
fú wù tái
  • service/information/reception desk/counter
  1. 服务台刚刚打电话来说我的客人到了。

    Reception just rang through to say my visitor has arrived .

  2. 你可以试着给服务台打个电话。

    You might try calling the help desk .

  3. 离开前请把钥匙留在服务台。

    Leave your keys at reception before departure .

  4. 他到服务台进行了预订。

    He went to the desk to make a reservation

  5. 我跟服务台的女孩说了一下。

    I spoke to the girl on the reception desk

  6. 她按了一下服务台的蜂鸣器。

    She rang a buzzer at the information desk .

  7. 入口处设有服务台,加之友好、热心与高效的服务人员,营造了这家商店的整体氛围。

    The service desk at the entrance , with its friendly , helpful and efficient staff , sets the tone for the rest of the store .

  8. 你们可把箱子存在服务台。

    You can check your suitcases in at the desk .

  9. 爸爸在服务台结账时,我们往车上装东西。

    We loaded the car while father checked out at the desk .

  10. 甚至还“视察”了服务台。

    They even checked out the information desk .

  11. 有一天,他感觉不舒服,便来到旅馆服务台向服务员咨询:“我想看病,你能帮我找一位好医生吗?”

    One day he was not feeling well , so he went to the clerk at the desk of his hotel and said , " I want to see doctor . Can you give me the name of a good one ? "

  12. 上海服务台ServiceDesk将需要重新投资。

    The shanghai Service Desk will be a new investment ;

  13. B但是你可以在旅馆服务台订票。这要容易得多!

    But you can book tickets at the hotel reception . It 's much easier !

  14. 讨论了具有单个服务台和K(K≥1)类顾客循环来到的排队系统。

    The multi-class cyclic arrival queueing systems with a server are considered .

  15. 通常,旅馆服务台的工作人员会表示同情并做出安慰:Pleasedon'tworry。

    Usually , hotel reception staff will be sympathetic and reassuring : Please don 't worry .

  16. 各带有buffer的两并行不同服务台的路径最优策略

    Optimal Routing of a Network of Two Paralleled Servers with Individual Buffer

  17. 服务台由N个部件串联的M/G/1(E,MV)可修排队系统的平稳分布

    Equilibrium Distribution of Repairable Queueing System with Units Series Structure

  18. 服务台可修的M/G/1排队系统&一些新的可靠性指标

    Some New Reliability Quantities on M / G / 1 Queueing System with Repairable Service Station

  19. 在服务台处问候客人,可以礼貌地说:WelcometoBeijingHotel(欢迎您入住北京饭店)。

    To greet someone at the reception , it is polite to say : Welcome to Beijing Hotel .

  20. 本模型根据排队理论将顾客、队列、服务台抽象为不同的Agent,并引入了管理Agent。

    The customer , queue and server were abstracted as different agents in the simulation model , and a management agent was advanced .

  21. B:你可以给服务台打电话,或者如果您愿意,我记下来,替您去订。

    B : Just ask for the room service on the phone , or I can make a note of it if you like .

  22. 服务台可修的成批到达PR排队系统分析

    Analysis of the PR repairable queueing system with batch arrivals

  23. 本课题首次考虑研究了服务台具有多种状态的可修M/G/1排队系统。

    This paper first concerned repairable queueing system M / G / 1 with the situation of several kinds of state .

  24. 考虑了ATM网络中单服务台两不同优先权类别的排队问题。

    Here we consider a single server , two-priority classes of customs in ATM network .

  25. 要找医生,客人可以请旅馆服务台帮忙:Excuseme,isitpossibletoseeadoctor?

    To get a doctor , a guest can ask at hotel reception : Excuse me , is it possible to see a doctor ?

  26. Jeff尖叫着跳下床,只穿着内衣,暴跳如雷地沿着走廊跑向服务台。

    Screaming , he ran from his bed , clad only in his undies .

  27. 基于AQM有多类数据流输入的多服务台节点模型

    A node model with multi-class of traffic and multi-server based on AQM

  28. 考虑服务台由N个不同部件串联而成的M/G/1可修排队系统,其中服务台正常当且仅当N个部件都正常。

    We consider the M / G / 1 repairable queueing system with N units series structure , in which it operates if and only if all of the N units operate .

  29. 如需进一步协助,请去的EAM帮助或服务台。

    For further assistance , please go to EAM Help or Service Desk .

  30. Comments允许您对配置文件做注解,而不影响不配置,比如指示记载共享信息的服务台票证。

    Comments let you make annotations to the configuration file that don 't affect the configuration , such as to indicate the help desk ticket that documents the share .