复原力的秘密之源的。

    The tsunami has graphically demonstrated how co-operative capitalism allows rapid mobilisation of resources and offers a hidden source of resilience to efficient but vulnerable supply chains .

  8. 这家便利店经理所表现出来的周到、体贴和爱心生动地说明,比起雇主所付的薪水,人们记忆更深的是他们的关心。

    The thoughtfulness , empathy and love of this convenience store manager demonstrates vividly that people remember more how much an employer cares than how much the employer pays .

  9. 通过明白易懂的解释,生动的说明,使得枯燥乏味的数学变得更加有趣。

    Almost no prior mathematical knowledge is assumed and through lively exposition and lucid explanations real mathematics is made not only palatable , but even enjoyable to the uninitiated .

  10. 弗拉姆说,“它生动地说明了我们要实现的目标,”即从本州的主要农作物废料中提炼出有用的燃料。

    " It 's just a wonderful example of what we 're trying to achieve ," he says , turning waste products from one of the state 's major crops into something useful .

  11. 若某债务人违约,银行不仅得不到预期的收益,还有可能收不回本金。现今美国的次级贷危机以及其引起的金融风暴就很生动的说明了这一点。

    If some debtor act in violation of the stipulation , the banks will not get the anticipated income , even the corpus may be lost , which was dramatically demonstrated by the subprime crisis of American and the coming financial crisis caused by it .

  12. 2012年一项关于看电视习惯的研究就生动地说明了这一点。这项研究表明,人们做家务的时间增多后,他们坐在那里看电视的时间也会大幅上升,原因大概是开着的电视引起了他们的注意。

    A telling 2012 study of television viewing habits found that when men increased the number of hours they spent on housework , they also greatly increased the hours they spent sitting in front of the TV , presumably because it was there and beckoning .

  13. 该模式的设计综合运用多种环境道德教育理念,借鉴了其他模式的优点,列举案例生动地说明,为环境道德教育理论注入了新的内涵,为环境道德教育开展提供了良好的建议。

    As expected , the design of the mode exerted manifold conception of environmental morality education , collected the advantages of other modes , enumerated the cases more vividly . In all , the mode brought a new connotation and supplied a nicer suggestion to the environmental morality education .

  14. 这本书写得很好,插图生动形象,说明文字简练精辟。

    The book is well written , properly illustrated and excellently captioned .

  15. 科学家以生动的例子说明他的理论。

    The scientist cited vivid instances in illustration of his theory .

  16. 多元文化主义的历史提供了一个生动例证,说明糟糕的推理如何能够使人们作茧自缚。

    The history of multiculturalism offers a telling example of how bad reasoning can tie people up in terrible knots of their own making .

  17. 接下来作者通过大量生动的实例说明了概念隐喻理论在英语词汇教学尤其是在分析多义词、习语、词语关系方面有着重大意义。

    Then by analyzing plenty of vivid language expressions , the author reveals the significance of conceptual metaphor in analyzing English polysemy , culture-specific idioms and word connection .

  18. 这些习作是学生在有效的心理教学下所写的文章,非常生动有力的说明研究学生作文时的心理的必要性与重要性。

    These exercises are students and effective teaching in psychology articles written by a very vivid description of a powerful psychological study of student writing when the need for and importance .

  19. 半数业务都与能效有关的工业巨头霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)的CEO高德威举了个生动的例子来说明未来的城市怎样大幅降低能源需求。

    David cote , the CEO of Honeywell ( HON ) , the industrial giant that has more than 50 % of its portfolio linked to energy efficiency , gave a telling example of how the city of the future will require dramatically less energy .

  20. 让我给你举个非常生动的例子来说明这点,这是一个关于对等退休金计划投资方面做的调查。

    I 'll give you one very dramatic example of this : a study that was done of investments in voluntary retirement plans .

  21. 生动有趣的事实说明,生命科学中的一些生命活动问题可以归结为数学问题,如遗传规律,人口增长规律等。

    Several vivid and interesting facts have been presented to show that some problems of life activity can be reduced to mathematical problems , for example , genetic rule , population growth rule , etc.

  22. 在商界和艺术界,创造性的必要性一样重要,他辩称,我们认为,(英国皇家莎士比亚剧团项目)将成为一个生动的例子,说明了商学院代表了什么。

    The need for creativity is as great in business as it is in artistry , he argues . We thought it [ the RSC project ] would be a living example of what the business school stood for .