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  • 网络modern sports;physical education
  1. 从Internet论现代体育信息意识的建立

    On the Formation of the Sense of Modern Sports Information in the Light of Internet

  2. 啦啦队运动,英文原名cheerleading,它是起源于美国的一项现代体育运动。

    Cheerleading is originated from the American cheerleading of modern sports .

  3. 现在赛龙舟已经发展变成一个水上运动,它既是中国(china)的传统特点也展现了现代体育精神。

    Now dragon boat racing has developed into an aquatic sports item which features both Chinese tradition and modern sporting spirit .

  4. 开合屋盖(RetractableRoof)是一种新型结构形式,是在建筑理念中引入开合思想的产物,是现代体育建筑的一个主要发展方向。

    As a new structural form , Retractable roof structure is the result of introducing the retractable idea into buildings . And the stadium or gym with retractable roof is becoming a leading trend recently .

  5. 以CAI教育技术在现代体育教学中的优势作为出发点,提出了蛙泳技术教学CAI课件的设计方案,为在学校体育教学过程中广泛推广、运用课堂教学CAI课件提供参考与借鉴。

    Based on the advantage of CAI educational technology in modern physical education ( PE ) teaching , a developing scheme of CAI courseware for breast stroke was put forward as reference for extensive promotion and applying of CAI in classroom teaching .

  6. 作为数字时代利器之一的计算机已经通过CAAD(计算机辅助建筑设计/绘图)技术在一定程度上成就了很多现代体育建筑的设计。

    The computer has as one of the digital era weapon of CAAD ( computer-aided architectural design / drawings ) to a certain extent the achievements of many of the design of modern sports architecture .

  7. 中国传统文化对现代体育观念的消极影响

    The Negative Effect of Chinese Traditional Culture On Modern Physical Idea

  8. 云南少数民族传统体育与现代体育文化的互动

    The Interaction between Yunnan Traditional Ethnic Sports and Modern sports Culture

  9. 现代体育的发展方向便是体育现代化。

    The tendency of sport development is the sport modernization , i.

  10. 现代体育标志浅析

    A Brief Analysis of the Development Signs of Modern Physical Education

  11. 现代体育教师素质系统建构

    System Construction of the Present - day PE Teachers ' Qualities

  12. 现代体育对个体竞争性影响的内隐认知研究

    Implicit Cognize Research of Influence of Modern Sports on Individual Competitiveness

  13. 在我国,民族传统体育有着悠久的历史,然而,由于西方现代体育项目的传入,使我国丰富多彩的民族传统体育失去了原有的光泽。

    In China , traditional ethnic sports have a long history .

  14. 现代体育运动空间布局的原则及发展趋势

    The Principle and Developing Tendency of Modern Sports of Space Distribution

  15. 我国古代管理思想与现代体育管理

    The Ancient Management Ideology and Modern Sports Management of Our Country

  16. 反思了现代体育教育的教学目的,即学生生活需求适应体育教育的育才目标。

    It introspected the teaching purpose of the modern physical education , i.

  17. 现代体育教育中的健康第一来源与贯彻

    Source and Implementation of Health First in Modern Physical Education

  18. 现代体育教学中学生个性心理品质的培养

    On Fostering the Students ' Personality in Modern Sports Teaching

  19. 兴奋剂使用已经成为现代体育运动,特别是高水平体育运动与竞赛中最大的问题。

    Doping in sports has become the biggest problem in modern sports .

  20. 论隐喻语言对现代体育教育的影响

    On the Influence of Metaphor Language on Modern Physical Education

  21. 现代体育科学发展对排球科研的影响

    The Development of Modern Sports Science and Its Effect on Volleyball Research

  22. 现代体育教学方法发展趋势探讨

    Discussion over the Development Tendency of Modern Sports Teaching Methods

  23. 试论现代体育教学创新与实践

    Some Comments on Innovations and Practice in Modern Physical Education

  24. 现代体育教师素质刍议

    Discussion on Physical Education Teachers ' Quality in Modern Times

  25. 体育公众人物的形象是现代体育的一种诠释。

    Images of sports public figures are a key to interpret sports .

  26. 科学化是现代体育最为突出的表现。

    Scientization is the most striking feature of modern sports .

  27. 从游戏的概念看现代体育

    A Discussion about Current Sport From the Conception of Game

  28. 这些文化对现代体育文化的拓延与外放具有相当深远的影响。

    Reconstruction of modern sports value from the perspective of mass culture ;

  29. 嘉兴市大型现代体育场馆赛后利用的研究

    Research on the Use of Jiaxing Large Modern Stadium after the Game

  30. 暗示是现代体育教学的主要方法之一。

    A major method of physical education is the use of hints .