- 名goal line

" In one game I suddenly found myself confronting a huge player , who had nothing but me between him and our goal line , " said Tim .
Li ming : look ! Their midfielder chipped a backpass over the goal line , fortunately our left back stopped his shot .
Jones dived on the ball a metre from the line .
Robots cannot be placed nor remain behind the goal line .
That ball was definitely in ! It was nowhere near the line !
The star half-back jetted toward the goal line .
Tom had stepped out of bounds before he reached the goal line .
Anybody gets between me and that goal line
Smith fumbled at the goal line .
A goal line stand by the home team held the visitors on the two - yard line .
This stunning goal line clearance kept England in the game against Trinidad and Tobago during the competition .
He used to run over the goal line , through the end zone and up the tunnel .
The ball is not out of play until the entire ball has crossed over the touch line_or_goal line .
A score in American football ; being in possession of the ball across the opponents ' goal line .
Electronic eyes on the goal line may settle arguments , but the data is still only a reconstruction of reality .
England fans were brought down back to earth when Green fumbled a long-range shot and watched the ball trickle over the line to hand the US an equaliser .
United star Park Ji-Sung , missed the chance of a consolation goal six minutes later when Chinese defender Rong Hao kicked out the ball on the goal line .
Johnson returns it crosscourt , deep to the right baseline comer . The ball is not out of play until the entire ball has crossed over the touch line_or_goal line .
Nic Fleming is a London-based science and technology writer , he believes the use of goal line technology is a chance to educate people about the role of uncertainty in science .
The talking point of the game saw England being denied an equalising goal just minutes after , when a Frank Lampard shot from 20 metres hit the crossbar before bouncing down over the line .
" Running the length of the field , he was able to touch the ball down just in time . " A fanned-out circuit . For example , from a terminal control unit to one terminal .
In the first match , England 's Frank Lampard would have tied the score at 2-all before half-time , but officials did not see his shot bounce across the goal line and rebound out after hitting under the . The score remained 2-1 .
The best area for goals was the area near the line of the goal area of the penalty area .