
  • 网络the irish sea;Muir éireann
  1. 这一地区的一些海滩已被排放到爱尔兰海的污水污染了。

    A number of beaches in the region have been polluted by sewage pumped into the Irish Sea .

  2. 他来自爱尔兰海的马恩岛。

    He is from the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea .

  3. 最好的迹象来自stenaline,经营的服务横跨爱尔兰海、英国与荷兰之间,以及北欧和德国港口之间。

    The best indication comes from Stena line , which operates services across the Irish sea , between the UK and the Netherlands and between Scandinavian and German ports .

  4. 爱尔兰海中的大不列颠群岛中的一个。

    One of the British Isles in the Irish Sea .

  5. 爱尔兰海把这两个海岛分隔开来。

    The two islands are separated by the Irish Sea .

  6. 这两个岛被爱尔兰海分隔开来。

    The two are separated by the Irish Sea .

  7. 威尔士西北部的一个自治区,位于爱尔兰海相对安赫莱斯岛的一个狭窄海峡处。

    A municipal borough of northwest Wales on a narrow strait of the Irish Sea opposite Anglesey Island .

  8. 爱尔兰海面临的机遇

    Irish Sea of Opportunity

  9. 东部为连接西南的圣乔治海峡和塞尔特海的爱尔兰海。

    To the east is found the Irish Sea which reconnects to the ocean via the southwest with St.

  10. 请铭记她甜蜜的生命她的眼睛如同宽阔的爱尔兰海她也象我一样梦游么?

    Remembering her life is sweet her eyes like a wild Irish sea is she a daydreamer like me ?

  11. 爱尔兰海的巨浪猛烈冲击着海堤,这个大家伙模糊了人们的视线。

    Billows of spume from the Irish Sea bash the seawall , misting a horizon commanded by the Big One .

  12. 在我出访伦敦之际,我参观了爱尔兰海的曼恩岛。

    On the occasion of my inspection tour of london , I visited the Isle of man in the Irish sea .

  13. 当车到了终点站、他站立在爱尔兰海之前时,他就十分肯定事情不对了。

    When the bus stopped at the terminal station and he stood facing the Irish Sea he was pretty certain that something was amiss .

  14. 跨过爱尔兰海,伦敦金融城的一些银行家也对最终救助他们的公众资金吝于感激,甚至毫无感恩之心。

    Across the Irish Sea , several bankers in the City also showed little or no regard for the public purse which eventually came to rescue them .

  15. 例如,处于爱尔兰海中部,和英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士及爱尔兰距离相等的马恩岛就是如此。

    For example , the Isle of Man lies in the middle of the Irish Sea and is equidistant , from England , Scotland , Wales , and Ireland .

  16. 在准备迎接哈德良皇帝到大不列颠视察的工作时,当地官员和军事领导人因不愿意冒险抵抗北方野蛮人的入侵,所以他们决定建一堵跨越北海和爱尔兰海,长约80英里(约129千米)的城墙。

    In preparation for a visit from Emperor Hadrian , local officials and military leaders decided they weren 't willing to risk an invasion from northern barbarians , so they constructed a wall approximately 80 miles long from the North Sea to the Irish Sea .

  17. 威尔士这个东临英格兰,北望爱尔兰海的古老民族,在两千多年曲折的历史发展中创造出了自己独特而灿烂的语言与文化。

    Wales , bordering England on the east and facing the Irish Sea on the north , is a nation with a history of well over two thousand years , during which time it has created its own unique and brilliant culture as well as language .

  18. 欧盟(EU)成员国身份为爱尔兰和波罗的海国家提供了一些保护,令它们免受大国的压力,但这不能解决所有问题。

    Membership of the European Union has provided the Irish and the Balts with some protection from pressure by larger nations , but it cannot solve all problems .

  19. 大不列颠和爱尔兰相隔于爱尔兰海。

    The Irish Sea lies between Great Britain and Ireland .

  20. 爱尔兰是一个西欧国家,西临大西洋东靠爱尔兰海(Muiréireann),与英国隔海相望,爱尔兰为北美通向欧洲的通道。

    Ireland is a country in Western Europe , west of the Atlantic Ocean east of Ireland Sea ( Muir é ireann ), and the United Kingdom across the sea , Ireland , the channel in North America to Europe .