
wō lún jī
  • turbine;turbomachinery
  1. 变参数PID方法在涡轮机闭环控制上的应用研究

    Application of Variable-Parameter PID Control to Closed Loop Control for Torpedo Turbine Engine

  2. 电机用闭式循环冷却器变参数PID方法在涡轮机闭环控制上的应用研究

    Closed circuit cooler for electric machine Application of Variable-Parameter PID Control to Closed Loop Control for Torpedo Turbine Engine

  3. 风力涡轮机个头大、噪音响,还会破坏周边风景。

    Wind turbines are large and noisy and they disfigure the landscape .

  4. 涡轮机后特殊的燃气分配截流阀、燃气管线和燃气反推控制喷口系统被首次用于火箭E段的控制。

    A system of special gas distribution throttles , gas lines and control gas-reaction nozzles behind the turbine was first used for control on unit E.

  5. 部分摩天大楼的屋顶设计了风力涡轮机,用来风力发电,例如伦敦的斯特拉塔(StrataTower)。

    Some towers " tops are now designated for wind turbines to harness wind energy , such as the Strata Tower in London .

  6. 之后基于线性矩阵不等式(LMI)方法,求解得到了涡轮机系统的鲁棒状态反馈控制器。

    And the state feedback controller was designed based on the LMI ( Linear Matrix Inequality ) theory .

  7. 德国西门子公司(SiemensAG)周一承诺在天然气和风力涡轮机、火车和其它设备上投入30亿欧元(约合41.7亿美元)。

    Germany 's Siemens AG on Monday pledged ¢ 3 billion ( $ 4.17 billion ) for gas and wind turbines , trains and other equipment .

  8. 介绍了几种小规模热电联供(combinedheatandpower,简称CHP)技术(往复式发动机、微型涡轮机、史特林发动机、燃料电池)的特点。

    The features of several kinds of small-scale combined heat and power ( CHP ) technologies such as reciprocating engine , micro turbine and fuel cell were introduced .

  9. 以发动机制造商劳斯莱斯(rolls-royce)为例,在以很低的利润率出售其航空涡轮机之后,它实际上是靠提供备件、后续服务及维护服务赚钱。

    For example , engine maker Rolls-Royce essentially generates its profit from spares , service and maintenance once it has sold its aviation turbines for little return .

  10. 但repower将继续在中国采购某些涡轮机配件。

    REpower will still source some turbine components in China .

  11. 美国市值最高的企业集团通用电气(ge)与中国公司合作,成立了一家在华销售风力涡轮机的合资公司,希望能够更深入地渗透到这一快速增长的市场中。

    General Electric , the largest conglomerate in the US by market capitalisation , has established a joint venture with a Chinese company to sell wind turbines in China as it seeks to penetrate more deeply into the fast-growing market .

  12. 另一项研究显示,聚焦式太阳能发电系统(即使用太阳的能量来加热液体,以驱动涡轮机,简称CSP)能够满足“目前相当大一部分能源需求。”

    The other indicates that concentrating solar power , which uses the sun 's energy to heat up a liquid that drives a turbine , could supply " a substantial amount of current energy demand . "

  13. 专门设计用于应对发电行业特定挑战的Ovation系统还将接入现有的BHEL锅炉和涡轮机控制系统。

    The Ovation system , designed to meet the specific challenges of the power generation industry , will also interface to existing BHEL boiler and turbine controls .

  14. 3D打印机MakerBotReplicator2的神奇之处就在于它能够打印出任何你能想到的塑胶模型,例如儿童玩具、风力涡轮机的齿轮、或是与你自己的臀部完美贴合的臀模。

    The MakerBot Replicator 2 offers the remarkable ability to print out a 3-D plastic model of just about anything you can imagine : a child 's toy , a gear for a wind turbine , or a perfectly rendered model of your own butt .

  15. 矿商兼贸易商嘉能可(Glencore)在加丹加省有多个大型项目,它的合作伙伴们将自掏腰包提供3.68亿美元贷款,修复因加2号水电站停转的涡轮机,以增加发电量。

    Glencore , the miner-cum-trader that has several big projects in Katanga and its partners are lending $ 368m out of its own pocket to rehabilitate the turbines of Inga 2 as a way to increase electricity production .

  16. 中国经济研究机构龙洲经讯(gavekaldragonomics)认为,中国已经掀起了“第二波”出口浪潮,包括挖掘机和涡轮机等。

    Gavekal Dragonomics , the China economics research firm , argues that a " second wave " of exports from China has begun , consisting of excavators and turbines .

  17. 中期的研究结果为:使用Ni基超合金单晶TMS-138铸造燃气轮机空心动叶片,进行地面装机试验,涡轮机入口处燃气温度达到1650℃;

    The researches in mid-term show : when the ground assembling test was carried out using the Ni-based superalloy single crystal ( TMS-138 ) for producing hollow blade cast , the gas temperature at the inlet of the turbine is up to 1 650 ℃;

  18. 结果涡轮机钻法手术时间(平均21min)明显比劈冠法(平均38min)短(P<0.05)。

    Results Operation by turbine drill spent less time than that by traditional chisel ( average 21 min vs average 38 min , P < 0.05 ) .

  19. 根据航空涡轮发动机与电厂燃气涡轮机(UGT)在尺寸、运转环境和负载要求方面的重大差异,讨论了UGT叶片和导向叶片用单晶合金的成分、力学性能和抗氧化与热腐蚀性能。

    In this paper , the composition , mechanical properties and corrosion / oxidation resistance of SC alloy for UGT blades and vanes are discussed according to the significant difference between aeroturbines and UGT in size , operating environment and duty requirements .

  20. 上周,亚特兰蒂斯资源有限公司成功地将世界上最大的潮汐涡轮机AK1000部署在位于苏格兰奥克尼的欧洲海洋能源中心的35米深的水中。

    Last week , the Atlantis Resources Corporation successfully deployed the world 's largest tidal turbine , the AK1000 , in35 meters of water at the European Marine Energy Centre in Orkney , Scotland .

  21. 船用涡轮机叶片的有效减振装置&松拉筋

    An effective damping device for marine turbine blades & damping wires

  22. 涡轮机管道系统消毒方法的探讨

    Stadies on sterilization method for the tube system in dental air-turbines

  23. 电涡流式振动位移传感器应用和运行分析辐流-轴流式涡轮机

    Analysis on Operation and Application of Eddy Current Vibration Displacement Transducer

  24. 涡轮机的故障致使飞机坠毁。

    The crash was caused by a problem from the turbine .

  25. 驱动发电机的能量来自涡轮机。

    The energy to operate electric generators comes from a turbine .

  26. 用锤击法测定涡轮机叶片轮盘组合体模型的振动特性

    Measuring Vibration Behaviour of Gasturbine Blade-disc Assembly Models by Impulse Excitation

  27. 当地人最初警告说,涡轮机将会产生过多噪音。

    Locals initially fretted that the turbines would be too noisy .

  28. 基于数值试验的微型管道式涡轮机设计及性能预测

    Design and Performance Forecasting of Micro-channels Turbine Based on Numerical Test

  29. 用于燃气涡轮机高温测量的光纤高温计

    Optical Fiber Sensor for High Speed Gas - fired Temperature Measurement

  30. 水下航行器燃气涡轮机主要结构类型的分析

    Analysis of main structure type of the underwater vehicle 's gas turbine