
  • MOVIE;love movie;Love Film
  1. 短的宛如一部爱情电影

    short as a love movie

  2. 因此,我有喜欢的代表比如韩国的导演及编剧郭在容就是我最喜欢的爱情电影的导演和编剧。

    Therefore , I have a favorite on behalf of the directors and writers such as South Korea 's Kwak Jae Yong is my favorite love movie director and screenwriter .

  3. 志明与春娇LoveinaPuff6《志明与春娇》是2010年由导演彭浩翔执导的香港爱情电影,由余文乐和杨千嬅主演。

    Love in a Puff is a 2010 Hong Kong romantic comedy directed by Pang7 Ho-cheung and starring Shawn Yue and Miriam Yeung .

  4. BBC文化频道的卡琳·詹姆斯表示,弗朗西斯·李的这部“优美的”年代爱情电影“具有视觉冲击力、情感持久力,而且极其坦诚”。

    BBC Culture 's Caryn James says that Francis Lee 's " exquisite " period romance is " visually stunning , emotionally enduring [ and ] brutally honest . "

  5. 女同性恋题材的爱情电影《卡罗尔》(Carol)获得6项提名,但无缘最佳影片。史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯特(StevenSpielberg)执导的《间谍之桥》也获得六项提名,其中包括最佳影片提名。

    The lesbian romance " Carol , " overlooked for best picture , also managed to come up with six nominations , as did " Bridge of Spies , " a best picture nominee directed by Steven Spielberg .

  6. 你就像小孩似的看着这出爱情电影。

    You got this rosy film over your eyes , like a kid .

  7. 弗雷尔金不能看爱情电影,甚至无法“忍受”两个陌生人在他面前举止亲密。

    Frerking also reacts to love movies or strangers who display love affection .

  8. 孤独的人啊蝙蝠侠看来你还真的很喜欢看爱情电影

    For a loner , Batman , you sure like movies about relationships !

  9. 我们绝大多数人都至少看过一部经典的浪漫爱情电影。

    Most of us have watched at least one old , romantic movie .

  10. 迪卡普里奥个人早已厌倦成为宏大(年代)浪漫爱情电影的海报男孩。

    Privately , DiCaprio had tired of being the poster boy for the epic romance .

  11. 更不要说好莱坞拍了无数个爱情电影,每个里面都有共进晚餐的约会场景了。

    Not to mention the quintillion dinner-date scenes Hollywood has managed to squeeze into every rom-com ever .

  12. 他们通过流行歌曲来学习英语。通过视频游戏来学日语,通过爱情电影来学韩语。

    They learn their English through pop songs , Japanese through video games and Korean through romantic films .

  13. 《日落之前》是一部不折不扣的爱情电影,它的结局完美得让人大吃一惊。

    " Before Sunset " is an unabashedly romantic film with an ending so perfect it took my breath away .

  14. 我常会被问到这样一个问题,就是我何时会演爱情电影?

    SB : A question I get asked a lot is , when am I going to do a romantic lead ?

  15. 因此,我国爱情电影在未来也该向之学习,发展出有中国特色婚恋观的爱情电影。

    Therefore , our country should also love movies to learn in the future , thedevelopment of Chinese marriage love movie .

  16. 曾获奥斯卡嘉奖的女星安吉丽娜-朱莉将首次担任导演一职,拍摄一部特别讲述波斯尼亚战争的爱情电影。

    Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie will make her feature film directorial debut with a love story set during the Bosnian war .

  17. 爱尔兰爱情电影《曾经》称得上是一部音乐片,但它与传统的好莱坞音乐片有很大不同,因为影片中的角色不会突兀地唱起歌来。

    The Irish romance Once may be a musical , but it is miles away from the traditional Hollywood idea of people bursting into song .

  18. 周二,内地当红女演员周迅出席了小成本城市爱情电影《李米的遭遇》的开机式上。

    Rising Chinese mainland actress Zhou Xun on Tuesday appeared on set of a low-budget urban romance movie called " The Encounters of Li Mi " .

  19. 或许你觉得这种事情发生的概率小得就像中乐透一样,而圆满结局只有在爱情电影中才会出现。

    You may think that the odds on that happening are as slim as winning the lottery , and that happy endings only happen in romantic films .

  20. 当哈利第一次遇见莎莉时,他曾宣称男人和女人不能做朋友,因为“总躲不过性这一关”。注:此处指的是1989年经典爱情电影《当哈利遇到莎莉》

    When Harry first met Sally , he asserted men and women could not be friends because the " sex part always gets in the way . "

  21. 1980年的电影《庐山恋》的续集将开拍,该片当年引领了中国爱情电影流派的复兴。

    A sequel to the1980 Chinese film " Romance on Lushan Mountain ", which heralded the rebirth of the country 's romantic movie genre , is on the cards .

  22. 身为一个女生我喜欢看哪种电影也是很容易猜到的,自然是少不了爱情电影。

    As a girl I like to see what kind of movie is also very easy to guess , of course , it is indispensable to love the film .

  23. 在作家兼导演弗朗西斯·李的这部画面唯美、清新内敛的爱情电影中,人到中年的玛丽在海边的来木镇勉强维持生计。

    Writer and director Francis Lee 's exquisitely photographed and bracingly unsentimental romance finds Mary in middle age , scraping together a living in the seaside town of Lyme Regis .

  24. 男士们:我知道你可能不会去看浪漫的爱情电影,但是如果对方真的想去看的话,这就代表她会陶醉在那个世界中。

    Fellas : I know you might not be that into romantic movies , but if your partner really wants to go see one , it will mean the world to her .

  25. 两人相遇后就像所有爱情电影的情节一样,迅速坠入爱河。

    In events that wouldn 't be out of place in a romantic movie , when the young Von Sledvin met with the portrait maker the two became infatuated with one another .

  26. 所以那天晚上,我就和一个爱情电影迷(嘿,我女朋友)花了几个小时一起看完这个情意绵绵的电影。

    So , that evening , I sat down with a renowned expert in the field of romantic movies ( aka my girlfriend ) to sit through a couple of hours of slush .

  27. 为了烘托节日气氛,也为了寄情达意,我今翻出历史上那些经典爱情电影中的经典台词来,希望崇尚真爱的朋友们喜欢。

    In order to foil the festive atmosphere , but also for comfortable , I now turn out with those classic love movie history of the classic dialogue , hope advocate true love friends like .

  28. 我喜欢美国电影,特别是一些爱情电影里漂亮的对白。但我同样不排斥英式发音,那种传统庄重的感觉的确也非常不错。

    I love to enjoy the pefect dialogues in American English , especially in those affection films . but , I can accept British style as well , it gives me a traditionally serious feeling .

  29. 我开始编制各种情节,各种场景,设置各种情绪在里面,我的脑海里是部爱情电影,演了好多遍不同的角色与故事。

    I start drawing up various details , various scene , establish various emotion in , that is a love movie in my brain , played a lot of times in different roles and stories .

  30. 这部耐人寻味的韩国悬疑爱情电影改编自村上春树的短篇小说《烧仓房》,并从威廉·福克纳的同名小说中汲取了灵感。

    This subtle South Korean romantic mystery drama is based on Barn Burning , a short story by Haruki Murakami , while also acknowledging a debt to William Faulkner 's story of the same name .