
huá shuǐ
  • water ski;water-skiing;aquaplane
滑水 [huá shuǐ]
  • [water-skiing] 用滑水板在水面上滑行,尤其作为一种运动

滑水[huá shuǐ]
  1. 朱莉娅不喜欢玩滑水吗?

    Wouldn 't Julia love to aquaplane ?

  2. 然后我们把它像滑水板一样猛推过水池。

    Then we shoved it across the tank like an aquaplane .

  3. 用带子把滑水板绑在船顶后,我们就在多佛登上了气垫船。

    Strapping the skis on the roof , we boarded the hovercraft in Dover

  4. 一队世界上最优秀的滑水运动员将一展身手。

    A group of the world 's best waterskiers will be going through their paces .

  5. 任何一个滑水爱好者都能在几小时内做成一副滑水橇。

    Any water-skiing enthusiast can knock up a pair of skis in a few hours .

  6. 彼得主动提出教他们滑水。

    Peter offered to teach them water-skiing

  7. 工作人员会很乐意为您安排游泳、航行或是滑水等活动。

    The staff will be happy to help arrange for you to swim , sail , or water-ski .

  8. 船牵引滑水(Wakeboarding)是一项相对较新的运动,它融滑水和溜冰板于一身。

    Wakeboarding is a relatively new sport : a mix between water-skiing and skateboarding .

  9. 一位驻香港的经济学家及投资顾问霍安斯(enziovonpfeil)形容香港特区是“中国快艇后面的滑水板”。

    Enzio von Pfeil , a Hong Kong-based economist and investment adviser , describes the territory as " the water-ski off the back of the Chinese speedboat " .

  10. 游泳和滑水者,也纵情于水中。

    Swimmers and water skiers also revel in the wet stuff .

  11. 实用于白昼外出远足,钓鱼,滑水。

    This is ideal for Day Outings , Fishing and Waterskiing .

  12. 我有空去湖滨滑水。

    I have time off to go skiing at the lake .

  13. 你何时有空可以去滑水?

    When will you have some free time to go waterskiing ?

  14. 很多人来避暑胜地滑水。

    Many people come to the summer resort to water ski .

  15. 她是滑水运动健将。

    She 's a practised exponent of the sport of water-skiing .

  16. 关于国际滑水跳跃滑竞赛成绩计算方法刍议

    Views on the Method of Calculating Results in International Jump-Ski Competitions

  17. 你们这些家伙总是错过了最好的滑水课。

    You guys missed the greatest water-ski lesson of all time .

  18. 从资源管理区的意义和作用谈广西贺县滑水冲保护区的经营管理问题

    The management of the natural protected area in Hexian hua-shui-chong , Guangxi

  19. 供驾驶帆船、滑水、赤身潜泳的极好设施。

    Excellent facilities for sailing , water-skiing , and skin-diving .

  20. 我穿这双鞋好像鸭子在滑水。

    I look like a duck waddling in these shoes .

  21. 哪些单词可以用来描述冲浪或者滑水运动?

    What words can you use to describe surfing or water skiing ?

  22. 胎面单元对轮胎粘性滑水性能影响分析

    Analysis for the Effect of Tread Element on Tyre Viscous Hydroplaning Performance

  23. 尾波滑水板看起来像是滑雪板,但是它比较短,也更宽一些。

    A wakeboard looks like a snowboard , only shorter and wider .

  24. 首届世界大学生滑水锦标赛下月举行

    First World University Water-Skiing Championship to be Held Next Month

  25. 这是他在“富人湖”里滑水。

    And here he is water-skiing on " Lake rich person . "

  26. 我的朋友们喜欢在他们的滑水板上绕着湖向人们炫耀。

    My friends love to showboat around the lake on their water-skis .

  27. 我知道游泳、冲浪、跳水、滑水和赛艇。

    I know swimming , surfing , diving , water-skiing , and rowing .

  28. 滑水运动真正激发出汤姆的活力与激情。

    Waterskiing really brings out the animal in Tom .

  29. 抗滑水轮胎技术的新发展

    New Technological Development of Anti slip Property of Tyre on Watery Road Surface

  30. 把这些运动结合在一起,就是尾波滑水。

    Combine all those sports and you get wakeboarding .