
pá shǒu
  • pickpocket;shoplifter
扒手 [pá shǒu]
  • [pickpocket] 偷窃他人所携带钱物的人

扒手[pá shǒu]
  1. 扒手在地铁里偷走了我的钱包。

    The pickpocket stole my purse in the subway .

  2. 这个扒手在行窃时被当场拿住。

    The pickpocket was caught in the act .

  3. 拥挤的市场是扒手大展身手的好地方。

    Crowded markets are a happy hunting ground for pickpockets .

  4. 在布鲁塞尔机场,他被扒手盯上,钱包被偷走了。

    At Brussels airport he fell victim to pickpockets who pinched his wallet .

  5. 提防扒手。

    Be on your guard against pickpockets .

  6. 商店的员工们总是警惕着冒充顾客来行窃的扒手。

    The staff are always on the watch for shoplifters .

  7. 他警告我提防扒手。

    He warned me against pickpockets .

  8. 扒手偷了她的皮夹子跑了。

    The pickpocket pinched her purse and ran away .

  9. 第四部分……n.扒手多数的扒手通常在人群中动手。

    Part 4 ...... pickpocket Most pickpockets usually work in crowds of people .

  10. 布朗说他曾在一个特别美好的夜晚在伦敦特拉法加广场(TrafalgarSquare)的酒吧外观察扒手。

    Brown says he spent a particularly fascinating night observing pickpockets outside nightclubs in London 's Trafalgar Square .

  11. 这是一种新型安全摄像头,配有AI系统,可以检测到疑似商店扒手的行为。

    This is a new type of security camera that is backed up with an AI system that can detect behaviors attributed to shoplifters .

  12. 据英国BBC网站报道,卡罗琳·威廉姆斯(CarolineWilliams)称扒手不仅手法熟练,还熟知你大脑思维的弱点。

    Pickpockets use much more than sleight of hand , says Caroline Williams , they hack your brain 's weaknesses .

  13. 她应该知道:作为美国亚利桑那州(Arizona)视觉神经学实验室(LaboratoryofVisualNeuroscience)的研究人员,她已经研究过美国拉斯维加斯(LasVegas)表演扒手阿波罗·罗宾斯(ApolloRobbins)的表演伎俩。

    She should know : as a researcher at the Laboratory of Visual Neuroscience in Arizona , she has studied how Las Vegas stage pickpocket Apollo Robbins performs his tricks .

  14. AIGuardman对扒手在不同种类的商店使用的不同惯用伎俩了熟于心。比如说扒手会在超市里寻找盲点,或者在书店里不停地查看周围的环境。

    AI Guardman is aware of the different techniques commonly used by shoplifters in different types of stores , such as looking for blindspots in supermarkets or constantly checking one 's surroundings in bookstores .

  15. 德尚说,为了帮助保护中国游客、打消他们心头的顾虑,这座城市已经在艾菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫(Louvre)等广受欢迎的景点加强了安保措施,并在巴黎地铁上用普通话警告乘客小心扒手。

    To help protect and reassure Chinese tourists , Mr. Deschamps said , the city has beefed up security at popular sites like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre , while instituting warnings in Mandarin to be vigilant against pickpockets on the Paris Metro .

  16. 最佳真人短片由《扒手莫扎特》获得。导演PhilippePollet-Villard的领奖致辞是这样开头的:“我其实不太会说英语。”

    Philippe Pollet-Villard , director of " Le Mozart des Pickpockets ( The Mozart of Pickpockets )," which won for live action short , kicked off his acceptance speech with " I don 't really speak English . "

  17. 我们看到那个扒手被带进警察局。

    We watched the pick-pocket being taken into the police office .

  18. 警察跟踪追击一名扒手终于把他逮住了。

    The policeman ran after a pickpocket and eventually caught him .

  19. 该店已采取措施防止扒手。

    The store has taken measures to guard against shoplifters .

  20. 扒手将他的钱包偷走了。

    Some light-fingered rogue has relieved him of his wallet .

  21. 在公交车上我们要小心扒手。

    We must be on our guard against pickpockets on a bus .

  22. 该商店侦探告诉冒充顾客进商店行窃的扒手,他已被发现了。

    The store detective told the shoplifter that the game was up .

  23. 一个扒手能够用锋利的刀子把皮带割断。

    A pickpocket can cut through the straps with a sharp knife .

  24. 拥挤的商品出售场地是扒手的天堂。

    The crowded sales floors are a happy hunting ground for pickpockets .

  25. 我是领了,但扒手扒走了我的皮夹。

    I did , but a pickpocket stole my wallet .

  26. 在公共场合我们被警告预防扒手。

    We are warned of pickpockets in many public places .

  27. 拿好你的手提包,周围有扒手。

    Hang onto your handbags , there are pickpockets around .

  28. 要提高警惕,这里有扒手。

    Be on guard . There are pickpockets around here .

  29. 人群中一个扒手把巴里的钱包和护照偷走了。

    In the crowd a pickpocket took barry 's wallet and passport .

  30. 歹徒、杀人犯和扒手遍布大街小巷,人们陷入一片恐慌

    Gangsters , murderers , thieves and fear are on the streets .