
  1. 从研究范式的转变看当代西方宏观经济学的发展

    Observing the Development of Modern Western Macroeconomics from Research Paradigm Shift

  2. 西方宏观经济学的冲突主线与内在逻辑

    Main Line and Logic of the Conflict of the Western Macroeconomics

  3. 新世纪西方宏观经济学展望

    The Prospect for the Western Macroeconomics in the Coming Century

  4. 西方宏观经济学对非自愿失业的产生和解释,推动了宏观经济学的发展。

    The explanation of western macroeconomics to non-voluntary unemployment impels its development .

  5. 当代西方宏观经济学是指新古典综合学派衰落之后的西方宏观经济学。

    Modern western macroeconomics is the macroeconomics after the decline of Neo-classic Synthesis School .

  6. 西方宏观经济学微观基础研究综述

    A Summary of Studies on Micro-foundation of Macroeconomics

  7. 西方宏观经济学的新发展

    New Development in Western Macroeconomics

  8. 西方宏观经济学不确定的内容与不同学派无休止的争议显示了经济学的非成熟性。

    The indefinite content and the endless arguments between different schools shows that the western macro-economics is immature .

  9. 当代西方宏观经济学发展的特点体现在对微观基础的重视之上,从严格的微观基础出发研究宏观经济问题的研究范式是当代西方宏观经济学的研究范式。

    It pays much attention to the micro-basis . The paradigm that the macro-problems are studied from the strict micro-basis is its important trait .

  10. 受西方宏观经济学追求微观基础的潮流影响,哈恩难题和希克斯共存问题成为长期困挠货币经济学的两大理论难题。

    Influenced by the trend of searching micro-foundation for macroeconomics , Hahn 's Problem and Hick 's Coexistence Problem becomes the main two perplexing today 's monetary theories .

  11. 凯恩斯革命、货币主义反革命和理性预期革命等重大经济学事件构成了20世纪西方宏观经济学发展的主线。

    The major events in economics , the Keynesian Revolution , Monetarist Counterrevolution , Rational Expectation Revolution , etc. , made up main path of development of modern macroeconomics .

  12. 当代西方宏观经济学已有明显的发展趋势,在微观基础研究不断完善的情况下,当代西方宏观经济学将有可能实现一次意义深远的综合。

    From today 's views , there has been evident tendency for the development of modern western macroeconomics and in the future , there will be a new synthesis .

  13. 20世纪西方宏观经济学取得了一系列成果:宏观经济学体系的创立、货币的与实际的经济周期理论的形成、内生增长理论的提出、宏观经济学的微观基础分析等。

    In the 20 th century , macroeconomics made many achievements , such as the found of macroeconomics , theories of monetary & real economic cycle , endogenous growth , micro basis of macroeconomics .

  14. 探寻西方宏观经济学演进的路径,可知劳动市场的工资和商品市场的价格是否处于弹性和刚性,是各理论建立的基本条件。

    The establishment of all the theories involved is preconditioned by inquiring the evolution path of western macroeconomics and thus discovering wages in labor market and prices in commodity market are in elasticity or rigidity .

  15. 西方宏观经济学近百年的发展历史,已经形成了较为成熟和完善的货币政策传导机制理论,在理论和实践方面都取得了很大成就。

    With the history of nearly a hundred years , western macroeconomics has been formed a relatively mature and sophisticated theory of monetary policy transmission mechanism , making great achievements not only in theory but in practice .

  16. 本文借助于西方宏观经济学中的索洛经济增长模型和拉姆齐卡斯库普曼斯模型,讨论了宏观经济中最优消费和储蓄的确定机制,并得出判断宏观经济运行动态效率的黄金定律以及修正黄金定律标准。

    The thesis discusses the optimum consumption and the decision mechanism of saving with reference to Solow 's economic growth model and Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model , deriving the golden rule of judging the dynamic efficiency of macro-economic operation and modifying the standards of golden rule .

  17. 梅纳德.凯恩斯是西方近代宏观经济学的开创者,是公认的20世纪最具创造性和最有影响力的著名经济学家、在经济学领域引发革命的学术泰斗、凯恩斯主义的创始人。

    John Maynard Keynes is the pioneer in Western macroeconomics , recognized one of the most creative and most influential well-known economists in the 20th century , academic lord whom triggered a revolution in the economic sphere , and the founder of Keynesianism .