
  1. 为偏误分析提供现实材料。

    It also offers the realistic material for simply analyzing by mistake .

  2. 作为论文的最后部分,我们还针对一些现实材料和实际问题进行实证性的分析。

    As the conclusion , we make some practical analysis of the existing material and problems .

  3. 这时的英国政党政治已经发展到比较高的水平,因而为恩格斯研究政党政治提供了远比德国和法国更为充足、更为典型的现实材料。

    The party-politics in England had developed into a high level then , which provided Engels more sufficient and more typical real materials than those in Germany and in France to study party-politics .

  4. 传统的混凝土研究是建立在纯粹的现象学手法、基础之上的,自从当代结构分析领域中引用计算机和软件程序以来,人们开始感到需要现实的材料规律。

    Traditional researches on concrete are mostly based on phenomenology . However , we have been in need of a real law of materials since the computer and software applied to the analysis of construction .

  5. 案例(源于英文“Case”)指具体案例,其来自于现实第一手材料,真实、有环境、有情节,案例教学也即具体事例教学。

    Case ( derives from the English word " case ") refers to the detailed case which comes from the true and first hand material bearing environment and plots . Case teaching is the detailed facts teaching .

  6. 设计达到了较好的真实效果,显示了虚拟现实技术在材料学试验中的广泛应用前景。

    The system that has high trueness shows that the virtual technology is valuable in materials science experiment .

  7. 然而,对现代木结构的设计研究还滞后于现实,除了材料各种性能亟待研发外,其设计标准化和施工的规范化问题已经迫在眉睫。

    However , its design lags behind the reality . Besides the research and develop of materials performance , the problem of the design standardization and construction standardization was already imminent .

  8. 针对目前参政议政存在的问题,本文力求结合现实,挖掘新材料,并力求找出问题存在的深层次原因。

    Bur there are some problems in political participation , I try to excavate new materials , and sought to identify the problem of deep-seated reasons .

  9. 针对传统材料实验教学的种种弊端,将虚拟现实技术运用到材料实验教学当中,使教学过程具有交互性好,实验沉浸感强的特点。

    Aimed at the multitudinous abuse of traditional material experiment education , the teaching process could be more interacted and immersed by using the virtual reality technology .

  10. 这样既可以保证建筑的使用功能,尊重现实的技术和材料,又可以使传统建筑的特征得到一定程度的体现。

    In this way the function , technology and materials of building would be guaranteed , and the features of traditional architecture would be reflected to a certain extent too .

  11. 在现实世界中,材料或结构不仅承受着变化极为缓慢的准静态载荷,而且还承受着变化较快的动态载荷,如地震载荷、冲击载荷、震动载荷等。

    In the real world , material or structure not only undertakes quasi-static loads which altered slowly , but also bears dynamic loads which varied rapidly , such as earthquake load , impulsive load , and shaking load .