
xūn kǎo
  • fire-cure
熏烤 [xūn kǎo]
  • [fire-cure] 把烟叶在无遮闭的火上熏烤,使与烟直接接触

熏烤[xūn kǎo]
  1. 研究了熏烤鲐片的加工技术。

    The Paper reported the technique for preparation of smoke-roasted mackerel fillets .

  2. 黑莓与来自熏烤橡木桶的烟熏香气。

    Aromas of blackberry and smoke with toasted oak .

  3. 熏烤乳鸽软罐头的研制

    Development of fire-cured , soft-tinned baby pigeons

  4. 不要常吃腌制或熏烤的肉。

    Eat cured or smoked meats infrequently .

  5. 这是一种盐板碎牛肉,往往稍有熏烤,再混合洋葱和面包屑。

    It was a hard slab of salted minced beef , often slightly smoked , mixed with onions and breadcrumbs .

  6. 研究人员指出还需要更深入的实验室工作,来理解阿司匹林和明火熏烤食物以及乳腺癌之间的生物学关系。

    The researchers say further lab work to better understand the biological connection between aspirin , flame-broiled foods , and breast cancer .

  7. 现在,研究人员已经找到,阿司匹林对于喜食这种烤肉的妇女可能减弱熏烤食物引起的致癌效应。

    Now , researchers have found that aspirin may reduce the cancer-causing effects of flame-broiled foods in women who eat the seared meats often .

  8. 牙买加的波士顿港是这种烤鸡的故乡。在这儿,你可以看到在大型烧烤架上熏烤的烤鸡。

    Jamaica 's Boston Bay is the home of jerk chicken , and you 'll find it being cooked there in large BBQ pits .

  9. 酸度恰到好处,口感紧实,有浓郁的热带水果香和熏烤得橡木味道,回味绵长。

    In the mouth it has a perfect acidity along with tight and focused tropical fruit flavours , finishing in a long aftertaste , highlighted by light toasty oak .

  10. 在分析淡水鱼加工特性的基础上,开发出鱼糜制品和熏烤制品两类鱼产品,并对其工艺过程、加工条件进行了较为深入的技术研究。

    On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of freshwater fish processsing , two fish products , fish congee and smoked ones , were developed , and indepth technical studies made as for their processes and processing conditions .

  11. 幸福是一股新车的味道是远离恐惧的自由是一个在路边的广告牌上面写着让你放心做自己正在做的事的话语…所以没事的你们也会挺过这一关被熏烤过的(干杯庆祝)我明白了

    Happiness is the smell of a new car . It 's freedom from fear . It 's a billboard on the side of the road that screams with reassurance that whatever you ' re doing ... it 's okay . You are okay . It 's toasted . I get it .

  12. 食物搭配:烤牛菲力,熏火腿,烤禽,小牛肝。

    Food Matching : toasted beef fillet , braised ham , roast poultry , calf livers .

  13. 艾肯.培根在烘熏猪肉。他烤熏的猪肉是从梅肯买进。所以他是在烘梅肯熏猪肉。

    Aiken Bacon was baking bacon . The bacon he was baking was bought in Macon . So he was making baked Macon bacon .