
  • 网络nuclear bulge
  1. 稀硝酸与双氧水混合溶液中的腐蚀测试表明碳包覆层对球核中心的金属Cu具有很好的保护作用。

    It was found that the carbon shell could effectively shield the metallic Cu core from oxidation in the mixed solution of dilute hydrogen peroxide and nitric acid .

  2. 探讨了粒子间强相互作用的解决方法,建立了处于反离子溶液中的带电球核-球壳系统的场论模型。

    It was established that a field theory of counter-ion density distributions in a sphere kernel-shell model .

  3. 金属包裹纳米粒子是一种纳米量级的介质球核外包裹薄金属层的纳米粒子。

    A metal coated nanoparticle consists of a nanometer scale dielectric core surrounded by a thin metallic shell .

  4. 本文主要研究了球形量子点量子阱结构(球核/内壳层/外壳层分别非极性/极性/非极性半导体材料构成)中的振动本征模和电子声子相互作用的问题。

    In this paper , we have studied the vibrational eigenmodes and the electron-phonon interaction in a quantum dot-quantum well ( QD-QW ) structure which is formed by a quantum dot composed of a non-polar semiconductor coating with a polar semiconductor spherical slab , embedded in another non-polar surrounding medium .

  5. 从包含核子、介子以及光子的拉格朗日量出发,运用Euler-Lagrange方程给出了描述核子运动的Dirac方程、介子的Klein-Gordon方程、光子的电磁场方程,以及这些方程对球型核的描述形式。

    By using Euler-Lagrange equation , Dirac equation for nucleon , Klein-Gordon equation for mesons and electric-magnetic equation for photons are obtained from the general RMF lagrangian which describes nucleon , mesons and photons .

  6. 齿状核红核苍白球丘脑底核萎缩(dentatorubral-pallidoluysianatrophy,DRPLA)是一种常染色体显性遗传的神经退行性疾病,临床表现有共济失调、震颤、肌肉痉挛、舞蹈症、痴呆等。

    Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy ( DRPLA ) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease characterized by a number of symptoms that include ataxia , tremor , myoclonus , chorea and dementia .

  7. 基于固定半径包围球的核向量回归算法

    Core vector regression algorithm based on enclosing ball with unchanged raclins

  8. 球装核临界的计算及其参数影响

    Nuclear critical calculation of spherical assemblies and effects of their parameter change

  9. 球载核径迹探测器用于研究重核辐射生物效应

    A balloon borne Plastic nuclear track detector for Study of heavy nuclei radiobiological effects

  10. 厚大断面球铁核容器拉伸试样断口显微分析

    The Microfracture Analysis of the tensile Test sample of the Heavy Section Ductile Cast Iron Cask

  11. 生球成核率随着水分的增加而提高;

    With in creasing of the moisture , the nucleation rate of the green bau raises .

  12. 在1982年的气球飞行中,球载塑料核径迹探测器CR-39在气球高度飞行了10小时.测得E3.6GeV/n的银河宇宙线相对丰度,结果与卫星探测数据基本一致。

    The plastic nuclear track detector CR-39 is exposed for about 10 hours in balloon observation in 1982.The relative abundance ( E3.6 GeV / n ) of the galactic cosmic rays is obtained and compared the result with the satellite data .

  13. 除大脑皮层神经网络外,在纹状体、苍白球、丘脑底核及黑质网状部局部场电位的记录中也发现了HVSs活动。

    In addition to the cerebral cortex neural network , also found in the striatum , globus pallidus , subthalamic nucleus and substantia nigra pars reticulata local field potentials recorded in the the HVSs activities .

  14. 拟二维和半圆柱仓的简化对诸如球床式核反应堆堆芯内球流一类问题的模型实验和离散元模拟有实用价值。

    So a Q2D or a semi-cylindrical simplified configuration is available for the model test of pebble flow in the core of a high temperature reactor or for similar discrete element simulation .

  15. 等温燃烧的研究表明,模型的选择对动力学参数的研究影响很大,通过计算,认为球对称收缩核模型适合于混煤等温燃烧动力学参数的研究。

    Research on isothermal combustion shows that reaction model selection has a great influence on the dynamic parameters . And according to calculation , a sphere symmetric shrinking nucleus model is considered to serve the purpose of studying dynamic parameters of isothermal combustion of blended coal very well .

  16. 目的探讨苍白球黑质红核色素变性(HSD)的发病经过、临床特征及预后。

    Objective To explore the pathogenic course , clinical features and prognosis on hallervorden spatz disease ( HSD ) .

  17. 应用这种方法分析运动实验fMRI数据,发现在基底神经节的苍白球和屏状核中存在有显著的任务间功能非对称性,证明了基底神经节在运动功能执行与调节中所发挥的重要作用。

    This schema was applied to the movement fMRI datasets and some nuclei of basal ganglia ( pallidum and claustrum ) were found to have significant inter-task functional asymmetry , which demonstrated the importance of basal ganglia in motor function performance and manipulation .

  18. 采用定量金相分析技术和冷却曲线热分析法,定量的研究了不同碳当量、孕育量和冷却速度的球墨铸铁件的石墨球的形核率。

    The graphite nucleation density of the spheroidal graphite iron is studied with samples which has different carbon equivalent , inoculation and cooling rate .

  19. 利用磺化PS球为模板成功合成了不同粒径TiO2@PS球核壳结构,然后经过甲苯溶解处理以及高温煅烧,得到了不同粒径的TiO2空心球。

    And using the sulphonated PS spheres as templates , TiO2 @ PS nuclear-hull composites with different sizes have been successfully synthesized . Then after toluene dissolution processing and high temperature firing , we got TiO2 hollow spheres with different particle sizes .

  20. 数值分析了涂层厚度、束腰中心位置、斜入射角对散射的影响。并研究了导体涂覆各向异性等离子体球、空心单轴各向异性介质球壳和有核血细胞在激光波束照射下的散射特性。

    The scattering properties of a plasma anisotropic-coated conducting sphere , a uniaxial anisotropic-coated spherical shell , as well as a nucleated blood cell in a Gaussian beam are obtained .