
  • 网络the consequence of modernity
  1. 启蒙理性所主导的现代性运动在带来巨大成就与进步的同时也面临着自身的困境,现代性的风险实际上也是现代性的后果。

    The modernity dominated by Enlightenment reason resulted in difficulties as well as the great progress , that is to say , the risks of modernity in fact are the consequences of modernity .

  2. 这两种道德教育途径的分歧是现代性的后果。

    The contend between two approaches is the consequence of modernity .

  3. 由于受现代性的后果&抽象性和市场经济的影响,医院人文关怀缺失和被疏漏。

    Because of the abstractness and market economy as the result of modernization , hospital human care is absence and be omitted .

  4. 现代性扩张的后果是把人类带入了一个风险社会,而走出风险社会的乌托邦现实主义导向性策略是消除贫困、恢复环境、反对专权以及减少社会生活中的武力与暴力。

    Utopian realistic strategy of getting rid of the risky society is to eliminate poverty , restore the environment , oppose autocracy and reduce armed force and violence of the social life .