
huá bǎn
  • Skate;saddle;chute board;return board;return bottom
滑板[huá bǎn]
  1. 内德驾驶的卡车差点撞到一个滑滑板的金发少年,他猛打方向盘才躲了过去。

    Suddenly Ned swerved the truck , narrowly missing a blond teenager on a skateboard .

  2. 滑板运动是目前最时兴的玩意儿。

    Skateboards are the latest craze .

  3. 清单上的其他事情还包括上电视,认识他最喜欢的体育明星,在外国生活,滑着滑板下山,参加世界杯,以及在欧洲各地背包旅行。

    Other things on the list include being on TV , meeting his favorite sports star , living in a foreign country , skateboarding down a mountain , attending the World Cup , and backpacking across Europe .

  4. 通过沿升降台移动滑板,沿水平轴线进给

    Traffic movements through two mobile skateboards , along horizontal axis feed . 2

  5. 小拉尔夫踏着滑板滑过。男孩子们躲在树后看着他

    Ralph , Jr. skateboards by . The teenagers watch him from behind the tree .

  6. 我去年试着玩滑板,但这个运动真的不适合我!

    I had a go at skateboarding last year – it 's definitely not for me !

  7. 正在进行的东京奥运会上,滑板项目取得了一些创纪录的成绩。首先,滑板项目在奥运会上首次亮相。其次,日本选手西矢椛成为史上第一位奥运会女子滑板冠军。

    The ongoing , Japan ’ s Nishiya Momiji became the first ever women ’ s Olympic skateboarding champion .

  8. 收集运动鞋这种爱好通常通过特定体育运动所需运动鞋的使用和收集体现出来,特别是篮球鞋和滑板鞋。

    Sneaker collecting is a hobby often manifested by the use and collection of shoes made for particular sports , particularly basketball and skateboarding .

  9. 回收废旧PE和PP塑料生产防滑板的工艺开发

    Development a Anti-slip Panel Production Technology for Recycling Waste PE and PP Plastic Films

  10. 金属铝纤维引入对不烧Al2O3-Al-C滑板中温性能和显微结构的影响

    Influence of Aluminum Fiber on Middle-Temperature Performance and Microstructure of Unburned Al_2O_3-Al-C Slide Gate Plate

  11. 试图垄断悬浮滑板商品市场的公司推出的产品还有Hovertrax,Cyboard和FutureFoot。

    Among the other products companies are using in an attempt to corner the market are the Hovertrax , Cyboard and Future Foot .

  12. 金属Al-Si复合不烧铝碳滑板材料的热机械性能及显微结构

    Thermomechanical properties and microstructure of Al-Si metal contained unfired Al_2O_3-C slide plate material

  13. 斜率传感器装在X向滑板上,而晶片固定在可绕Z轴转动的主轴上。

    The slope sensor is mounted on a linear X-carriage and the wafer on a spindle with its rotational axis along the Z-axis .

  14. 假设FluffyBoards销售部门使用XML存储每个滑板的评论。

    Suppose one use of XML in the Fluffy Boards marketing department is to store reviews for each board .

  15. 利用铝碳滑板再生料制备ASC砖

    Preparation of ASC Brick with Reproductive Al_2O_3-C Slide Plate

  16. 展览包括一部关于一匹白马的3-D电影,以及一个带镜子的活动坡道,孩子们可以在上面玩滑板,作品来自伯奇与其他艺术家。

    It included a 3-D film of a white horse and a mirrored ramp that children could skate on , and mixed Mr. Birch 's creations with works from other artists .

  17. 1999年,位于洛杉矶的游戏工作室Neversoft凭借《职业滑板高手》(TonyHawk’sProSkater)在PlayStation时代一鸣惊人。

    LA studio Neversoft produced its first hit of the PlayStation era , Tony Hawk 's Pro Skater , in 1999 .

  18. 最后,基于MATLAB和Visualc++平台,利用数字图像处理技术,设计实现滑板图像的检测原理及相关算法,检测和定位滑板的上下边缘。

    Finally , based on the MATLAB and Visual C + + platform , the image processing technology that included the detection theory and related algorithms was used to detected and located the edge of pantograph .

