
fàn zuì wèi suí
  • attempted crime;criminal attempt;attempt of crime;inchoate crime
  1. 第三部分是单位犯罪未遂的责任追究。

    Part three is on the investigated duty of unit attempted crime .

  2. 作为结果犯,本罪存在犯罪未遂。

    As a consequential offense , this crime could be an attempted crime .

  3. 生产、销售伪劣商品罪犯罪未遂的认定

    On Attempted Crimes of Manufacturing or Selling Fake or Substandard Commodities

  4. 在此基础上介绍了该罪未遂形态的存否之争,得出保险诈骗罪存在犯罪未遂形态的结论;

    Then introduces the debate whether this crime has abortive form .

  5. 对英美刑法犯罪未遂理论的评析

    Review on the Incomplete Crime Theory of British and American Criminal Law

  6. 犯罪未遂处罚依据理论之比较研究

    The Comparison Study of the Punishment Theory of Attempted Crimes

  7. 内地与香港刑法中犯罪未遂比较研究

    Comparative Research on Attempt between Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong

  8. 否定说认为,基本犯罪未遂时,只要加重结果出现就既遂。

    The negation said , the Basic Crime , aggravated consequence consummated .

  9. 犯罪未遂是刑法中一个十分重要的理论与实践问题。

    Attempted crime is an important issue in criminal law theories and practice .

  10. 但对于单位犯罪未遂问题,却鲜有专门的论述。

    But they hold silent to unit attempted crime .

  11. 论共同正犯的犯罪未遂与中止

    The Attempt and Discontinuance of Joint Principal Offenders Crime

  12. 证券内幕交易罪存在着犯罪未遂等未完成形态。

    The crime of insider trading has unfinished form .

  13. 这一部分主要论述了单位犯罪未遂责任追究的范围和责任追究的原则。

    This part mainly discusses the range and principle of the investigated duty .

  14. 犯罪未遂、既遂的新视野&以盗窃罪为例的思考

    New Vision of Attempted Crime and Accomplished Crime

  15. 单位犯罪未遂既是单位犯罪研究的一项子课题,同时也是犯罪未遂研究的一项子课题。

    Unit attempted crime belongs to unit crime and criminal attempt at the same time .

  16. 反之,则可能构成犯罪未遂。

    Otherwise , it might be attempted .

  17. 传统观点认为不能犯是犯罪未遂的一种,所有的不能犯均构成犯罪。

    It is generally believed that impossibility of crime is a type of unaccomplished crime .

  18. 犯罪未遂理论比较研究

    Theoretically Comparative Research on Criminal Attempt

  19. 犯罪未遂是一个争议很久的问题,在大陆法系国家有主观说与客观说之争。

    There are two kinds of theory in civil-law countries , for example , objectivism , subjectivism .

  20. 犯罪未遂制度的特征是犯罪未遂问题研究的重要内容之一。

    The feature is a case where an offender system attempted to crime one important content of research .

  21. 从教唆犯的未遂着手来看,一般的犯罪未遂与教唆未遂是有明显区别的。

    From the attempted instigator , the thesis analyzes the difference between general crime attempted and instigated attempted .

  22. 行为人意志以外的原因是犯罪未遂与犯罪中止的关节点。意志以外的原因即障碍性原因,包括主观障碍和客观障碍。

    Thirdly , the cause out of will is the joint links between criminal attempt and criminal suspension .

  23. 到20世纪初,犯罪未遂制度在资产阶级国家刑法典中得到普遍规定。

    Until the early 20th century , the crime in bourgeois countries attempted system get universal regulation penal code .

  24. 共同受贿犯罪未遂的一般标准:(1)共同受贿犯罪已经着手。

    General standards of joint acceptance of bribes : 1 , an offender has already started to commit acceptance of bribes .

  25. 本文从纵向和横向两个层面对犯罪未遂制度及理论进行了较为全面的考察。

    The paper makes more comprehensive review on the system and theory of the criminal attempt from horizontal and longitudinal section .

  26. 犯罪未遂问题作为犯罪的一种未完成形态,一直是中外学界讨论的热点问题。

    The criminal attempt , as an unaccomplished form of crime , has long been a hot topic in the academic circle .

  27. 纵观我国学者关于犯罪未遂及不能犯未遂的研究成果,对于指导司法实践有着一定的借鉴意义。

    Throughout research on the attempted crime and impossible attempted of Chinese scholars , has certain reference significance for guiding judicial practice .

  28. 采取总则概括规定与分则具体规定相结合的立法模式,明确单位犯罪未遂处罚的范围;

    Adopting legislation mode of the general and special provision of criminal law to definite the punishment range of unit attempted crime ;

  29. 此后,法国第一次在其颁布的刑法典里规定了犯罪未遂制度的概念和处罚原则。

    Since then , the French first in criminal legislation stipulates the crime on the general concepts and attempted the principle and punishment .

  30. 对犯罪未遂行为的处罚由来已久,但在处罚的依据、原则问题上理论界有很大争议。

    The punishment to attempted crime behavior is long-standing , but the theory circle has very great disputes on basis , principle punished .