
As one of the largest plant transcription factor families , MYB transcription factors play important roles in regulation of phenylpropanoid pathway and response of biotic and abiotic stresses .
The crop is seriously affected by various biotic and abiotic stresses .
A Comparative Study of Biological and Nonbiological Sheath Substitute in Prevention of Flexor Tendon Adhesions
Plants have evolved excellent defense mechanisms to protect themselves from biotic and abiotic stresses .
The computer hardware and the human brain have the essence difference of biology and non-biology .
However , the cultivation of B. napus has been always affected by various biotic and abiotic stresses .
Biotic and abiotic factors influencing soil respiration were found to affect both root / rhizosphere and microbial respirations .
Some research results show significant gradient trends from the edge to the core of fragmentation , while others do not .
The maize production is affected by various biotic and abiotic stress , and is closely related with the ear and kernel traits .
Protein kinases play important roles in plant growth and development , hormone response as well as in response to abiotic and biotic stress .
In this paper , seedling bank structure and dynamics of the main dominant tree species in Beijing Dongling oak forest has been studied .
Heredity is controlled by genes , but their expression is turned on and off throughout life depending upon biotic and abiotic factors in environment .
They symbolize a sequence , a battlefield , an order , an altar , transmigration of living and non-living beings , or life and death in dumb silence .
Gaia hypothesis : Model of the Earth in which its living and nonliving parts are viewed as a complex interacting system that can be thought of as a single organism .
The mechanisms include : responses of ontogenetic physiological , behavioral , and genetic processes to the abiotic and biotic environmental variables and variability , and the overall consequences of these responses from individual organisms on the population , community and habitat that they belong to ;
Conclusions : Original consciousness is the essential mark that distinguishes primary living beings with non_living beings . The birth of original consciousness is the real origin of living beings . The evolution of organism is the double processes with matter and consciousness at the same time .
Their frameworks , evaluation of biologic and non-biologic stress , and coding methods were analyzed .
The non-biological factors include too high summer temperature , high stocking density , environmental degradation , and so on .
The Organic ( Biogenic ) and Inorganic ( Non-Biogenic ) Sources of Hydrocarbons & Thought on Theory of Oil and Gas Formation
What is the relationship between life and its environment ? How should human treat other species and the ecology ? Those are among fundamental questions requiring urgent answers from the study of ecology .