
xūn yān
  • fumigation;smoking;fume;hypatmism
熏烟[xūn yān]
  1. 在熏烟条件下,FGD系统取消GGH装置对大气污染物扩散有较大影响。

    Under the conditions of fumigation , FGD system canceling the GGH device brings about important effect on atmospheric pollutant dispersion .

  2. 在海岸线熏烟扩散模式中,Lc、He与hf的值及其相互关系是决定海岸线熏烟是否发生及其严重程度的主要参数。

    In the diffusion model of shoreline fumigation , Lc , He , hf and the correlations between them are the main parameters to decide whether there will be a serious shoreline fumigation .

  3. 熏烟1月后大鼠出现慢性气道炎症,2月后出现肺气肿的典型变化,地塞米松(DEX)能够抑制气道炎细胞浸润。

    Chronic airway inflammation were seen in wistar rats after smoking for 1 month .

  4. 从妊娠d9起,吸烟组孕大鼠在特制的半封闭动物饲养箱中熏烟,每日3次(8:00am,12:00am,4:00pm),每次持续15~20min。

    From gestational day ( GD ) 9 , at 8:00 am , 12:00 am and 4:00 pm , pregnant rats of tobacco group were subjected to cigarette smoking in a special semi-blocked chamber for 20 min.

  5. 养蚕熏烟消毒剂熏毒威的研究

    Study on smoking disinfectant Xun Du Wei for silkworm disinfection

  6. 干预组在熏烟前予以间接胆红素灌胃;

    Rats in treated group were instilled bilirubin before exposed to smoke ;

  7. 熏烟作为最普遍的调制过程而广为人知。

    The most common curing process is known as flue-curing .

  8. 三维折线图。带有三维效果的折线图艾条熏烟消毒血压计袖带的效果观察

    Observation on effect of sphygmomanometer cuff disinfected by fumigating with moxa strip

  9. 逆温破坏型熏烟浓度计算方法研究

    Study on Computational Method for Inversion Break up Fumigation

  10. 对熏烟扩散模式应用的探讨

    Research on the application of smoke dispersion model

  11. 辐射熏烟浓度预测研究

    A Study on the Prediction of Radiative Fumigation

  12. 海岸线熏烟扩散模式上海地区沿海岸线工程受相对海平面上升影响浅析

    DIFFUSION MODEL OF SHORELINE FUMIGATION Effect of sea level rising on nearshore structures and seawalls

  13. 现在,许多农夫发现大批量调制熏烟更加经济实惠。

    Today , many farmers find that bulk curing flue-cured tobacco is far more cost-effective .

  14. 海岸线熏烟污染的预测

    Prognosis of smoke pollution of coastline

  15. 主要使用在香烟制造,最普遍的熏烟类型是弗吉尼亚型烟。

    Used mainly in the manufacture of cigarettes , the most common type of flue-cured tobacco is Virginia .

  16. 因此可以认为,通过对杨木原木进行熏烟热处理,可以大大提高杨木胶合板的耐蚁,耐虫和耐生物劣化等性能。

    Consequently , smoke heat treatment technology can greatly improve the fungal and termite resistance properties of poplar plywood .

  17. 工程上应用的大气污染物扩散模式中,熏烟模式由于其非定常性而与其他扩散模式有很大的区别。

    The atmospheric pollutant dispersion models applied to engineering greatly differs from other dispersion models due to their unsteady flows .

  18. 提出预防霜冻的措施,主要包括:选择有利地形、选择抗霜冻品种、采取熏烟和夏季修剪等措施。

    Measures for protection to frost are proposed , including selecting favorable topography and frost-resistant cultivars , smoking and summer pruning .

  19. 温暖的天气、湿气,轻的降雨量和沙质,肥沃土壤提供熏烟品种四季生长。

    Flue-cured varieties require warm weather , humidity , light rainfall and a sandy , loam soil for their four-month growing season .

  20. 基于熏烟扩散模式的大气环境影响预测和评价&以湘潭县某新建炼锌厂为例

    Prediction and Assessment of Atmospheric Environmental Impact Based on Fumigation Dispersion Model & A Case Study of New Smelter at Xiangtan County

  21. 然后考虑混合层顶不规则夹卷界面的作用,应用于楠蒂科克沿岸陆上熏烟扩散问题,将模拟的地面轴线浓度与观测资料以及三个熏烟扩散预测模式的结果作了比较。

    The simulated ground-level centerline concentration of SO2 is compared with the data of observation and the results of three fumigation dispersion models .

  22. 降湿效果最好的则是熏烟+地膜覆盖、熏烟+地膜覆盖+石灰。(2)在不同的天气条件下,降湿效果晴天>阴天>雨天。

    Under different climate condition the effect on reduction of air humidity was the best in a sunny day , next cloudy and then rainy day ;

  23. 混合层高度是影响地面浓度的一个重要因子,且对高架源来说,混合层从低于排放高度发展到高于排放高度是产生熏烟现象的必要条件;

    As for an elevated point source , the height of mixing layer , growing from lower to higher than the releasing height is a necessary condition for the phenomenon of fumigation .

  24. 空气中弥漫着花朵的甜香和熏烟的浓香,灯光和烛光把夜空映成桔红色。

    The sweet scent of the flowers and the sharp smell of the 10 ) incense and wood smoke fill the air . Lamp and candle flames turn the dark night orange red .

  25. 无论在常态还是在湿润状态下,经熏烟热处理的杨木胶合板的抗剪强度与未处理胶合板相比,提高了8.2%~23.3%,并且木破率也大为增加。

    Either dry or wet condition , the shearing strength of smoke heat treated poplar plywood was higher than control group . It is about 8.2 % ~ 23.3 % . The wood failure ratio also increased largely .

  26. 熏烤肉制品熏烟成分及其有害成分的控制

    Smoked Ingredients of Smoked and Roasted Meat Products and the Control of Harmful Ingredients