
  • 网络Crime theory;theories of crime;theory of criminality;General Theory of Crime
  1. 犯罪理论体系研究论纲

    Discussion and Compendium of the Study on Theoretical System of Crime

  2. 内地与香港共同犯罪理论之比较

    A Comparison of Joint Offense Theory Between the Inland and Hong Kong

  3. 这些因素都增加了我国对操纵证券市场犯罪理论研究的难度。

    All these facts increase the difficulties in studying stock market manipulation .

  4. 理性犯罪理论似乎是一个更合适的切入点。

    The theory of rational crime might seem a more promising starting point .

  5. 日本公害犯罪理论及其对我们的启示

    Japans theory about offence of public hazards and our enlightenment from the theory

  6. 信赖原则与过失犯罪理论。

    (ⅰ) trust principle and the criminal negligence theory .

  7. 共同犯罪理论中若干争议问题

    Controversial Issues on the Theory of Joint Crime

  8. 海峡两岸共同犯罪理论比较研究

    The Comparing Research on the Theory of Joint Crime between Two Sides of the Straits

  9. 共同犯罪理论问题研究

    Research into Theory of Joint Crime

  10. 本文针对信用卡犯罪理论上和实践中存在的诸多疑难问题进行了深入研究。

    Many kinds of difficult problems relating to credit card crimes are deeply discussed in the article .

  11. 第三部分关于我国计算机犯罪理论创新及立法完善思考。

    The third part talks about the innovation of computer crime theories and the perfection of legislation .

  12. 犯罪理论体系是刑法理论体系的基础和核心。

    The theoretical system of crime is the basis and core of the system of criminal law .

  13. 间接正犯,是一种与共同犯罪理论有着密切联系的特殊犯罪形态。

    Indirect criminal , is a common crime and closely related to the special theory of crime .

  14. 教唆犯的未遂是共同犯罪理论中最为复杂的问题之一,一向就有争论。

    Uncompleted pattern of abettor is one of the most complicated issues in the theory of complicity .

  15. 法人犯罪理论的出现与发展,对于传统刑法学理论产生了巨大的冲击。

    The emergence and development of corporation crime theory is a huge impact on the traditional criminal law theories .

  16. 亲手犯因此也成为共同犯罪理论研究不可回避的概念,并已为一些国家的立法和司法实践所接受。

    The theory of personally committing crime has already been applied to legislations and the judicial practice in some countries .

  17. 最后通过对于过失共同犯罪理论的研究,得出解决该问题的唯一方向仍然是承认过失共同犯罪。

    Finally , the only direction to solve the problem is to recognize and admit the offense of joint negligence .

  18. 间接正犯是随着刑法理论发展而出现的问题,如同补丁一样弥补客观主义关于共同犯罪理论的漏洞,因而其不仅为主观主义刑法理论所不屑,而且在客观主义刑法理论中地位也一直飘忽不定。

    Indirect Offence develops by the theory of criminal law , and remedies the defect of objectivism theory on joint crimes .

  19. 然后提出解决交通肇事罪共犯问题的唯一正确思路在于承认并不断完善过失共同犯罪理论。

    And then find the only propose to salute the problem of traffic crime accomplice is to admit the offense of joint negligence theory .

  20. 在雇主构成直接正犯的场合,可以直接运用共同犯罪理论来解决犯罪停止形态的问题。

    A direct Principal employers occasion , can be directly used to solve the theory of joint criminal forms of crime to stop the problem .

  21. 单位犯罪理论为确立单位累犯提供了法理依据,单位犯罪的客观现实为确立单位累犯提供了事实依据。

    The corporation crime theory offers the legal evidence for the establishment of corporate recidivism and the reality of corporation crime offers the factual basis .

  22. 作为不作为犯罪理论研究的核心问题,分析不作为犯罪的义务来源尤为重要。

    As a core question about the study of criminal theory , it is very important to analysis the source of obligation about criminal omission .

  23. 假释的产生源于监禁刑的弊端,是伴随着预防犯罪理论和不定期刑的实践而发展的。

    The birth of parole system originated in the defects of imprisonment and has being developed accompanying the theory of crime prevention and the practice of uncertain imprisonment .

  24. 教唆犯理论是共同犯罪理论的重要组成部分,对教唆犯问题的研究既具有重要的理论价值,又在司法实践操作上具有重大意义。

    The abettor theory is one important part of the common crime theory . The study to the abettor crime has important academic value and judicial practice signification .

  25. 这带动了对环境犯罪理论的研究,而我国对环境犯罪的理论研究相对要晚些,且存在不少争议和不足之处。

    This led to the theoretical study of environmental crimes , which is later relatively in our country , and there are many disputes and defects about this theory .

  26. 教唆未遂理论是共同犯罪理论中最为复杂的问题之一,被喻为刑法中的绝望之章。

    The attempt pattern of instigator is one of the most complicated issues on the theory of complicity . It has been considered as the most despairing chapter in the Criminal Law .

  27. “破窗”犯罪理论是说在一个小区里面,如果建筑物的窗子被打破了,人们更易于从事不良行为。

    It 's called the " broken windows " theory and it says that in a neighborhood where buildings have broken windows , people are more likely to engage in bad behavior .

  28. 古典刑事学派的过失犯罪理论认为,违反心理注意义务,是认定疏忽大意过失犯罪主观责任的前提和基础。

    ? The theory of classical criminology thinks that the precondition and base of the cognizance of subjective responsibility due to neglectful misstep is the disobeying of the obligation of mental notice .

  29. 该部分论述了信赖原则,通过借鉴该原则的理论,对传统的过失犯罪理论本身进行改造,以期实现限制交通肇事罪成立的立法目的。

    This chapter expounds the principle of trust , and transforms the traditional theory of criminal negligence so as to achieve the legislative aim of restrict the charge of traffic delinquency crime .

  30. 鉴于此,完全有必要通过具体的刑事立法来调整见死不救行为,而不仅仅是笼统地借用犯罪理论来规制此类日渐严重的社会现象。

    In view of this , it is necessary to adjust the more and more serious social phenomenon through the specific criminal legislation instead of " borrowing " generally from other crime theories .