
qiú tái
  • pool table
球台 [qiú tái]
  • (1) [discus]∶球体被两个平行平面所截而夹在两平面中间的部分

  • (2) [(pocket billiard or ping-pong)table]∶打台球、乒乓球等用的像桌子的东西

  1. 尽管如此,扎扎的长发随着她围着球台跑动而甩动,她展现出的能力也给经验丰富的对手留下了深刻的印象。

    Still , with her long hair bouncing as she did around the table , Zaza showed ability that impressed her seasoned opponent .

  2. 简单分析了不规则三角平台Stewart机构和球台机构的奇异。

    We also analyze the singularities of Stewart parallel manipulators with irregular triangle moving platform or spherical basic platform simply .

  3. Soho公司北京新总部空气清新的大堂内,陈列着一座时尚的三只小猪雕塑,旁边就是一大片乒乓球台,供职工午休时娱乐。

    In the airy foyer of its new offices in Beijing , a funky sculpture of three pigs stands alongside a group of table-tennis tables for lunchtime recreation .

  4. 室内设计专家乔纳森・阿德勒(JonathanAdler)表示:“一板一眼的设计早就过时了。”他从来没有用过自己位于曼哈顿公寓中的客厅,直到他在那儿摆了张乒乓球台。

    Propriety is so yesterday , ' said home-design guru Jonathan Adler , who only began using the living room of his Manhattan apartment after he put a ping-pong table in it .

  5. 室内设计专家乔纳森&12539;阿德勒(JonathanAdler)表示:一板一眼的设计早就过时了。他从来没有用过自己位于曼哈顿公寓中的客厅,直到他在那儿摆了张乒乓球台。

    ' Propriety is so yesterday , ' said home-design guru Jonathan Adler , who only began using the living room of his Manhattan apartment after he put a ping-pong table in it .

  6. 英国进口北方胶边,将球台性能发挥到极致!

    Imported England Northern Rubber bring the table performance into the play .

  7. 从乒乓球发展的现状试谈乒乓球台的改革。

    This paper discusses the reform of table tennis table .

  8. 他刚才跟我在球台上过了几招。

    He was trying to have his way with me over the table .

  9. 乒乓球台内反手侧拉技术分析

    Technical Analysis of Backhand Sideway Lift in Table Tennis

  10. 乒乓球攻守平衡的维持与球台改革的设想

    The Balance Of Offensive & Defensive And The Reform Of Table Tennis Table

  11. 球拍必须在球台后端之外。

    It must leave the palm of his hand .

  12. 这是一张乒乓球台。

    This is a table tennis table .

  13. 在相隔几条街的地方,人们却能听到咖啡馆里有象牙球在球台上撞击的声音。

    A few streets away , the shock of billiard-balls can be heard in the cafes .

  14. “不管晴雨、在课间休息的时候每个人都会冲到乒乓球台那打上两局”她回忆道。

    " Rain or shine , during school breaks everyone rushes to the tables ," she recalled .

  15. 论篮球运动的攻守关系乒乓球攻守平衡的维持与球台改革的设想

    Relation Between Offensive Defensive Of Basketball The Balance Of Offensive Defensive And The Reform Of Table Tennis Table

  16. 国内中式八球台的巅峰之作,豪华设计、卓越性能,定位于最高端市场。

    Peak Masterpiece of Chinese Eight-Ball Table in China , luxurious appearance , excellent performance , located in the high-end market .

  17. 英国有许多学校都配备了乒乓球台,只要你有兴趣,乒乓球是一项可以伴随你一生的运动。

    Most schools now have table tennis tables , and if you enjoy it , then you can go further with it .

  18. 它由酒精灯主体和倒球台形的铅制底座组成。

    The utility model is composed of an alcohol lamp body and a lead base seat in an inverted ball table shape .

  19. 规则规定,比赛时,不握球拍的手不可以扶球台。

    It is prescribed that during the competition the hand , which does not hold the bat , cannot touch the table .

  20. 那么,你觉得我们应该多买几张乒乓球台?或者是在工厂里修一个篮球场?那不是荒唐吗。

    Then you think we should buy more ping-pong tables ? Or build a basket-ball ground in the factory ? That 's ridiculous .

  21. 将现行尺寸规格的乒乓球球台,在长度和宽度方向上各个边缘各增加乒乓球半径大小。

    The ping-pong table-board with current sizing gauge is extended by the radius length of the ping-pong along the direction of length and width .

  22. 本文对自行设计的球台固定壁旋流式气力分级机模型进行了研究,对它内部的流场进行了测试,找出了流场的分布规律。

    In this paper , the flow fields in the cyclone air classifier with a fixed spherical wall are explored and their characteristics are found .

  23. 为了保证儿子总有球台练习球技,丁文钧放弃了原来的生意,开了一家台球室。

    In order to ensure that the boy always had a table on which to practice , Ding Wenjun gave up his business and opened a snooker club .

  24. 我们是一家专业生产室外健身器材,篮球架、儿童游乐、乒乓球台以及初高中校园体育用品的厂家。

    We 're a professional manufacturer specialized in outdoor fitness equipment , basketball stand , amusement park , table tennis table and sporting goods for middle and high schools .

  25. 为了展示中式八球的独特魅力,乔氏为这次动漫展做了非常充分准备,专程从秦皇岛的生产车间运来了两张顶级球台。

    To demonstrate the unique charm of Chinese eight-ball , Joe 's Comic Con to do this very well prepared , the workshop came from Qinhuangdao shipped the two top tables .

  26. 那时我跟朋友们打台球,那些五颜六色的台球可让他着迷了,他自个儿会在另一张球台上玩上一整天。

    " When I was playing with my friends , he was attracted by the colorful balls and would play by himself on another table for a whole day ," said the father .

  27. 作为专业生产顶级中式八球球台的国标级企业,乔氏在大风大浪中一直独扛中式八球文化大旗。

    As a professional production of the top eight balls of Chinese national standard level of business units , Joe 's has been alone in the storms carry the banner of Chinese eight-ball culture .

  28. “那样我就可以随时为儿子预留球台,而且有更多的人过来打球也可以帮助他练习,”父亲说道。

    " That way I could reserve a table for my son at any time , and more people would come to play , which would help him practice . " said the father .

  29. pool:撞球【球台】现在你得记住,在球台前,一切都取决于—stick:杆angle:角度拿着杆,记住,一切都取决于角度。正确的角度,当然。

    Now you have to remember , in pool , it 's all about - take this stick - remember , it 's all about the angles , the right angle , of course .

  30. 根据球、球台、球拍的外形尺寸以及内在特性(如弹力、摩擦等)建立三维模型。

    According to the shape dimension , evolving table , bat , ball , net , etc , and the inherent characteristics , such as spring and friction , a 3D modeling is established .