
  • 网络Woyang;woyang county;Guoyang;Guoyang County
  1. 安徽省亳州涡阳县近日发生丙肝人群聚集性感染事件,安徽省卫生部门调查称此次感染是由不安全注射引起的。

    Hepatitis C epidemic has broken out in Woyang county in Bozhou , Anhui Province , and may have been caused by unsafe injections , said local health authorities .

  2. 安徽省涡阳县农村社区卫生服务需求

    Investigation on health service demand of rural residents in Guoyang county , Anhui province

  3. 并结合涡阳县浅孔闸的工程实例详细分析了过去检测技术和加固技术存在的问题;

    And unified Guoyang County shallow Kong Zha the project example multianalysis past to examine technical and the reinforcement technology existence question ;