
  • 网络English School;British School
  1. 英国学派的主要代表人物为G。

    The main spokesmen for the British school of diffusionism were G.

  2. 向英国学派学习

    Learning from the British School of International Relations

  3. 在英国学派的诸位干将之中,赫德利·布尔(HedleyBull)是一位重要的人物,他不仅是国际社会思想的核心阐发者,也是国际关系理论发展史上第二次大辩论中经典方法派的主力。

    Among the English School writers , Hedley Bull is one of the most preeminent figures , and it is him who expounds the idea of international society .

  4. 英国学派的战争哲学:格老秀斯式的理论解读

    The War Philosophy of the English School : A Grotian Interpretation

  5. 世界历史、英国学派与国际关系理论

    World History , the English School and International Relations Theory

  6. 欧洲经验与世界历史:英国学派的封闭性与开放性

    European Experiences and World History : Closeness and Openness of English School

  7. 英国学派与主流建构主义:一种比较分析

    The English School and Mainstream Constructivism : A Comparative Analysis

  8. 以英国学派视角审视东北亚国际社会

    The Northeast Asia Regional International Society : From the English School Perspective

  9. 试论巴瑞·布赞对英国学派理论的重塑

    The Remolding of the English School by Barry Buzan

  10. 英国学派国际关系理论概观

    International Theory of the English School : An Overview

  11. 英国学派视野下的国际法

    International Law from the Perspective of the English School

  12. 英国学派的研究方法及其演变

    The Methodology of the English School and Its Evolution

  13. 现实主义、自由主义和英国学派等国际关系理论分支对此多有关注。

    And Realism , Liberalism and English School all pay attention to this field .

  14. 英国学派研究的核心概念、问题是什么?

    Second , what are the core concepts and questions of the English School ?

  15. 从国际社会到世界社会&巴里·布赞对英国学派的重塑

    Barry Buzan 's Remaking of the English School

  16. 英国学派与欧洲一体化研究

    The English School and European Integration Studies

  17. 论英国学派的国际社会理论

    The English School and Its International Society

  18. 英国学派外交思想探析

    Thoughts on Diplomacy by the English School

  19. 其中两个持传播论的重要学派为英国学派和德奥学派。

    The two main schools with a diffusionist viewpoint were the British and the German-Austrian .

  20. 巴里·布赞与英国学派

    Barry Buzan and the English School

  21. 英国学派为国际关系理论的丰富和发展做出了积极贡献,其别具一格的研究传统成为学者们不断挖掘的思想宝库。

    The English School has made positive contributions to the enrichment and development of IR theory .

  22. 英国学派是国际关系理论研究中既具包容性又具独特视角的一个学派。

    The English school is a school with both comprehensive and particular perspectives in IR theories .

  23. 英国学派是二战后在英国衍生发展起来的一个独具特色的国际关系理论流派。

    English school is unique branch of IR theories which arised in Britain after world war II .

  24. 而英国学派则偏重历史分析,指出了国际法的作用。

    On the contrary , the English School emphasizes the historical analysis and the function of the international law .

  25. 英国学派的学者不仅在相关国际关系命题方面给予了国际法发展的更大空间,而且他们对国际法所做的直接研究,促进了国际法学的进步。

    The scholars of the English School also study international law directly to further the progress of international law .

  26. 运用其相关方法和概念来分析欧洲一体化正逐渐成为英国学派的研究重点。

    Analysis of European integration by related approaches and concepts gradually has become the main concern of the English School .

  27. 在国际关系研究领域,英国学派的国际关系思想日益引起人们的关注。

    In the study of international relations , the ideas of the English School are acquiring an increasingly important position .

  28. 针对欧洲一体化的研究,英国学派不仅能够补充欧洲一体化理论,还能进一步拓展其自身的学术空间。

    It will not only supplement the European integration theory and explanations , but also expand its own academic space .

  29. 近年来,“英国学派”逐渐进入中国国际关系研究者的视野。

    In recent years , the English school has come into sight of the Chinese scholars who study the international relations .

  30. 英国学派又称国际社会学派,国际社会的概念在其理论框架中自然处于核心地位。

    As the seminal concept of the School , " international society " not surprisingly is the focus of the present effort .