
  1. 文化演进的哲学思考:具体化、理性化与现实化研究宇宙的演化和时空关系的天文学家。

    Reification , Rationalization and Actualization in Development of Culture ; an astronomer who studies the evolution and space-time relations of the universe .

  2. 这里提到的现实当然,是宇宙极少一部分是指一对对光子(pairsofphotons)(光子构成了光)的两极分化。

    The reality in question admittedly rather a small part of the universe was the polarisation of pairs of photons , the particles of which light is made .

  3. 儒者虽深知人生之哀、悲,但以乐入手,解悟和转化现实的人生与宇宙,是一大特色。

    Although the Confucians deeply understood grief and sadness in human life , they sensed , by starting from music , what was their real life and what was the universe .