  19. 他过着双重生活,白天在上西区的德怀特私立学校(DwightSchool)上课,晚上滑着滑板,在市中心涂鸦或聚会。

    He lived on two tracks , spending days at the private Dwight School on the Upper West Side , and nights on a skateboard , scrawling graffiti and partying downtown .

  20. SeanBurke说,对有的人来说,滑板只是每周做一次孩子的机会。

    Sean Burke says for some , skateboarding is a chance just to be a kid for a couple of hours a week .

  21. 悬浮滑板生产商IOHawk和PhunkeeDuck之间也就究竟谁最先发明了悬浮滑板而发生争端。

    There has also been a dispute between makers of the IO Hawk and PhunkeeDuck hoverboards over who invented the vehicle in the first place .

  22. 以Ti3SiC2系导电陶瓷材料在高速列车受电弓滑板的应用为背景,对Ti3SiC2材料的摩擦-磨损行为及相关机理进行了研究。

    In order to apply the conductive Ti_3SiC_ 2-class ceramics to fabricate the pantograph strip of high-speed train , the friction and wear behaviours as well as the relevant mechanisms of a Ti_3SiC_2 material were investigated .

  23. roll字面意思表示带轮子的东西(如车,滑板),它表示移动,所以当你说Igottaroll,就表示你要离开了。

    While roll literally is used for things with wheels ( car , skateboard ), it means to make movement , so when you say I gotta roll , it means that you need to move .

  24. 利用超高相对分子质量聚乙烯(PEUHMW)优越的耐磨性和低的相对摩擦系数特性,制备滑板和托辊在带式输送机上替代钢制托辊。

    Sliding plates and idlers for ribbon conveyors were prepared by ultra high molecular weight polyethylene ( PE-UHMW ) with abrasive resistance and lower friction coefficient to substitute those made of steel .

  25. 此外,还提出了利用SAP2000中的摩擦摆非线性连接件来模拟弹性滑板的方法。

    Furthermore , the way of simulating elastic sliding plat by the non-linear linker of friction pendulum in SAP2000 is advanced .

  26. 研究了金属Al-Si复合不烧铝碳滑板材料的热态抗折强度、弯曲应力-应变关系和抗热震性,并利用XRD、SEM和EDAX对其物相组成和显微结构进行了分析。

    Hot modulus of rupture , bending stress-strain relationship and thermal shock resistance of Al-Si metal contained unfired Al_2O_3-C slide plate material were studied and phase composition and microstructure of the material were examined by XRD , SEM and EDAX .

  27. 但ArxPax的磁力引擎完全被安置在悬浮物体中,所需的基础设施只是一块能导电的平面,比如在悬浮滑板演示视频中使用的镀铜U型场地。

    But Arx Pax 's magnetic engine is entirely contained within the object being levitated , and the only required infrastructure is a conductive surface , such as the copper-lined halfpipe used to demo the hoverboard .

  28. AXS是台湾的极限运动频道,报导关于冲浪、滑板、艺术人文以及相关资讯。

    AXS is an extreme sports channel focusing on surfing , skating , art , music and other related topics .

  29. 该公司首席执行官格雷格o亨德森介绍称,实现悬浮滑板的技术是一种全新的磁悬浮手段,ArxPax将其称作“磁场架构”,它将给许多领域带来革新。

    According to CEO Greg Henderson , the technology that makes the hoverboard possible - a new kind of magnetic levitation that Arx Pax labels Magnetic Field Architecture - has wide-ranging , transformative implications .

  30. 悬浮滑板公司向肯达尔·詹娜(KendallJenner)这样的美国明星发放免费样车,以在竞争激烈的市场中争夺更多的份额、利用名人效应提高本公司产品的知名度。

    American stars such as Kendall Jenner are being sent free samples of the boards by companies scrambling for market share and using celebrity endorsement to raise awareness of their products in a crowded marketplace .